Almost Self-Reliant
I talk quite a bit about our 2 aquariums over in our journal but thought it be cool to start a thread for aquarium enthusiasts to share pix of their tanks and to share experiences and knowledge.
I also hope that members who are interested in the hobby, but don't have a tank yet, will also join in the conversation!
A little background on how I came to be interested in the Habit, I mean hobby!
I didn't really have much interest in them until after doc_gonzo and I got together. Pretty much any aquarium I ever had experience with was freshwater fish with plastic plants (my uncle had several when I was a kid and I remember my aunt trying her hand at seahorses at one time). My sisters and I would win the occassional goldfish at the fair but they never lasted long.
When doc and I met, he talked a lot about wanting to start an aquarium maintenance business as his father always had a fish room, as did his grandfather. Our first tank, together, was a 10 gallon, low-light, live-planted freshwater set-up. Since I'd never really been around tanks that much, I jumped right in and started maintaining it and fell in love with the hobby! After a couple years, we moved to a nicer rental house and next thing you know, we're buying up a ton of used aquariums, stands and equipment for next to nothing cost-wise.
Since it was just the two of us in a 2 bedroom house, we turned the spare bedroom into a fish room. I so wish I had pix of it to show ya's...it was awesome! 3 of the four walls were covered in shelves filled with tanks ranging from 10 - 20 gallons in size. We used fluorescent shop lights for lighting and before I knew what happened, we're raising live aquarium plants and breeding fish (mostly Arican Cichlids). And the kid who couldn't keep a goldfish alive is doing almost all of this by herself since doc was working out of town.
Yep, I was bitten hard!!! Besides the fish room, we had 4 tanks in the living room and I even set up a 10 gallon in the bathroom. 
We were good friends with the owner of the local mom & pop pet store so we began selling live plants and fish back to the store for credit. Docs' out of town job fell through, he got a job at a local bar & grill and he talked the owners into letting us set up a 20 gallon freshwater tank behind the bar. We'd maintain it for meals for the both of us and the maintenance business was born.
Before long, we had several local tanks that we were taking care of within walking distance. We asked a friend to join this venture so we could expand, he readily agreed and off we went. We had clients in several doctors offices, added another bar & grill and then the private home clients began showing up!
Our first phc had a 120 gallon saltwater "reef" that was nothing but live sand and live rock. He asked the owner of the mom & pop shop if he knew of anyone who could/would be interested in taking over the tank and we ended up with the job! And what a dream job it was as we were pretty much given the go ahead to do what we wanted with it, didn't matter how much it cost the client just wanted it full of eye candy!
280 gallon saltwater fish-only phc set-up:
Doc and I eventually changed the 280g into a freshwater tank with mixed African Cichlids as the client was tired of spending so much money on the salt system. By going with the AC's, he got the popping colors of saltwater fish with freshwater fish and saved a lot of money, too.
Have to admit that we enjoyed the cichlid tank much more ourselves, too, as when it was the fish-only salt, we had to pull the decorations out every week and bleach them, which was aggravating and time-consuming.
Well, gonna end this post and hunt up some more pictures!
I also hope that members who are interested in the hobby, but don't have a tank yet, will also join in the conversation!
A little background on how I came to be interested in the Habit, I mean hobby!

I didn't really have much interest in them until after doc_gonzo and I got together. Pretty much any aquarium I ever had experience with was freshwater fish with plastic plants (my uncle had several when I was a kid and I remember my aunt trying her hand at seahorses at one time). My sisters and I would win the occassional goldfish at the fair but they never lasted long.
When doc and I met, he talked a lot about wanting to start an aquarium maintenance business as his father always had a fish room, as did his grandfather. Our first tank, together, was a 10 gallon, low-light, live-planted freshwater set-up. Since I'd never really been around tanks that much, I jumped right in and started maintaining it and fell in love with the hobby! After a couple years, we moved to a nicer rental house and next thing you know, we're buying up a ton of used aquariums, stands and equipment for next to nothing cost-wise.
Since it was just the two of us in a 2 bedroom house, we turned the spare bedroom into a fish room. I so wish I had pix of it to show ya's...it was awesome! 3 of the four walls were covered in shelves filled with tanks ranging from 10 - 20 gallons in size. We used fluorescent shop lights for lighting and before I knew what happened, we're raising live aquarium plants and breeding fish (mostly Arican Cichlids). And the kid who couldn't keep a goldfish alive is doing almost all of this by herself since doc was working out of town.

We were good friends with the owner of the local mom & pop pet store so we began selling live plants and fish back to the store for credit. Docs' out of town job fell through, he got a job at a local bar & grill and he talked the owners into letting us set up a 20 gallon freshwater tank behind the bar. We'd maintain it for meals for the both of us and the maintenance business was born.
Before long, we had several local tanks that we were taking care of within walking distance. We asked a friend to join this venture so we could expand, he readily agreed and off we went. We had clients in several doctors offices, added another bar & grill and then the private home clients began showing up!
Our first phc had a 120 gallon saltwater "reef" that was nothing but live sand and live rock. He asked the owner of the mom & pop shop if he knew of anyone who could/would be interested in taking over the tank and we ended up with the job! And what a dream job it was as we were pretty much given the go ahead to do what we wanted with it, didn't matter how much it cost the client just wanted it full of eye candy!
280 gallon saltwater fish-only phc set-up:
Doc and I eventually changed the 280g into a freshwater tank with mixed African Cichlids as the client was tired of spending so much money on the salt system. By going with the AC's, he got the popping colors of saltwater fish with freshwater fish and saved a lot of money, too.
Have to admit that we enjoyed the cichlid tank much more ourselves, too, as when it was the fish-only salt, we had to pull the decorations out every week and bleach them, which was aggravating and time-consuming.
Well, gonna end this post and hunt up some more pictures!