TEA Anyone?


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 1, 2008
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We all have our own breaking point. What set me off enough to consider protesting was the bail outs which started in October 2008 and the stimulous package of 2009. I don't care who is in the Oval office and am more upset with Congress. If Bush was in office now, the Tea Parties would have still happened. In October, I was upset enough to contact my Congressman and urge him to vote against the bail outs/stimulous. If there had been a tea party then, I would have gone even though Bush was president. The economic problems aren't Obama's fault and they aren't Bush's fault. The seeds of it go back over 40 years and have been fed by fattened life-long Congressmen. All this bickering of Bush vs. Obama only distracts from the real problems we are facing. People need to wake up and smell the coffee.


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 13, 2009
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SE Kansas
inchworm said:
We all have our own breaking point. What set me off enough to consider protesting was the bail outs which started in October 2008 and the stimulous package of 2009. I don't care who is in the Oval office and am more upset with Congress. If Bush was in office now, the Tea Parties would have still happened. In October, I was upset enough to contact my Congressman and urge him to vote against the bail outs/stimulous. If there had been a tea party then, I would have gone even though Bush was president. The economic problems aren't Obama's fault and they aren't Bush's fault. The seeds of it go back over 40 years and have been fed by fattened life-long Congressmen. All this bickering of Bush vs. Obama only distracts from the real problems we are facing. People need to wake up and smell the coffee.
Well said Inch. I think that the people who attended the Tea Parties are just fed up!


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
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Hanson, MA Zone 6a
farmerlor said:
The one here in Denver looked like some kind of anti-Obama protest. Lots of people talking about how this terrible national debt was going to be passed onto our children yet, no word on the LAST president who actually ran up the debt instead of the guy who's been president for about a minute and has to get us out of it. I'm clueless as to why this protest wasn't done about two or three years ago.
But you are wrong, many of us were extremely unhappy with the last president. But the point is, he's gone. You can't continue to beat up Bush for what Obama is doing. He is tripling or more the debt. That isn't Bush's fault. He is trying to institute extremely costly programs when we should be pulling in our horns and fixing things. The guy who has been president for 'about a minute' is going to create debt our grandchildren will drown in. As Wifezilla said:

People on the right were upset, but still held some hope that their party was actually working for them. Now they know better big_smile
Absolutely true.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 9, 2009
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reinbeau said:
farmerlor said:
The one here in Denver looked like some kind of anti-Obama protest. Lots of people talking about how this terrible national debt was going to be passed onto our children yet, no word on the LAST president who actually ran up the debt instead of the guy who's been president for about a minute and has to get us out of it. I'm clueless as to why this protest wasn't done about two or three years ago.
But you are wrong, many of us were extremely unhappy with the last president. But the point is, he's gone. You can't continue to beat up Bush for what Obama is doing. He is tripling or more the debt. That isn't Bush's fault. He is trying to institute extremely costly programs when we should be pulling in our horns and fixing things. The guy who has been president for 'about a minute' is going to create debt our grandchildren will drown in. As Wifezilla said:

People on the right were upset, but still held some hope that their party was actually working for them. Now they know better big_smile
Absolutely true.
I'm not WRONG. I saw the signs the people were holding that were against Obama. I didn't watch all the news so I don't know what the people at your tea party were feeling but the one I did see her in Denver had a LOT of people holding signs about Obama and the people were talking about how Obama was hurting this country with all this debt. And I'm not beating up Bush about this, I'm not happy about the bailout either but these people were obviously at an anti-Obama rally, not an anti-tax rally. They weren't protesting the debt or some hypothetical tax that hasn't happened yet, they were protesting Obama. I'm sure the Klan was somewhere out there just eating this up. I just find the short memories of the people attending to be rather amusing. We were in the black when Bush came into office and now this is all Obama's fault-like Bush never happened or something. Now China owns our country and can dictate how much of their poison we ship into our country when just nine years ago we were the ones people came to if they needed money.


Sourdough Slave
Oct 30, 2008
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I think it is true though that some people are more likely to speak up when one party is in office as opposed to the other. I think it works on both sides, and it is not perceptable to the person (speaking up) themselves. Although there are also those who are against both sides.

The only thing I have a problem with is that when people bash on Obama they do tend to slide in the racial card, which I really don't think is relevant.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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I found this report about the Denver Tea Party...

