Mountain Sage
How do you make $$ from a U-tube video?
I know enough to be dangerous about a few now & then, more for entertainment than anything else. So, from kickback of some sort from the ads![]()
People are making millions...literally....on YT channels. One young girl started out giving make up tips and now she has her own make up line and was a millionaire by the time she was out of her teens.
It's all about hits, subscribers, followers on Twitter and other social media and if the channel is monetized.
If you get a large enough following, then businesses start sending you product to try and then give a review on, you get your own merchandise and market it, etc. All sorts of channels can get this sort of thing~hair care, homesteading, sewing, singing, make up and fashion tips, mechanics, horse training, etc.
There's even a zit popping channel or two that gets millions of hits and subscribers, earning the owners huge money.
If you happen to get a vid that goes viral, it can run into the millions just on that one video.
Here's how much a simple vid on WD-40 on headlights made....$22K!