I don't have any special bread equipment. I like to do my bread by hand. I usually just shape mine and throw it on a cookie sheet to rise. I like baking bread because you sort of build a relationship with the dough. It's a living thing (the yeast) and there are so many variables that effect it. The Ingredients, how long you knead it, Humidity, and temperature of the room, the heat of your oven. My MIL once told me that it is the baker that makes the bread, not the recipe. And she's right. Plus once you get the basic concept down you really get a feel for how the process should go. Then you can experiment all you want. It's only bread after all. I've made plenty of mistakes. We've eaten it anyway. Its amazing what a little olive oil, with salt, and herbs can hide.- All but one horrid brown mass of heavy bread that made its way out to the birds
Here is a good first time recipe. Because of the high yeast amount it is difficult to mess up. Most bread recipes don't require so much. It's good for boosting confidence and getting an idea for the process. I got it from a very popular thread by the same name on BYC.
Homemade Gump Bread
2 C. warm (almost hot) water
4 tsp. yeast
1 T. sugar... Combine all 3 let rise 5 min.
1/4 C. oil or butter (if using butter set oven to 400 degrees)
5 C. Bread flour (or half bread flour, half whole wheat)
2 tsp. salt ...Add to yeast mixture and knead until smooth and elastic. Cover and let rest 20-25min.
Beat down and make 2 loaves (or one loaf and buns) Roll out into a rectangle then roll into a loaf. Place seam side down on 2 cookie sheets and cut diagonal lines across the top.
Allow to rise 20-25 min. Bake 350 degrees for 20-25 min. until golden brown. Let cool 10 min before slicing.
These will seem like the longest 10 min. of your life.

Here is a good first time recipe. Because of the high yeast amount it is difficult to mess up. Most bread recipes don't require so much. It's good for boosting confidence and getting an idea for the process. I got it from a very popular thread by the same name on BYC.
Homemade Gump Bread
2 C. warm (almost hot) water
4 tsp. yeast
1 T. sugar... Combine all 3 let rise 5 min.
1/4 C. oil or butter (if using butter set oven to 400 degrees)
5 C. Bread flour (or half bread flour, half whole wheat)
2 tsp. salt ...Add to yeast mixture and knead until smooth and elastic. Cover and let rest 20-25min.
Beat down and make 2 loaves (or one loaf and buns) Roll out into a rectangle then roll into a loaf. Place seam side down on 2 cookie sheets and cut diagonal lines across the top.
Allow to rise 20-25 min. Bake 350 degrees for 20-25 min. until golden brown. Let cool 10 min before slicing.
These will seem like the longest 10 min. of your life.