Mini Horses
Sustainability Master
I think a hen and chicks is some of the most amazing and loving animal habit watches there can be.
. Constant talking, training and care by hen. I love to watch them.

Glad she is ok! Stinks when animals get old.Well, I think my Rachel did not ised the stairs this morning. When I went to open the side to for more air to flow since it was not going to be cold, noticed her limping. Grabbed her and check her bottom of her feet, did a full legs and thighs or hip check and nothing broken. Made her a warm bath with Epsom salt for any muscle aches and kept her in my bathroom. She complained all day. By this afternoon she was walking fine and was able to scratch with both feet,lol She gave me a good scare. None have been sick in 2 yrs. They are just getting old,lol
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How many peeps you got? I would love to see some pictures.Mama hen did it! She ditched the crate and found the corner she wants in the coop. She also got them outside today, settled right in the feeder and waterer I put on the ground for them AND got all 3 right back up the patio blocks and into the coop! It was a good day. I think all is going to be ok.
She ended up hatching 3!How many peeps you got? I would love to see some pictures.