~Tfpets~The Journey Back to Simplicity~Tina


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2008
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roosmom said:
Dragon riders of Pern, the White Dragon, and more. I like her too. I have a wide variety when it comes to authors. Do you like Terry Brooks and/or Piers Anthony?
Yes, I like them too!. And any Sci Fi, even the more bizarre! I used to read alot, not much any more, but even loved the old school sci fi books...
I read all of Anne McCaffrey's stuff, including her Crystal Line, the Rowan, Pegasus, etc...she has tons of short stories too...


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 10, 2008
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Upper Peninsula, MI
I like to have the whole set before I embark on reading them (which makes my hubby not happy). I read a lot of her books but started reading Clive Cussler, I love those books. I have a lot of piers anthony, all clive cussler, ann rice etc. I think that love of reading is one of the greatest gifts we can give our children.
I took a pic of my Birthday present like I said I would but, I posted it on my journal so it wouldnt take up your space lol.
Lots of 4wheelers and three wheelers. Our motorbikes are old but they mostly run LOL.


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2008
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Back home tonight finally -

We were in Sacramento this weekend for our 11th wedding anniversary.... We usually spend our anniversary weekend in Reno, two nights, while my MIL watches the boys...this year we stayed one night at her house with the boys and went to dinner at a local Casino Buffet...still a splurge but more conservative than in the past.
When we got back to the car at the Casino near Sacramento, our '65 Lincoln had a catastrophic power failure (the Amp gauge in the dash shorted out). Fortunately Frankie, my husband, is a very gifted mechanic, and figured out what it was...we called his brother and had tools/parts on the way in short time, and after a couple of hours, they got the car back to his moms. He finished putting it back together this evening, it was that extensive to rewire and put back together. He is amazing.

We drive the Lincoln for fun, have even had it in a couple of shows, but its not a fancy expensive car...it's called a Rat Rod, almost all original...with a few special touches (I like skulls, and it's painted flat black) it's not like we could afford to restore it or anything, or would even want to! Its great fun, very affordable, and the kids can all fit inside - and it gets better gas mileage than a lot of pick up trucks or SUV's!

We also went to the IKEA store, it was fun...we didnt even know it, but it was free breakfast day! So we got to eat breakfast for free! That was too cool! I love their stuff, but I mostly just dream about it...It too contemporay for my tastes. I like the comforters though, they're nice. And if I ever can afford a new mattress, I want one from there!

All of my pets were fine when we got home....Our friend had stayed at the house, says nothing exciting happened while we were gone, and everything looked okay....I still went and said goodnight to all of my birds (all 90+ chickens!) cause I missed them!

Well, I need to clean up and head for bed....I wanna catch up tomorrow. Hope everyone is doing well. I work tomorrow, then I have Tuesday off. Time to clean and organize the boys room.

I am serious about this. If anyone has any boys, or children, that want or need toys or clothes, I am simplifying the boys stuff and cleaning out their room. It has gotten ridiculous. Boys clothes sizes run 8-10, and toys are around those ages, like action figures, etc....some things have never been opened. I will pay for shipping if anyone is interested, just PM me.....Whatever I can stuff into a flat rate box I will, let me know what you want!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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the car fiasco seemed miserable but your DH handled that great......sounds like a good time!

for the toys in boxes, not opened, donate to like the Angel Tree etc. They always need upopened toys. Good deal for them! and wonderful way to give those away!

That is so sweet of you to make that offer! :)

I have a little girl and no boys that age in my friends group. I am going to be 48 with a 3 1/2 year old girl, all my friends are grandmas, with new babies..LOL My best friend Barb as a new baby coming in April. She can't wait!


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2008
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FarmerChick said:
I have a little girl and no boys that age in my friends group. I am going to be 48 with a 3 1/2 year old girl, all my friends are grandmas, with new babies..LOL
Wow, thats either gonna keep you young, or wear you out early! I'm going to be 46 on Sunday, and my youngest is 8. I'm done after that! I always wanted a little girl, go figure, gave birth to a boy, and adopted 3 boys! You get what you get!! :D My friends and my sister are grandmas too!

My 26 year old seems to be okay with just having cats as his children, so I only have "Grandkitties" for now - easy to buy Christmas presents for and spoil too! :D



Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2008
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Useless on the self sufficiency front today - I'm at work on the computer, checking in between writing Court Reports. Behind on a little deadline of course :). I love our judge though, she's really nice.

Got calls for two of my Neuro tests finally. MRI of my Neck/Lower Brain on 11/17 at 10:25 - writing it here cause I forgot my planner at home and dont know when anything else is?? Visual Evoked Potential Test at Feather River Hospital on 11/20 at 1:00...another Brain thingy...Trying to narrow down Right arm numbness/loss of feeling. Continue to Rule out Multiple Sclerosis.

