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- #431
Almost Self-Reliant
Deer KCsunline,
The tall one said I cud anser direct 2 U about my Christmas present 2 Hilda Lou. Cents this is sort uv a seceret, I am addressing this here post directly 2 U insted uv puttin it in my diary. Well I waz up to see Hilda Lou again rite after Thankgivin an I axed her what I shud get her 4 Christmas.
She took my hand an said, "Hardly, anything from you would be wonderful." I axed her 4 what she wood think wood be the most wonderful. She said, "The most wonderful would be something that I could wear." "Like a hat or sumpthin?" I axed. "Oh a hat would be nice, but this item is worn on fingers, and it sparkles."
This conversasion took place rite before I got myself on2 the bus, but my mind perkertated on it allz the way home an by the time I got there I new watt I needed to buy her.
It took most uv my savings but I found zacklee what I wanted an could afford. Win she gits home I'll present it 2 her when I can B with her alone.
It's sort uv funny though. I've never seen her wear fingernail polish a tall be4.
Your friend, Hardly
The tall one said I cud anser direct 2 U about my Christmas present 2 Hilda Lou. Cents this is sort uv a seceret, I am addressing this here post directly 2 U insted uv puttin it in my diary. Well I waz up to see Hilda Lou again rite after Thankgivin an I axed her what I shud get her 4 Christmas.
She took my hand an said, "Hardly, anything from you would be wonderful." I axed her 4 what she wood think wood be the most wonderful. She said, "The most wonderful would be something that I could wear." "Like a hat or sumpthin?" I axed. "Oh a hat would be nice, but this item is worn on fingers, and it sparkles."
This conversasion took place rite before I got myself on2 the bus, but my mind perkertated on it allz the way home an by the time I got there I new watt I needed to buy her.
It took most uv my savings but I found zacklee what I wanted an could afford. Win she gits home I'll present it 2 her when I can B with her alone.
It's sort uv funny though. I've never seen her wear fingernail polish a tall be4.
Your friend, Hardly