Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Woodland Woman said:
The part that stood out to me were the last 2 verses in the chapter:

Galatians 1:23-24
They only heard the report:"The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy." And they praised God because of me.

The fact that the formerly persecuted Christians were amazed and quick to forgive Paul shows the love true Christians give. Only by the power of the Spirit can that happen. True Christians are known by the love they show for others. (I John 4:7-11) They also recognized it was not by Paul's own power that he did change but by the power of God. And therefore all the glory goes to God.
Amen! This particular chapter is rich in undertones of what God does, and the power only He holds to not only bring us closer to Him, but sustain us in Him. We generally break things down into 3-5 verses to study at a time at our church for this reason. The bible is so rich, and the Greek and Hebrew it is translated from is difficult to condense into English and get the same point across. Our pastor is intent on everyone doing daily bible study and prayer time, otherwise, so much of it is missed! I have studied Galatians for over a year, as short of a book as it is, and continue to get more and more out of it every time I read. I think this bible study is going to be tremendously beneficial to all of us! I never saw those two verses the way you just explained, and am glad you posted that. VERY good point!!! I bet everybody gets something a little different with each new passage, and this is the kind of open bible study I love! :)


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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The Bible is very rich!! I hope this study goes good!! I want to learn with everyone else.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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I think Im gonna go back and reread Galatians chapter one.

Woodland Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 16, 2008
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Woodland Woman wrote:

The part that stood out to me were the last 2 verses in the chapter:

Galatians 1:23-24
They only heard the report:"The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy." And they praised God because of me.

The fact that the formerly persecuted Christians were amazed and quick to forgive Paul shows the love true Christians give. Only by the power of the Spirit can that happen. True Christians are known by the love they show for others. (I John 4:7-11) They also recognized it was not by Paul's own power that he did change but by the power of God. And therefore all the glory goes to God.

Wannabefree wrote:

Amen! This particular chapter is rich in undertones of what God does, and the power only He holds to not only bring us closer to Him, but sustain us in Him. We generally break things down into 3-5 verses to study at a time at our church for this reason. The bible is so rich, and the Greek and Hebrew it is translated from is difficult to condense into English and get the same point across. Our pastor is intent on everyone doing daily bible study and prayer time, otherwise, so much of it is missed! I have studied Galatians for over a year, as short of a book as it is, and continue to get more and more out of it every time I read. I think this bible study is going to be tremendously beneficial to all of us! I never saw those two verses the way you just explained, and am glad you posted that. VERY good point!!! I bet everybody gets something a little different with each new passage, and this is the kind of open bible study I love! smile
A year is a long time! I appreciate all the insight you have shared with us. You can get so much more out of a verse the longer it takes you to get through it. The Bible is so rich with knowledge!


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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I got more out of it the second time I read it.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Wifezilla said:
This passage stuck in my head...
12. The Law then did not emerge from Faith, except whoever performed those things that were written therein, came to live in the Faith.
13. Therefore, Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, who took on these curses on our own behalf. For it is written [in Scriptures,] "Accursed is he who is hanged by the Staff.*"
You're a bit ahead in Galatians chapter 3 but, I like this as well because it gives clues as to the differences between the Old Testament and the New Testament. It also seperates the Jews from the Christians, the Jews not believing in Christ as the Messiah, the Christians believing, and the future of both.

The OT and the Jewish Law was works based. The New Testament and following Christ is faith based.

This passage brings to light the Law from Deuteronomy 21:22-23 concerning sin and the curse of those who hang on a tree.

22:If a man has comitted a sin deserving of death, and you hang him on a tree
23:frows body shall not remain overnight on a tree, but you shall surely bury him that day, so that you do not defile the land that the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance; for he who is hanged is acursed of God.

This explains why Jesus had to die the way He did, to pay for our sins of which He had no part in personally. He hanged on a "tree" for the rest of us, making the sin acursed of God, because He Himself was not guilty. Just like in the OT innocent animals were slaughtered to pay the price for transgression, only Jesus was the perfect and final innocent sacrifice.


Power Conserver
Dec 6, 2010
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I found Gal 1: 6-12 very interesting. They were so close to the time of Jesus, many may have known or seen or been people in the crowds that were taught by Christ himself. Certainly knew his hand picked apostles, yet they needed reminders and direction to not get side tracked by things of "the present wicked system of things" (vs 4) and those trying to "pervert the good news of the Christ" (vs 7) If they could get caught in that trap, how much more us living so far removed from His time? Really shows the need to pay attention to our own mind and hearts.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'll try and comment later. Don't have the time right now, and I keep leaving my Bible in my truck! I normally leave it there Sunday mornings to I don't forget it Sunday evening. We didn't have church last night, and I keep forgetting to bring it in!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Kassaundra said:
I found Gal 1: 6-12 very interesting. They were so close to the time of Jesus, many may have known or seen or been people in the crowds that were taught by Christ himself. Certainly knew his hand picked apostles, yet they needed reminders and direction to not get side tracked by things of "the present wicked system of things" (vs 4) and those trying to "pervert the good news of the Christ" (vs 7) If they could get caught in that trap, how much more us living so far removed from His time? Really shows the need to pay attention to our own mind and hearts.
Paul was present when they stoned Steven to death. Steven being the first recorded martyr from the first church of Christianity. Paul watched him die. Not too far removed from the time of Christ at all. So yeah, it is definately a contrast to today and the fallibility of humans then and now. If they can fall by the wayside...we best be careful ourselves. We all still have Jesus with us though ;) On the one hand it seems it would have been easier, but on the other...maybe not. Walk a mile in their shoes, think about if our Messiah was still yet to come, and a man comes up claiming to be him, now he is a good man, nobody can fault him with anything, and he teaches the things we believe to be true, is a fine example of how we should be living etc. etc. but how do you know he is the ONE? Hindsight 20/20...sometimes I think we have it easier. No other person in the history of the time lives up to the name of Jesus. We have the benefit of seeing the big picture whereas they did not really have that luxury.