~Tfpets~The Journey Back to Simplicity~Tina


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2008
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Yes, busy! Thank you for asking :) I'm on here nearly every day :)

I read everyones journals, I'm amazed at how productive you all are! I go through spells where I can think of replies, and I type them out, and times I just read! I just respond in my thoughts!

I got the prettiest ornament, a Rooster, from my sister Pam! I wasnt expecting it, and it is a precious gift, she put alot of thought into it (I am a chicken nut.)

I have a made a wonderful friend, a soul sister, online also, her name is Cherie, and it is amazing how good it feels to have a real friend, to have a bond with someone outside of my family like I have with her....I havent had a "girlfriend" since I was a teenager, and I'm 46 years old?

I have not been called by my Neurologist to make an appointment for the results of my MRI and the Visual Evoked Potential Test. I guess I should have my phone service turned back on so they can call me? I am having new symptoms now (my left leg has gone numb from below the knee to almost the ankle and it burns)...They do have my cell phone number.

The boys and I are going to make Gingerbread Houses (yeah, from a kit I'm not that creative :D ) today.....

My chickens are so awesome! I have separated some of my roosters, they really need to go to new homes, but it breaks my heart to part with them! Especially my Golden Comet he is such a big Love! And I know people will probably just eat them. Some of my mix boys are the most beautiful patterns and Blue colors! But 17 plus is out of control, and their momma hid under the shed where I couldnt I reach her (Except the Golden Comet - he was my fault - I thought he was a she til 2 months ago!)

Thanks for your time - I'll be around, this is really one of my favorite places to be.....


My fat rats Salty and Lynard Skynard They run to fast to get a pic of them out of their cages??? Both of them have cozy hammocks made by QA!!!

My Double Tufted Rumpless Araucana Professor Tuft

Mr. Frizzy, a Frizzled Mille Fleur D'Uccle Rooster

The Living Room getting ready for Christmas!

Oh, Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree.....


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2008
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We finished the Gingerbread House, Here is a pic of it before the chimney slid off!


The gingerbread pieces were in a package, the candy was from Halloween, the frosting is from a craft store, I didnt want to use melted sugar, because I am a third degree burn waiting to happen! It was the best I could do, but we had fun!


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
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East Tenn.
Thanks for sharing your pictures. I'm sure the boys love the Gingerbread House.

Sorry to hear about your new symptoms. Maybe you can call tomorrow to check on your results. Anyway, I'll pray for good results for you.


Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
Have you eat that Gingerbread house yet? It sure looks better than anything I could build. I don't think I would ever tackle one.

Sounds like you have been busy.

Maybe you should take the time to call your Dr and ask whats going on with the results.

Loved all your pics. And tell me about that star/bow on top of your tree. I can't see it real good on my old computer but I love the way it looks.

As far the soul mate friend. That is wonderful. I am 55 and no longer have any real close friends. Seems after my move 9 years ago from the town I grew up in we drifted apart and our lives kind of went in different directions. Can't seem to make any friends in this town. It is just so hard to meet people here. So you are very lucky to have found that type of friend. They are so hard to come by. Enjoy and treasure.

Your boys sound like they are making wonderful progress. They have you to thank for that. You are doing a great job. Be proud of them and yourself. You have made a very big difference in their lives. Not everyone can say they really made a difference in one childs life. But look what you have done.


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2008
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My Medical update:
I called the Neurologist, I guess they made an appointment for me for January 12th at 2:45...I asked when they were gonna tell me? She seemed kinda baffled? I told her I had no idea about the appointment, I was calling to make one just now, so I appreciated the heads up!! She thinks maybe they tried to call my old phone # or called a wrong #, but never tried my cell....which is the only # I've ever used to talk to them? Oh well, plenty of time...silly people.

Now, a story.
My mother passed away in January 1996, she died of Lung Cancer. She left me a precious Kaleidescope Music Box. It is in my living room, and my children know - you do not touch the music box!!
Yesterday, my ten year old son James and I were home alone. It had been snowing all day, and everyone else went to play in the hills. James was playing Legos on the floor, about 5 feet from the Music Box. I was in the Kitchen making Butter Balls, in full view of James and Music Box. Softly at first, then louder, the music box came on and began playing it's song "Everything is Beautiful" for at least 15 seconds....no one had touched it, or wound it up...it just let loose....James and I looked at each other...he asked me what just happened, and I told him it was just my mom passing through, saying hi for Christmas....he said "Hi Grandma" and went back to his Legos....I guess the Music box and I are wound too tight?

It's snowing on my ridge.....my chickens are silly, they go outside in the snow....I love chicken tracks in the snow...I finally put heat lamps in the main coop for the youngsters and those that are intelligent enough to seek out the heat!



Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 10, 2008
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Upper Peninsula, MI
I had a good giggle when I saw your gingerbread house. I want to make one. I bet you had fun making it. I hope it tastes good. lol.
Tina, it is not the end of the world if it is MS. But you should do some research online of the different therapies available so you can go to your appointment armed with knowledge, and have the ability to have some say about what therapies you would prefer.
Didnt that just make you feel loved, when the kaleidoscope played. I know I would.
Ha, snow and chickens, I am pretty sure they would not agree with you :lol:
The other day my hubby noticed the chickens all had wet feathers. He decided to put his large halogen trouble lights down in the coop. Those are two 600W trouble lights. The chickens refused to spend anymore time outside........they ALL sat in the coop soaking up the heat and drying the wet feathers.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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that is so cool about the music box Tina
yes, I believe your Ma was saying HI!


