The Diary Of Hardly


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 13, 2009
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SE Kansas
The Diary of Hardly

Date: #)(?5#@)(#*$(#/ an thats allz I am sayin 4 now.

Deer Mr. Diary,

Everyone is talkin bout Mothers Day a comin up. It gives me coz to wonder bout my real mother an watt she waz like an all. U see, I never got 2 no her cents she died win I waz young. I offen wonder bout watt she must have been like an it really makes me lonsum, but then I get 2 thinkin bout Ant Hattie. Heck, she didnt have to take me in, but she did, an that means a lot 2 me. I wood hav to say that she has the best heart in the whole world. Ive never heard her say a bad word about nobody even them that have done her rong. She is just good, an she doesnt even work at it it jist comes natural like. Its like as though goodness is a part uv her an who she is. She works all uv the time an seems to alwaz have sumthin in her hands, an becoz she is so active, she keeps fit as a fiddle string. I kan say that she is the hansomest womin I know. Oh she dont dress all uppity like a citty lady, but sum how you know that she doesnt hav 2. She is just her an that seems good enuff.

No, Mr. Diary, If I wood pick out a mother for my own self I jist think I wood pick out Ant Hattie. A person jist as well hav the best there is. Allz this year I ben a workin on a keepable box. It is made out uv a fine cherry wood, an win I waz in the citty I had a man put a musical work in it sos win Ant Hattie opens it it will play Red Sails In The Sunset. Sur hop she likes it. I can't hardly wait.



Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
Hardly needs a GOOD woman! Where is that Hilda Lou? Ain't she done with finishing school yet?


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 13, 2009
Reaction score
SE Kansas
The Diary of Hardly

Date: Im uv a mind to jist give up on a date.

Deer Mr. Diary

As I told U last year, we have us a big Memorial Day Selebration during Memorial Day Weekend. Well it all wint off real goodly this year again, but I koodnt help but notice that there were sum of the older relatives not there. A couple had passed away, an several cant make the trip any more. It jist got me to thinking how I better make the best uv the time that I have. I need to rilly listen and get to know my friends. I need to watch little children play, an share in the exsightment uv the latest discovery that they jist made. My how I can remember win I waz a youngin an wood get exsighted bout sum shinny rock that I jist found or sumthin else that I had discovered. I better make new friends and try to make sum goodly memories coz sum day I jist might look round an find that they are no longer here. You no Mr. Diary, I remember a great unkle uv mine that used to come to these here family get to gethers. I rilly liked to listen to his stories, but sum uv my most cherished moments waz win we jist sat in the yard on a warm evening enjoyin a breath of breeze that wood brush R faces. Times win we didnt have nuthin at all to say so we jist sat there a listenin to that old mockin bird as he tried out his latest tunes. We waz jist contint a nowin that we waz both seein the same things around us an hearin the same sounds with each uv us a thinkin his own thoughts in his own head.

So Mr. Diary, if you got yourself sum old friend to jist sit with U ought to consider yourself lucky. An dont think that U need to talk all uv the time. There are chaireshed moments to be had by jist a sitten with one another. I no that I wood like to sit with Unkle Ike jist won more time.



Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
Hardly, I've been thinking the same thoughts a lot in the past two years. I've lost a lot of uncles and aunts lately, been to a bunch of funerals. I had the realization that I had been thinking of them in the same way I did as a child....that they are always there, somewhere in the background of my life, and they would appear now and then at a family get-together. Well, not true. I have to make efforts to spend time and get them to talk about their lives and wisdom and soak up every bit of it.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 17, 2009
Reaction score
Maryville, Tennessee
Hardly, you're right on track. I, too, have several elderly uncles and aunts that I need to take time to visit when I can. I have so much fun when they come to our family reunion. One uncle is in his 90's and plays the fiddle just like a young un'. I take my guitar and several other family members bring their instruments and we make the best music. We sing gospel songs and play bluegrass music and just have a good old time. Thank the good Lord it's been 9 years since we lost anyone, but I know it won't be that long again before there's an empty place at the table.

Thank you Hardly for reminding me of what's really important in our lives - friends, family, good music, and making great memories (oh, and, the good food doesn't hurt either)!


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
Aw Hardly, remembering those who have been important in our lives is important. This was a good reminder to us all.

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