Revolution in Progress
Hey Tallman, Ellie Mae wants to know a little bit more about Hardly. She is touched by his sentimental writings. She asked me to send along her picture.
Thiz is whi i luv yu Hardly! Yu ar vry swet and romntic!! And dont pai no mind tu thoz othr girlz!! Huzzies!Tallman said:The Diary of Hardly
Date: Not yet, but Im in an admirian way.
Dear Mr. Diary -
One time win I waz just a shaver uv a kid, the entirely bunch uv church foaks all loaded up in sum wagons an wint on a picknick down by Skeeter's place on Amble Crick. We had us 3 or 4 wagons full uv people, lots an lots uv food, an one fellow had hisself a firekraker. U C it waz the 4th uv July an we waz celebratin the freedom that waz won by hour ancesters. I hav 2 tell U Mr. Diary it waz won uv the most wonderific times uv my hole life. We sang songs allz along the way, an everybodie talked about what we waz a goin 2 do win we got to the picknick grounds. The wimmen foak talked about the food that they waz a bringin, an the men foak were a yammerin about there crops an a braggin on there mules an such.
The picknick grounds waz by the biggest hole on the crick an it waz perfect 4 swimmin. There waz a mud slide an a giantly sickamore tree that hung its self out over the water, an tied way up to the top waz a big ol rope. That ol rope must uv been a hundret foot up in the air. I thought it waz the greatest thing in the hole world to swing out an drop in the water. Ill bet I wint out on it a thousan times.
At about 1 or so sumone called allz uv us together an it waz time to eat, but be4 we ate all the men took off their hats, an the church parson himself talked about how we owe more that we kan ever repay to the people who served in r militarry. U no Mr. Diary, I hav cents come to no just watt that ol parson waz a referrataten 2. May God bless the men an wimmen in r armed services.
After the parson said a goodly prayer 4 r nation, it waz time 2 eat. We wint over 2 the eatin tables that were dekorated with ever kind uv wild flour frum the hole area, an Mr. Diary, U kundnt believ all uv the food. Thar waz fried chickin, corn on the cob, fried chickin, green beans, fried chickin, smashed taters, peas, greens like I aint never saw be4, fried chickin, an thar waz more piz than I could count. Every kind u hav ever heared uv an more.
After we waz a dun eaten, folks juss sat a round in the shade an talking wile they watched the mens horse shoo pitchin contest. Ol Rubin Rubbel one it again, an after he waz givin a pertty blue ribon sumeone shouted that it waz time 4 the ball game. I had never played on a real teem be4, but that didnt matter coz everybody played. We played an played an didnt even worry about the score. Nobody cared ifin U waz a good player or not, the big folks helped the little wons hit the ball an learn the game, an I member gettin sum hits on the ball that day myown self. We bout wore that ol hickory bat out. We just had a bunch uv fun, an after the game, we all gathered round, an Misses Ethal Leedbetter led us all in the singin uv GOD BLESS AMARICA, an afterwords Tom Sackel set off his firekraker, an everybody cheered. I never had a goodlier time in my hole life.
Well Mr. Diary that all happened years ago, an the other day I waz over that a way an I wint back to c the old picknik grounds again. Watt a lonesum feelin it waz 4 me win I found that it waz all growed up in brush an weeds. I guess foaks dont come hear no more. Win I walked down to the swimming hole I kudnt believ how small it waz. An that ol sickmore waz still thar with the rope a hangin in it, but it werent nearly as tall as I member it 2 B. I wint 2 the spot war the ol parson made his speech an did his prayen, an I thought 2 my self that him an all the old people uv that day hav cents ben laid to rest. I cudnt help but think that it seemed like yesterday that they waz all here just a funning won another like they didnt hav no care in the hole world.
I sure am lonesumly 4 them all, an I wood like 4 them 2 b here just the way they waz on that day. As I stood there as quiet as a mouse, an my eyez shut tite I could almost hear the ring uv them horse shoes that the men were a pitchin, the crack uv the bat a hittin the ball, an Misses Leedbetters voice a leedin us in song with that firekracker a bein set off at the very end. After a spell, I opened my eyes an saw that its all gone.
I guess I gotz 2 except the fact that that is the way it is supposed 2 b. I juss kant help but feel that folks 2day r missin sumpthin real special.
Ur friend,
I wonder if that old rope would hold me juss won more time?
Dace said:Hey Tallman, Ellie Mae wants to know a little bit more about Hardly. She is touched by his sentimental writings. She asked me to send along her picture.
Redhen, I told Hardly what you said here and he - again. When he wakes up, I'll let you know if he is in any shape to reply.redhen said:Thiz is whi i luv yu Hardly! Yu ar vry swet and romntic!! And dont pai no mind tu thoz othr girlz!! Huzzies!
That old rope mai knot whold yu hardly..butt i will!
Oops!freemotion said:Tallman! Redhen!! WHAT did I tell you two already?
YOU said Redhen should remain living with her brother....which leaves it wide open for Hardly!!!freemotion said:Tallman! Redhen!! WHAT did I tell you two already?