~Tfpets~The Journey Back to Simplicity~Tina


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2008
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Oh, I wouldnt know about rambling on!!

Did you have surgery on your neck to fix your arm? Mine doesnt hurt that much, but I am losing strength in it. The arm is very numb, especially between my wrist and elbow, and it has some horrible shocking pains sometimes, but Im used to them. My Migraine meds actually help keep them toned down!

I have other Neurological issues they're sorting through also, and I dont really care as long as I can keep on my feet, and keep running around having fun and feeding my pets and chickens! I work 40+ hours a week, play really hard on the weekends, and spend as much time as I can with my awesome animals!!

I had surgery on my arm itself in 1996, on the Ulnar nerve, due to scar tissue that had formed around the nerve from an injury in a fall (planting grass seed and whoops!)...that worked wonderfully, but this is not associated with that particular nerve.

You know, we have been in and out of debt before...we're just in another spin cycle! ~ I dont like to take anything for granted though, and I am ashamed of myself, because I feel like I have been doing just that!! I know better, I have lived very very poor in the past.....I dont want to be that way again...I do want to practice being a more sane and conservative family though.



Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2008
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Tuesday November 11, 2008

This day was devoted entirely to recovering the littles bedroom from the total destruction that they have created in there.

I have two ADHD and other issue little boys, they're brothers (8 and 10)
(I'm their 8th mother, but only the 4th mom they've shared in the same home). Anyhow, they've been with our family since 4/03 and 8/03. Yes, they were separated from each other due to mutual aggression issues and we brought them into our home and adopted them forever. Sometimes I wonder, did we do the right thing to put them together....but I dont like to think like that...it's not so bad all the time. Later, in May 2006, I really lost my mind and sought out their 15 year old brother. Found him in a Group home, right here in our own city. We adopted him in October 2007. He turns 18 this April, 2009 and graduates from High School in June, 2009! He has some small Special Needs, and he thinks hes a "man" now!

Okay, back on track - Not that I have any attention issues myself? :) These boys had a really really really messy room! Going through their clothes took until 2:00 pm. New Rules! Down to seven pairs of jeans each. Shorts for next year picked out and put away. Eleven long sleeve shirts, Fourteen t-shirts, Pajamas two pair each plus the fleece footed pair. Each boys now has his OWN shelves instead of keeping their clothes mixed together like they have been. Keeping the jackets and coats.

Got rid of two boxes plus 12 bags of clothes! Ridiculous and they cant keep track of that much, they just threw them on the floor or stuffed them under their covers or bed!
We'll keep just enough socks n underwear to wash in a load....I realized they have been using them as sock bombs to throw at each other instead of putting them in the laundry... found socks in the curtain, the window sill, the shelves, the toy baskets, the coat hooks, etc, etc. I figure if there are less to chose from, and their feet get a little chilly, maybe they will appreciate having them on their a bit more??

Went through the toys, I'm almost finished. Still have to get to the art containers. The boys have a wire shelf/cubby and sterlite container wall system on one whole wall of their room. I have labels on almost every container so it's easy for them to know WHERE to put everything. But NOOOOO, they just wont do it! So this is their last chance. Yesterday I took not only old things out, things they havent even been playing with, but new things, unopened toys from other holidays/people/gifts that they havent been able to play with because their room is too out of control.

Got it all out of their room, bagged or boxed, and listed on Craiglist today. Frankie posted it and actually made $45 before he even started at 1:00 pm! We'll see how he does the rest of the day! The kids were pretty resolved, I've been telling them for months that the way it was looking, there wasnt gonna be a Christmas if their room didnt get cleaned and we couldnt get rid of the mess.

This morning James said their room is creepy. I asked him why, and he said it was just too clean....he is used to it being so messy...then he said...."but I'll get used to it!" I honestly hope he means it :D


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 10, 2008
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Upper Peninsula, MI
Kids say the darnedest things LOL You are special people....to bring brothers back together. No matter what happens you will deal with it and it gets better. And you move on. Good job on the clean room, we'll see how long it lasts LOL. Oh those were the days....


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2008
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roosmom said:
we'll see how long it lasts LOL
Not you too!!! :p Thats what Frankie says!!

