Survival Homesteading


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
There are miniature milk cows that only need a 1/4 acre, or so I understand.
I really think you should just start somewhere and see if you need more or less of everything you mentioned. If you monitor what your family is now consuming of each food item, and study up on each breed, crop, etc...and do a little math, you can come pretty close to taking care of most of your food needs. But I highly doubt it that you can tackle it all at once, unless its your primary job. Its taken me years to get me where I am and I still go to the store more than I want to (although I'd be doing better if I didn't have an outside job).
Personally I think as far as chickens go, make the best, biggest coop you can possibly afford, even if you only put in 1/4 of the chickens it can hold. Chicken math is weird. Plus it makes a healthier flock and much more content too. I cut corners by pasturing mine, so I don't have to spend so much on feed.
Just start somewhere. Read a lot. Get the Old Farmer's Almanic.....they have suggested chores to do, which is great, cuz sometimes you know you need to do something, but you not sure what.


Enjoys Recycling
Sep 4, 2011
Reaction score
Itd be great to find a mini milker but i doubt i could find one or a good one at that for reasonable price. Oh well goats will due for now. I been thinkin on it and here is my time line

by Dec 2012

established a small garden
begin work on an orchard
have plans on a barn for my animals

by May 2013

established poultry flock
berry patches established
begin fencing and items for dairy goats

I hope we can get er done..

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