Terrible buying habits in the USA


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 18, 2010
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This is a web site dedicated to being self sufficient. We usually look at our own individual self-sufficiency but let's discuss our nation's self-sufficiency.

For the past four weeks I have been working in a part-time job at amazon.com. I work in the receiving department and un-crate or un-pack incoming products. There are about 200 people in my department working two 10 hour shifts every day. We open boxes and inspect every item that enters the building. Each item is counted and entered into the computer system. It's a pretty good job for senior citizens to work from 5 weeks to 3 months leading up to Christmas day. It's the only I could afford Christmas.

Just about every person in my area of the department is thoroughly disgusted by the amount of MADE IN CHINA boxes received every day. Oh yeah, last week we had a few MADE IN VIET NAM boxes, too. For the past four weeks we have received 100% of the merchandise from foreign countries. And all of it is crap.

American citizens are out of work. American citizens are worried about their future and worried about their financial problems. American businesses are going out of business every day. Our manufacturing base is all but gone. Just look at all the small shops that are vacant, all the small (and large) businesses with boarded up windows, all the vacant parking lots at manufacturing establishments.

Let's not for one minute point our finger at our government. Let's not point our finger at any businesses (Sears, Macy's, Walmart, etc.). In my opinion it is the consumer and nobody else. It is the person who stands at the cash register with her purse or his wallet open. Nobody else. We have a very bad habit, here in the good old USA, of pointing our finger at everyone else when it is usually our own fault.

Yup the prices could be a few pennies higher. But how much is your country worth to you? How much do you love your fellow American citizens? If a world war should break out we will be at the mercy of China. They could bring us to our knees over night. And we do not have young folks trained to make anything. The Chinese government has us by the short hair because our manufacturing base is so weak. Saudi Arabia controls our oil flow and we refuse to wean ourselves away from foreign oil. How long do you think we could exist if the oil flow is stopped? Sure we have oil reserves here in the US but our government will never allow the oil to flow to the citizens. They think of our domestic oil reserves as private for government only.

Global economy? Bullcrap! It may very well be too late for the USA.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 17, 2009
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Maryville, Tennessee
Remember, Saturday is "Support your local businesses" day. I refuse to buy imported food products especially from those countries who would love to kill us anyway. They've already tried to kill our pets and the toys with lead aren't doing our kids any good.

I don't do the "Black Friday" thing - my family doesn't believe in big Christmas gifts.

People don't have a lot of choice is some of their purchases since just about all, if not all, appliances and electronics are made in China, India, Japan, etc. for American companies. And, America's favorite blue jeans (who, by the way, gave me pay checks for 28 years and even now gives me retirement checks) are made in other countries. Funny thing, I couldn't afford them when they were made here and, although one of the reasons for taking them elsewhere was cost savings, the price never went down.

So, for some people the items made in other countries are the only ones they can afford. And yes, I feel completely justified in blaming our government. Unless you've been a part of those who lost their jobs because the government made it not only easier, but more economical for companies to desert our country, you just can't know how it feels.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
I can control to some extend where I shop and what I buy. That is if the stores around me have what I need and the goods are properly labeled!

If the only stores around me are a choice between mega stores and a super high priced ones, I often don't really have a choice, because I have just about no money. I have to go with the cheaper item.
That being said, when I did have a fair income, I did go to the smaller stores and purchased the better quality preferably american made items. This is also the reason, why I try to be as self sufficient as possible, growing and preparing my own food and buying at second hand stores and checking where things are made.

I have no control over what my neighbor purchases or where they make their purchases.

I think everyone is to blame, but as consumers, we do have the ability to change things. In the seventies it was consumer demand that changed what is available in grocery stores. When the big chains did not carry organic food and what we thought of as health food, we created co-ops. Now you find that kind of food in all the mainstream stores.

I am still doing my part to the best of my ability.

Mostly I try to demonstrate to the youngsters in my life how to make do and do for yourself. And to teach them to not take the word of advertisers or even the college professor. Do your own research! I am teaching them to think for themselves. To read labels. DSS and his GF keep bringing home food stuff for me to try. My first question is always what is in it? Does it have HFCS? How much sugar is in it? What are the ingredients. Most of the time I won't eat it.