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2008
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FC - Thank you, I always feel kinda funny saying hi to "thin air" but my mom always said she would be here in spirit - and I believe she is....she insisted in her final days that we NOT have a service or funeral. She was ADAMANT about it....and we respected that. It infuriated other people that knew her that we werent giving her a proper send off...but mom was strong willed, and we didnt want to mess with her choice, even if she was gone? We had some nice meals together in her "honor", just family members though....she was a cook most of her life...eating to usher her to the next life was alright! Yes, we are an eccentric family.

RM - you should have seen how much stuff we got stuck on us with that marshmallow cream - and I was in charge of the spreading knife! The boys stuck the candy on, and it took HOURS! We loved it. They polished it off tonight, finally! I imagine it tasted Horrible? But they love candy! What a treat for them? I'll stick with the Butter Ball Cookies I made....MMMM melt in your mouth!
About the MS - three Neurologists I have been to say I do NOT have MS, once, recently, a new resident at UC Davis did a full scope exam and history on me, and she said she believed I have MS....her elderly Charge Doctor came in, asked a couple more questions, and proceeded to explain why he believed I do NOT have MS. He cannot explain what I DO have, but he does not believe it is MS. My current Neurologist does NOT feel I have MS. He has not seen me when I am symptomatic, except for my right arm issue, which seems permanently affected....He is the one who ordered all of these recent tests. He will see me in January and tell the results. No hurry, so must not be anything to talk about? Now I am having a couple of serious new nerve problems. Does it seem wierd that I hope they dont go away before I go see him in January?? I dont want to have MS, but I do want to know what this is that comes and goes in my life, and makes walking, going up and down stairs, staying on my feet, sometimes getting or keeping my balance, maintaining normal thoughts, etc...ah, you know????? What is this?? Am I just a freak, or making a mountain out of mole hill? Maybe I shouldnt care if it burns like lava up and down my leg when I stand up now...it eventually stopped doing that in my arm, before I lost all sensation there permanently....it will go away, wont it?? Sorry, I do go on a tangent...I just get frustrated, you know.....

2dream - That Gingerbread house was the first one I've actually gotten to stick in all my years of trying, and I mean YEARS of trying...even graham cracker ones...They've driven me to tears! The boys had a blast, and mom didnt crack this year! They say is was tasty. I say ewwwwww.
The star/bow on top of my tree is pretty big, but I fell in love with it when I saw it several years ago...its made of wire and bent grass shaped like three stars, and a grass spray between the stars, and a pretty bow....rather non-traditional, like an angel or something, but it's a very pretty tree topper. Kinda big for the tree, but, well, it appeals? Thank you for asking! And thank you for your compliments about the boys. They are special in so many ways, some in rough ones, Ha Ha, but special! I had alot of practice raising my first son, he was a tough one! But he turned out so fantastic, it's amazing! To this day, I cannot say enough about how proud I am of him. I can only hope for as much for these boys as well. We love them all.

Punkin, Thanks you for enjoying our pictures, I have so many, it's hard to pick what to share! And the boys ate that whole Gingerbread House right down to the tissue paper foundation. I had to stop them there!
Thank you for your prayers. It means alot to me, to know people care...I need to stop getting so frustrated and just get over it....but it really helps to know such caring people are here, so thank you....It helps...

At home tonight, I closed one of my smaller coops, to keep the chickens out at night. Only 3 were still roosting/sleeping in there, and one hen lays an egg down there. I moved the 3 remaining hens to another coop, they'll have to adjust. I want them to sleep with more birds to keep warm. Two little Mille Fleur D'Uccle's and One Australorp are not enough to keep warm alone in below freezing temps! I sent them to snuggle up with their friends who had already bailed on them!

There may be more snow - its supposed to get below freezing again! Brrr, who said it's always sunny in California!

Thanks everyone, and take care!


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Good morning, Tina!

I feel bad that you got grommets for hanging your hammies! I'm now making re-designed hammies with loops for hanging instead of grommets! It is sooo much easier and I think it looks nicer. If I can find more of the green camo, or a solid green that will match the camo, I'll make you a couple of the new-style hammies! And I think those boys need matching blankies! I am loving your big fat rats!!!

My MIL died in January 1996, too. She had ALS. We had a very hard time after her passing. We have very little of anything that belonged to her because FIL took it all out and either burned it or sold it for a profit. We did manage to keep some Loony Toon glasses my DH had bought her as a gift, and we have a 4 piece canister set she used that has bears on the front of it. I think it is a Fingerhut set? Well we have them and they are put up for safe keeping and we plan to give them to our daughter when she either gets her own place or gets married.


Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
You did the right thing, respecting your Moms wishes of no fuss.
I have the same wishes and everyone knows plus I have it written down, signed and witnessed. I get the disappointed talk from a few of my close family members occasionally but.....the rest are fine with it. I am sure there is 1 that will try to throw a fit. But oh well. I have always thought celebrating a life is much nicer for all concerned.

So go ahead and talk to thin air. You just never know what we will be allowed to do in the after.

I only accomplished surgar cookies this year and that turned into a trial with my 12 year old helper. He sure had a good time though.

Maybe next year I will takle that gingerbread house. If I put that much work into one I would probably kill anyone who tried to eat it. LOL

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