I spent 17 hours in that room yesterday - every bone in my body ACHES, and I think I broke my bladder cause I told the boys to go pee for me instead of getting up and going for myself??? And you guys say see how long it lasts?? I'm too old for this :hit




Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
What a great journal you have started here. I get behind on reading these journals sometime.

You must be a very special person to bring those boys together like you have. You get a big Gold Star.

Hope the test finally tell you something. Hope its not MS. I have a friend with MS. She has 5 children and so far so good. She has been in a sort of remission for 6 years. (No better but no worse either).

For storage - look around your house. See what space you can give up. We have a small house. 3 bedrooms, 2 small baths, living and kitchen are basically just one big room. The upstairs bedroom does not even have a closet. Anyway, we do have a foyer that we never used. Everyone came to the side door. So I took the space and bought those heavy plastic containers with drawers. I use those to store can goods and extra food supplies. I also use those milk crate thingies stacked up to keep my home canned foods in. I keep it as neat as I can. And there is no way to open the actual "Front Door" now but oh well. It had not been opened in years anyway. LOL


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
2dream said:
What a great journal you have started here. I get behind on reading these journals sometime.

You must be a very special person to bring those boys together like you have. You get a big Gold Star.

Hope the test finally tell you something. Hope its not MS. I have a friend with MS. She has 5 children and so far so good. She has been in a sort of remission for 6 years. (No better but no worse either).

For storage - look around your house. See what space you can give up. We have a small house. 3 bedrooms, 2 small baths, living and kitchen are basically just one big room. The upstairs bedroom does not even have a closet. Anyway, we do have a foyer that we never used. Everyone came to the side door. So I took the space and bought those heavy plastic containers with drawers. I use those to store can goods and extra food supplies. I also use those milk crate thingies stacked up to keep my home canned foods in. I keep it as neat as I can. And there is no way to open the actual "Front Door" now but oh well. It had not been opened in years anyway. LOL
Thank you so much for your kind thoughts.

As for storage, now that I think about it, I do have some unoccupied space that can be better organized...under the indoor aviary! I only have junk in there and could make alot more room for food storage in there. It doesnt have shelves or anything, its just on the ground, about 10 feet long, 2 1/2 feet deep, 2 1/2 feet or so tall, I think. I could put some of those white wire shelves inside for canned goods though...hmm.The door panel is a pain to open, but thats a good thing (Keeps the two legged pests from excessive eating).

As far as MS goes...I have had several doctors tell my I have MS. To the contrary, I have had several Neurologist's tell me I dont have MS. My MRI has lesions and demylinating white matter in my brain, but does not mean I have MS...I also have toxic high blood pressure and Migraines, so the lesions could be from that. I dont want MS. I want the spells that I have, when I am not okay, to stop. I want them to stop, because sometimes, the areas that are affected by nerve issues are permanently numb or painful....I am worried that some day it may be something vital, like my mouth! What if I cant talk! Natures way of finally shutting me up?? I am fine now, so its just stupid stuff right now anyhow....more and more and more tests...great way to spend a copay...take a break from work for a few...get to meet new people!
Thanks for your kind words, I look forward to the journals every day too~I try not to dwell on the health junk, so much neat stuff going on all the time!
Take care


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2008
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Tonight, before I go to bed, I want to do a basic health history, so I can get it off my chest, and basically "put it to rest"...I am not a sick person, but I do refer to stuff sometimes, and then feel awkward later...so since this is "my place" I'll just chrono a few things, and if you're interested, it may explain a few things...if not, thats okay too!
* Ganglion Cyst removed from right wrist
* IBS-Irritable Bowel Syndrome
* Right Ulnar Relocation -Main nerve in R arm surgically moved to new location due to internal scarring.
* High Blood Pressure
* Daily Migraines - Topomax/Ultram/Tylenol with Codeine occasionally/Treximet
* 2 Ectopic Pregnancies - loss of fallopian tubes to tubal pregnancies, devastating infertility as a result - unsuccessful IVF attempt 1999. Then again, how else would I have met my wonderful children??
* Pituitary Tumor - Transphenoidal surgery to remove from Pituitary which is below the brain, loss of spinal fluid/leak from sinus required return trip to SF for Blood Patch
* Nerve Damage - Near Carotid Artery/knicked during transphenoidal surgery, increased migraine triggers.

Rats, tired and gotta go to bed, up at 5! Tina :D

To Be Continued: