SufficientSelf's Chicken Thread!!!

laughing dog

Sustainable Newbie
Mar 11, 2012
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well eriasin rock dove mutations, as re classified as doves, and gets around legal mess of having them, as if let to free fly they are protected by migratory bird act here and cannot legally be shot poisioned or trapped, and not considered foul if kept caged inside as pets, otherwise caged outside can be problem fighting keeping in my apartment complex.. i have very dove like, two flying flight pairs now. also have colored homer pair, jacobins, capuchines, birmingham rollers, and pair part oriental rollers.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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I ordered three Black Austrolops (sp?) today! :weee

I like to 'test out' breeds, and I think these will be a good one. Can't pick them up until 4/15, when they'll be 6 weeks old. He insists :hu Hey, less hassle/feed for me, so I'm good with it, plus he's only charging $5 a piece. My three Columbian Wyandottes will be sent to their new home the beginning of April, so it works out. Don't like them - they lay on the floor, are mean to my ladies and are skittish... lesson learned.

Saw baby ducks at the farm store this weekend. Gave DH my saddest, pretty please face, but he said no. :tongue


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
BAs are my favorite breed! I've found no down side to this breed of chicken..... :love Wyandottes on the other hand.... :sick :tongue :rant :smack You made a good trade off! :D


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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I have 24/24 eggs that made it to lockdown :fl Lets pray!

laughing dog

Sustainable Newbie
Mar 11, 2012
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SSDreamin said:
I ordered three Black Austrolops (sp?) today! :weee

I like to 'test out' breeds, and I think these will be a good one. Can't pick them up until 4/15, when they'll be 6 weeks old. He insists :hu Hey, less hassle/feed for me, so I'm good with it, plus he's only charging $5 a piece. My three Columbian Wyandottes will be sent to their new home the beginning of April, so it works out. Don't like them - they lay on the floor, are mean to my ladies and are skittish... lesson learned.

Saw baby ducks at the farm store this weekend. Gave DH my saddest, pretty please face, but he said no. :tongue
i had black austrolorps, and they were great birds in cold and heat, just picky, preferring free ranging eating seeming dirt and dust instead of expensive feed. they would scream for me and try to get to me as soon as they heard i was awake, she thought odd and eventually just gave in (she called them my babies), to the fact that i would as well as she would just stop trying to put them in their area, as theyd just as soon sit on and around me as i watched tv on the couch or on comp, and had to "help" with any and everything.. was like having a feathered flying flock of horribly needy whiny puppies, unless they were being petted and loved on and even would refuse to eat if cooped up, unless hand fed. or am i just a push over??? they are supposed to be great egg layers, especially down here in heat, just need constant water supply and theyll lay and even brood and hatch and raise own chicks in desert type climate (theyll soak and bath in water and keep eggs hydrated enough and do better than incubator supposedly, as some breeds of chickens, and muscovy ducks do).

in your area, and close to my old one (WI.).. you may also want to try to find some old fashioned mahogony colored rhode island reds, that have rounded and not slim or blocky look, as always heard up north they were great and one of best, but i cannot get or even find any from the supposed breeders of, as they all look like NH reds, or various mixes of production reds, being dumb as stones, nerotic, mean in general, and not nearly as free range able or hardy or parents at all. were as true original reds can be great birds from what ive seen of friends and neighbors up north (cause these people wouldnt coddle weak animals and if preds pick off or would die with more than shed or dog house in a sixty below winter.. they dont need them).


Lovin' The Homestead
Mar 2, 2011
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S. E. WI
I have a few breeds one of them is austrolorps. They are a good hardy breed and will gossip with you about the goings on in the coop! LOL They are very chatty, and like attention. Mine have done quite well here in WI. weather. Just make sure the coop is well vented in the summer. They do very well in cold and will lay all year. I even had one hatch out chicks for me. They also are a decent size as a meat bird. However because they are so friendly... you could get attached easily!
I also have some N.H. Reds.... Smaller eggs, but decent size. Very hardy. The ones have I got as year old's and are not as friendly as some of my other hens. I have 2 strains of Production Reds that are great layers, very friendly, but are not as hardy as some breeds. I have a few other breeds too but my flock is slowly turning into barnyard mutts.... which ain't bad. Mine free range so they have to be both hardy and smart. By letting them mix they seem to pick up the best traits. Hope to get some green egg layers out of this springs chicks.

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