Almost Self-Reliant
I would imagine that if she has been separated from the flock for a period of time, she will have lost status and may experience an attitude adjustment. But, yeah, it sounds like you have done enough gradual integrating. Time to let her loose and see how she does.Ok, I am comfortable doing this. I have kept the door open between her pen and the rest of the run all day yesterday and no one seemed to have any marks or injuriesI am going to open it all up this afternoon. They will be 5 weeks old this Sat, so they gotta learn and there is more than enough space, roosts, feed/waterers and hiding spots in the run with space for 25 and I only have 12 counting the chicks.
Let her run free in the coop and roost too? If I didn't have to enclose her my life would be amazing. Mama hen takes them to a nesting box now so they aren't on the floor.