When I'm at North Valley MRI I'm supposed to pick up a copy of my MRI from '07 showing my Brain Lesions and the demylineating white matter of my brain for the Neurologist...but I keep forgettting....DUH....

Today I saved a little by eating at the Taco Truck for myself! But I will spend more by taking Jeremy out for lunch later! So too bad! Maybe I will save again by taking HIM to the Taco Truck! Hmmm.

I am going to be working on the boys room tomorrow, all day....we are going to be boxing stuff up....it's gotta go!! Then the laundry room and then my bedroom....what a mess. But its out of control. I have lost 68 pounds this year, and my big girls clothes finally need to leave....I dont have room for them....

We live in a 3 bedroom, 2 bath Manufactured home....there is not enough space to keep too much excess junk anyhow. I need storage ideas. We cannot keep more than we can use anyhow. We dont have a cellar, and our garage is really just a covered metal carport with shelves. We do have some space under the house, but it is not large, and it is not rodent proof. I would like to put more stuff away than I do, I love to can and freeze (I have a small chest freezer) and I have a foodsaver also....I just wonder what is considered reasonable to have on hand for a family of five...two adults and one 17 year old with food issues, and two boys.

I love getting ideas here, you guys are a wealth of information. I look forward to being able to apply the ideas Ive gotten here. I have already gotten great Christmas plans now!

(One simple gift item per family member, and a basket of goodies I'm making - dehydrated fruits and jerky - and other things I'm making, like cookies and jams)



Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
Doesn't sound useless at all to me! Planning and organizing all make being SS easier I think. Our house is three bedrooms, one bath and a bunch of my skinny clothes are in a bin to go upstairs. I won't get rid of them. I lost 50 lbs but put it all back on when my life went a little haywire emplyment-wise. But I get where you're coming from with there not being enough storage space. I just really hope now that things are looking up again that I can lose it again.
I hope all your tests turn out all right. I can't even imagine worrying about that. Funny, I'm craving tacos now!


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2008
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Henrietta23 said:
Doesn't sound useless at all to me! Planning and organizing all make being SS easier I think. Our house is three bedrooms, one bath and a bunch of my skinny clothes are in a bin to go upstairs. I won't get rid of them. I lost 50 lbs but put it all back on when my life went a little haywire emplyment-wise. But I get where you're coming from with there not being enough storage space. I just really hope now that things are looking up again that I can lose it again.
I hope all your tests turn out all right. I can't even imagine worrying about that. Funny, I'm craving tacos now!
MMMM, Tacos! I may need another myself! Definitely my weakness.

Thank you so much for your concern about my health :) I dont "worry" about my health stuff, I'm not sick or anything, dont get me wrong? Its just day to day stuff for me! I take meds for daily migraines/pain and I am VERY happy, active and in control of my life, my pain and my future, hopefully!! I just have to keep on top of things - and theres so much to do :D

Sad how our bodies like to puff up and down with our life issues...I wonder if we're genetically related to puffer fish somehow?

I get my own clothes at my favorite Thrifty Bargain Center - I pick the 50% off or 75% off of the 4.99 a pair of pants...and they have GOOD stuff! The shirts are only $2.99, so if you take 50% or 75% off that?? I have to dress for Court appearances, etc, and I dress well!

I buy the boys stuff at Target, Sears, and Ross. Off Season stuff is often 75% off....I was folding stuff the other night, putting things in bags, and came across things with TAGS ON IT still. I'm telling you, I have been out of control. I have been a bad example for my children, and I want to change.

What is the point in savings if you spend the same amount of money on too much stuff you dont need? I have put us in debt buying too much...this is just the tip of the iceburg.

Please bear with me while we get through this....



Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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tina you sound like me
stupid me had no debt, when I met Tony he had no debt, we owned good stuff, boats, horses and trailers, etc. etc. and spent good but saved.

we got married.

we went nuts buying it all. yup, farm equipment, tractors, campers, extravagant trips all the time....credit card nightmare big time. we went into bad debt.

took 6 hard years to pay most of that off....have some left but nothing like it was. It was hard. I turned over in lifestyle. I don't want it all now at the expense of my financial freedom. So, you, like me are changing. We will do well......a little time and acceptance of the stupid things we did back then, fix them best we can and move forward! LOL

arm pain/numbness/tingling

this is what I had......it was a ruptured disc in my neck. I think C2 or 3. I couldn't pick up anything, a bottle would just fall from my hand. Elbow hurt like crazy. Couldn't sleep cause of the pain. Couldn't put arm up into get into a t-shirt. fingers tingled. no power, lost all power in that arm........so x-ray with a surgeon, got surgery and FIXED perfect now. That arm problem was insane....LOL....I was down for the count. But that is what I had....maybe you do too? I don't know, just a guess! :) hope it works well finding out what is wrong.

just rambling on..in a chatty mood.HA HA

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