Mountain Sage
Nope! I'm not normally a paranoid person and I don't cater to mass hysteria or fears. I don't see shadows in the dark and I don't have time for the weak and the fearful.....but common sense tells me the same thing.Where are we headed? Am I crazy?
Art mimics life. TV shows and movies are pretty good at showing us the possibilities. I don't watch TV and haven't for years, but I do own a TV. They are all manufactured by Japan or China. They are in nearly every home. The government spoon feeds a willing populace, via the media, with any information they wish and they know that people are very gullible.
Do you realize that your TV still pulls phantom loads of power when it is off? What is still running? Is it inconceivable that the government may have found a way to have an eye in every home...under the heading of "homeland safety", of course. They can already pinpoint your home via satellite....and why would they NEED to? Of what earthly reason would they need to be able to visualize our homes from space? The technology is there. That is why.
Technology has far surpassed the common man's comprehension and is in the hands of the government and foreign countries.
I don't think its paranoid at all to believe that our TVs, though a seemingly harmless piece of entertainment equipment, can serve a dual purpose to an enterprising third party.
Why else do you think I wanted to enclose mine in a cupboard or behind a curtain?

I already know they monitor every phone conversation you make and I have proof of that. Why, you ask? I have no idea, but I do know that information is power.
Paranoid? I don't think so. Aware but not buying into any more control than they already have? Yes!
One of the reasons I won't buy a new car. They are all required to have a chip now so they can be monitored for "driver safety". They can tell if you are speeding, didn't use your turn signal properly, tailgated, etc. They are not utilized yet....unless you want to volunteer for a program in which you will be monitored via this chip for good driving and, in doing so, qualify for lower insurance rates. This program, I feel, is a little test balloon. Sort of like voluntary participation in NAIS.
Then it becomes mandatory.
Aware, but not paranoid.