Goat Whisperer
????xpc said:Most people live and die within fifty miles of where they were born. Family ties and such keep them from moving too far away, I waited until my boy was 18 before moving 500 miles from all my peoples.murphysranch said:Shall I continue to rub it in that yesterday I was in jeans and a teeshirt and planted 116 iris nubs?
I lived a few years in different states but always moved back north for safety and seclusion. I had to get out of San Diego because of the heat and holier than thou attitudes the long haired hippy freaks had - I had to move or end up in jail for murder. Florida was even worst for the heat and the lackadaisical shuffling was maddening. I only lasted 5 years there then back north,
So there are reasons why people chose to live where they are, when others make fun of northerners on the temperatures I just say with those addled eggs come scrambled brains. Most hot climate countries are considered third world and need the support of the cool weather areas to support them.