Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
Denim Deb said:
Bee, I hear you on wanting to write. That's what I want to do as well. But, in order for me to do that, I need to get my life organized. My main problem, there are days when I just can't seem to get going. I'm seriously wondering if I might be low on vitamin D, and am thinking of getting some blood work done to check for it. Plus at times, I just feel so overburdened. And quite truthfully, I thought about leaving when the others did.

But, I need this forum. I need the contact w/other Christians who are more like me than any of the ones I know in RL. Y'all don't know how much your support means to me. I find strength here that I get from no place else. I see the people in church on Sunday, and maybe Wednesday. I can't imagine calling any of them on the phone and just talking and sharing the way I do here. Most of them wouldn't understand. Plus, I hate to feel like I'm bothering someone. But on here, I can "talk" to my heart's content. People can read or not read, as they choose. They can give me the encouragement that I need, and I can do the same for them. Many of us have the same hopes, dreams and desires, so that gives us a bond that I lack in RL. Maybe if I live someplace else, I have it in RL, but for now, I cannot leave the area that I'm in. Plus, w/my MD, I'm not sure it would be wise. Other places might have triggers that are worse than what I deal w/here.
Deb you are SO RIGHT about the contact with other Christians here, and the differences between being at church on Sundays and being able to come here and really share your heart. Soo true!
Viatamin D deficiency is one thing to look for, and magnesium is another, I have recently learned. I have been taking both and really do seem to be coming back up some.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
We all need to support each other even more in these hard times. :hugs

I think a book with an interesting subject like yours will be a GREAT way to minister to people and to help others to come to the Lord.

Get'er done girl! :thumbsup


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I too would encourage you to get that book done sister!! There are folks who need something like that YESTERDAY! I have often thought of having a class at our church as well, but not sure if there would be much interest. Alot of our members are well off so to speak financially and likely wouldn't be interested. There are a few who struggle, but most are making it fine in good jobs with pretty decent job security and benefits. Over the last couple years we have done EVERYTING to keep afloat, and God has continually provided a way even when we couldn't see a way. No doubt He always will, but it helps to know what's out there, and be willing to do it. Alot of folks never think outside the box, and that's what I like about you're always thinking outside the box, and finding new ways to make things work for you. It's yeah, get 'er done!!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Wanna, you may be right about the church ladies not wanting to participate in a ministry that requires work on their part....the church I've attended for the past 5 years was just that way. They had this attitude of "we worked all our lives and now live comfortably on our money and everyone else can just do the same if they want to live comfortably" feelings of wanting to truly help those with little because, darn it, if they just wanted it bad enough they could do better in the world!

The preacher even admitted that his church members hadn't really had any hardship in their lives, including himself, and didn't understand anyone who does....I asked him if that wasn't his job to enlighten them? :rolleyes:

Thank you for your support and I will definitely keep you all apprised when the website goes up and want you all to visit it, if you will, and blog about what you'd like to know in a book of that nature. The website will contain excerpts of the book, pics of the homesteading we did, etc. The more interest I have in the book via website, the more likely I'll be to get published...publishers like to know that you already have a market for your book if they intend to invest in it. The website will be part of that proof of interest by the public and a need for the information. They call it "having a platform".

Thank you all again!!!! :weee :woot


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 15, 2011
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BeeKissed, oh how exciting :ya :clap :ya God's blessing will be with you and looking forward to reading your book. Please keep us posted.


Power Conserver
Jun 17, 2011
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Lehigh Acres, Florida
I want to ask those churches to plant and grow food for their members who made be in need and for those in the community that surely are. I want them to help those women who are raising children by theirselves and ask the men to mentor those children, ask the churches to be more aware of the need in their own communities for this kind of closeness and fellowship in these hard times.
Every. single. Church. in the country should be doing this! And shame on those who don't!

I live in a HOA and quite a few months ago my DD (who is on disability) ordered some silky eggs to hatch. I thought it was a great idea as it would get her out of the house more and myself and my boarder set to building a really nice coop for them. My neighbor reported it to code enforcement and they made us get rid of the 4 sikies and told us we had to have a permit for the coop. (think engineering drawings @ $400 plus $50 for permit) So I rehomed the chicks and sold the coop. BUT in the process I met several Christian ladies locally (one who also lost her chickens) and the other is head of a gardening club. In the midst of all that fuss found out about a church here who is putting together a community garden on the lot next door so my donation to that was all the chicken manure I had saved up to compost.
So now we have a facebook community and one group saves seeds to donate to an overseas country (which is wonderful but I really think they should do it locally) So, all in all, the whole chicken fiasco just broadened my horizons and made me even more determined to get some land and be more self sufficient. I have put in an offer on 5 acres with house nearby but it is a short sale so I am patiently waiting. I have asked my kids for a pressure cooker for Christmas but DD said "no, no kitcheny things for christmas" wahhhh! so I will have to find one by myself. I have printed out recipies for soap and make your own wine ;) and I already know how to sew, knit, cook, hammer a nail, fix drywall, install tile and wood flooring and whatever else I can't think of. My ex passed away 2 years ago, I have always done everything for myself and my kids.
I really feel that God has led me to this point (it's been a long and amazing journey) and not only me, but my daughter as well, have been searching for years now for people of the same heart and mind as us. Who knows what God has planned for us next :lol:


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Bee that book done!!! I want to buy one of the first copies!!! I pray that God will lead you in the right direction and give you the prosperity you need!!!

DD, I considered leaving too but like you said I cant name very many people who are Strong Christians and Homestead at the same time. SO this is very good place for it!!!

Praises be to God for this thread existing!!!

:weee :weee :weee :weee


Power Conserver
Jun 17, 2011
Reaction score
Lehigh Acres, Florida
BarredBuff said:
Bee that book done!!! I want to buy one of the first copies!!! I pray that God will lead you in the right direction and give you the prosperity you need!!!

DD, I considered leaving too but like you said I cant name very many people who are Strong Christians and Homestead at the same time. SO this is very good place for it!!!

Praises be to God for this thread existing!!!
You guys actually considered leaving? this thread? or SS forum?

It will only get stronger you know! I feel it in my heart. If I may share something that has been on my daughters and my heart for a few years now....ever since we lived in a womens shelter for several months. We want a place..acreage where we can have other women come and stay and share the word. originally we thought it would be another womens shelter but we need a place big enough and no where is there funding for that as it takes a large building to accomidate all of them so we decided It would be just a safe place and everyone would contribute, only in labor not $, strengthening each other and having fun and laughter and peace. The ministry we have been with is based out of ohio and we miss very much the fellowship and love they all gave out every day, and the teachings! One in particular is a farmer up there and has lots of chickens and crops.....his teachings always hit home with true to real life and everything we need
God will provide

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