Sugar--make it at home

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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FranklinStreetWest said:
What an interesting makes me want to dig out the old newspaper clipping I have of my Great-Grandfather. In the 19-teens he lost part of his leg building the sugar beet factory in Sebewaing Michigan. My Grandmother used to recall helping him strap his wooden peg-leg on when she was a little girl. The newspaper features a picture of him holding her in front of the factory. I can remember picking up the sugar beets that would bounce off of the trucks. Long before Monsanto made them all GMO. We would cut ppieces and eat them, or put them out for the deer.

There are some great Youtube videos, and quite a bit of 4-H & FFA literature about how the refining process is accomplished. Personally I would rather harvest maple sap, and cook it until it crystalizes... a fun experiment nonetheless!!

Good Luck, have fun!
Kind of hard to do when you don't have any maples. :/ I'd like to try both. The beets, I can do. The syrup, I can't. Of course if I were to ever move, and have maples on the property, I'd love to try it.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 28, 2010
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FarmerChick said:
we grew cane here. made molasses at our lassy mill for many years. it grew fine for us. plus the canes went to the critters after pressing and WOW they went nutso for it.

sugar beets are more for a garden situation vs. field crops. it took ALOT of cane to make a little juice.

tho I have no idea how many beets make what amt of sugar lol
Sugar cane and beets ard some of the most concentratec natural sources of sugar. Beets are higher, but cant be grown as densly.

Being sugar ss would be hard. I thknk lifestyle change is the easiest way to accomplish it---if you eat less of the stuff, you can grow less and still be sss.

I did maple sugar last spring. This year id like to try sugar beets...