"The crowd was so large and boisterous that I had a hard time hearing the speakers, but the general theme of each speaker was that the government exists to serve the people and not the other way around. Each speaker mentioned that it was a non-partisan event.

Car horns blasted from supporters driving down Colfax avenue.

In addition to signs protesting Obamas socialist agenda, there were signs which mentioned gun ownership, illegal immigration, and the Federal Reserve.

Flags read: Dont Tread on Me.

This felt like the stirrings of a sleeping giant. The people around me did not look like professional protesters; they are angry Americans who see their country being bankrupted and sold out by a powerful far-Left elite. I have to say that I agree. I havent seen a group from the middle as angry and upset since Ross Perot ran in 1992. But this group is far angrier."

And some great photos...
Jan 24, 2009
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Wifezilla said:
I found this report about the Denver Tea Party...

In addition to signs protesting Obamas socialist agenda, there were signs which mentioned gun ownership, illegal immigration, and the Federal Reserve.

Flags read: Dont Tread on Me.

This felt like the stirrings of a sleeping giant. The people around me did not look like professional protesters; they are angry Americans who see their country being bankrupted and sold out by a powerful far-Left elite. I have to say that I agree.

And some great photos...
That sounds real bi-partisan to me. Like Right wing and far right wing. Is that bi-partisan?
Jan 24, 2009
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I'm also upset about the bailouts to Wall Street. I agree with the stimulus plan. I think it will bail the country out. The bailout started in the last administration and was actually bi-partisan. I think it was administered terribly by the prior administration and by this one. When the current administration tried to reign in some of the waste (mainly the bonuses) they received nothing but grief from the right. When Obama suggested that the guy trashing GM should step down since they are living on taxpayer funds, more grief. By the time Bush left office there was a lot of BDS going around. He had been trashing the country fo 8 years. Obama has been in less than 100 days and the right wingers already have ODS. FAUX news and talk radio have done more to destroy this country through their lies and disinformation than any terrorist could ever do.



Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
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Hanson, MA Zone 6a
farmerlor said:
reinbeau said:
farmerlor said:
The one here in Denver looked like some kind of anti-Obama protest. Lots of people talking about how this terrible national debt was going to be passed onto our children yet, no word on the LAST president who actually ran up the debt instead of the guy who's been president for about a minute and has to get us out of it. I'm clueless as to why this protest wasn't done about two or three years ago.
But you are wrong, many of us were extremely unhappy with the last president. But the point is, he's gone. You can't continue to beat up Bush for what Obama is doing. He is tripling or more the debt. That isn't Bush's fault. He is trying to institute extremely costly programs when we should be pulling in our horns and fixing things. The guy who has been president for 'about a minute' is going to create debt our grandchildren will drown in. As Wifezilla said:

People on the right were upset, but still held some hope that their party was actually working for them. Now they know better big_smile
Absolutely true.
I'm not WRONG. I saw the signs the people were holding that were against Obama. I didn't watch all the news so I don't know what the people at your tea party were feeling but the one I did see her in Denver had a LOT of people holding signs about Obama and the people were talking about how Obama was hurting this country with all this debt. And I'm not beating up Bush about this, I'm not happy about the bailout either but these people were obviously at an anti-Obama rally, not an anti-tax rally. They weren't protesting the debt or some hypothetical tax that hasn't happened yet, they were protesting Obama. I'm sure the Klan was somewhere out there just eating this up. I just find the short memories of the people attending to be rather amusing. We were in the black when Bush came into office and now this is all Obama's fault-like Bush never happened or something. Now China owns our country and can dictate how much of their poison we ship into our country when just nine years ago we were the ones people came to if they needed money.
You said, and I quoted you above, "no word on the LAST president who actually ran up the debt....". That's what I was saying you were wrong about. But now you're dragging out the Klan and every other fright scenario you can to besmirch good Americans who are protesting Obama's plan. And you're still blaming Bush. This started under Bush, the unrest, the unhappiness with not being listened to, with not being heard. It has come to a head under Obama, who has shown us he has absolutely no intent on listening to anyone who isn't singing his tune. Believe what you're told, that we are all a bunch of radicalized right-wing nuts, there's no sense in discussing it with people who have their minds so firmly made up by the media Klansmen, unbelievable. My words are going to get foul, I'll stop now.

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