tactile/kinesthetic learners


Super Self-Sufficient
Nov 21, 2011
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Western Canada
This has been a fascinating discussion on this thread. We're not homeschooling any kids. Interesting just the same.

lorihadams said:
Right now my son is making paper airplanes with his daddy and they are both (son and daughter) drawing jack o lanterns cause we have on "Challenge: outrageous pumpkins" on the food network channel and they are amazed at the pumpkins these people are carving.
Speaking of this topic, possibly you or your family would like this site.. fantastic pumpkins!

The sculptor, David Ducharme, is a friend of mine. His site used to show a few more carved pumpkins, as I recall. Lots of his other sulptural projects (in sand, ice, snow) are shown on the site.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
just did DS's testing for the year...our school system requires "proof of progress" every year. This is the first year he has had to be tested and since this is the first test he has ever taken I am generally pleased. We used the ITBS.

I took him to the library conference room and the first half of the test we did in about 2 hours. We did the rest in another 2 hours the next afternoon. He was consistently missing most of his questions in the last 10 of 31 in each section so the second day I did a page and had him run a lap or 6 around the conference table...do a page and eat a snack....do a page and go to the bathroom....do a page and get a drink of water....do a page and eat another snack....do a page and run more laps....get down on the floor....get back up on the table....it took forever but he only missed 3 out of 45 questions total.

He is middle of the road in certain areas and surprising enough he did the best in the independant reading section. He scored about 80% correct in every section except the last one and then he was at 93% correct. I don't know how they will score it but I will let you know when he gets his results back. I am generally pleased and he is now wanting to read books on his own!

I just have to do short focused lessons with him and let him do things that are very tactile for now. Counters for math and not as much emphasis on writing right now because he just hates to sit still that long and write unless it is something short...like a description of a picture he drew and I am okay with that.

The thing I like about homeschooling is that you can be flexible and do what works for you and move away from what doesn't. :D

We don't do sodas, btw, unless we consider it a treat for a party or something and then we usually regret it. We try to avoid fast food but sometimes it just isn't possible. We also severely limit candy, sugar, dyes, and strongly emphasize fruits and vegetables and raw milk.

I'm happy for summer cause we all need a break!

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