Everyone is to blame. But we can make our own choices and hopefully together we will make a change.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
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USDA Zone 3b/4a
I am trying to make better choices - starting at the grocery store. Thankfully, my fiance agrees to pay a few cents more to get local foods. I pay a bit more to get 100% recycled products.

But the original post is so beautiful and perfect that I shared in on FB word-for-word. I'd love to give you better credit for it, so if you want it, PM me your name. :)



Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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If there were options for everything we use that was American made, I'd buy American across the board even if it meant having less "stuff." Government has made it impossible, by allowing companies to move everything overseas. I blame the government for it not being available as a choice. I blame consumers for not voting at the checkout, but it is everybody, government too, that is at fault. You can't say our own elected officials have made it any easier with some laws and trade agreements that have been passed. nor can one argue the American people aren't addicted to other countries techie junk that is obsolete in a year :p


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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I agree with alot of your post but one thing said about it "only being the consumers" blame, nope for me. The people and govt are the same to me in any country. All the same countrymen....both have to change their ways. The govt regarding import/export taxes etc etc etc and fair trade requirements etc etc and the consumer, although hard to find only American made etc...somehow has to contribute too obviously

We are global. The world will be forever different so we must find a way to build up the strength of this country in this global environment.

so much in life stinks, but it is a big fat reality.


Lovin' The Homestead
Feb 22, 2009
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How are you supposed to buy something made in the USA if it isn't available? I live in a very rural area and all the mom n' pop stores are all just about shut down. Walmart, Kmart, Sears,....blah, blah, blah,...and everything is made in china. Today I needed a new purse,..I just needed a bag to throw my crap in. Everything I find in the stores are made in china. I know I could buy online and buy American,...but the prices are ridiculous. I even looked at the thrift store,..just used made in china crap. So I bought my bag and yep,..it is made in china. What can you do??? If the product is not readily available and affordable,..what can you do?? Just saying,..... :idunno


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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Up-the-Creek said:
How are you supposed to buy something made in the USA if it isn't available? I live in a very rural area and all the mom n' pop stores are all just about shut down. Walmart, Kmart, Sears,....blah, blah, blah,...and everything is made in china. Today I needed a new purse,..I just needed a bag to throw my crap in. Everything I find in the stores are made in china. I know I could buy online and buy American,...but the prices are ridiculous. I even looked at the thrift store,..just used made in china crap. So I bought my bag and yep,..it is made in china. What can you do??? If the product is not readily available and affordable,..what can you do?? Just saying,..... :idunno
I don't know what your idea of affordable is but here is a lady that I graduated with Etsy site where she makes and sells handmade purses.
I am sure she would meet any color request you had.


Lovin' The Homestead
Feb 22, 2009
Reaction score
PamsPride said:
Up-the-Creek said:
How are you supposed to buy something made in the USA if it isn't available? I live in a very rural area and all the mom n' pop stores are all just about shut down. Walmart, Kmart, Sears,....blah, blah, blah,...and everything is made in china. Today I needed a new purse,..I just needed a bag to throw my crap in. Everything I find in the stores are made in china. I know I could buy online and buy American,...but the prices are ridiculous. I even looked at the thrift store,..just used made in china crap. So I bought my bag and yep,..it is made in china. What can you do??? If the product is not readily available and affordable,..what can you do?? Just saying,..... :idunno
I don't know what your idea of affordable is but here is a lady that I graduated with Etsy site where she makes and sells handmade purses.
I am sure she would meet any color request you had.
Those are very nice bags, but my affordable range is way below that. I am talking $10 and under. Yea, my DH says Im tight as bark on a tree. I do almost all my shopping at our local thrift store,...reuse, recycle,..right??

bibliophile birds

Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 18, 2009
Reaction score
Great Smoky Mtns, Tennessee
the biggest problem i find is that it's almost impossible to know WHAT is American made anymore. i'm happy to spend more money for a quality product, but that is easier said than done sometimes.

here's my current issue: i'm looking for some seriously good enameled cast iron cookware. i want stuff that could feasibly last me the rest of my life. so i did a search of American made enameled cast iron. Surprise! Lodge cast iron is made in South Pittsburg, TN, just about 2 hours away from me. so i start looking at their enamel cookware and guess what? their enameled line is imported from CHINA even though they are touted as an American made company.

so, my options then are whether to support a local company by buying their made in China cookware or to buy the even more expensive but hand-crafted cookware i really want from France. with those options, i'm going with the stuff made in France.

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