the little wild kingdom


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
this bird was picking along the expansion joint in the cement driveway where seeds were blown during the winter. it went along the entire line and then also along the further edge - was fun to watch and brightened up an otherwise very dreary day.

not the best picture but at least it reminds me of those moments and makes me smile. :)


i tried to get a movie of it but i'd never taken a movie with the camera before and i couldn't figure it out quickly enough. oops...


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
trying to figure out what to take to the gardening thing tomorrow. pretty much whatever i can convince myself to load in the car to take. beans, peas, squash, onions, garlic and some flower seeds (cosmos and milkweed <- milkweed only for those who know what it can do and accept that it might spread if they don't contain it).

the beans i am still organizing and thinking it would be fun to get them all out on a big table there so that i can work on them all together at one time. it would be much easier than trying to work in this tiny room. so if nobody shows up i can still get accomplish something useful... yeah, that sounds good and that ways i can not spend the rest of the day here trying to deal with all these containers. in the past i've taken everything into the living room and spread them all out on the floor so i can do it that ways. i'm even happier to just spend the rest of today boxing thing back up. :)

i was in a poor mood the other day and should have done something else and know better, but i was looking at all these white beans i have with various markings and decided to just ditch most of them (eat them). of course today i looked at that container of all those various beans and said it was silly to get rid of them all so now i have all these seeds and some of them are pretty nice still and will i want to sort them out again or just mix them all together and tell people that they get some fun results, some dry beans and other fresh green beans and some maybe even wax beans too. a small container of this mix would be fun to plant out if you were willing to just go from there and select out what you want and go from there. eat the rest. sure. that's what i do unless they're off in some way, then they end up being worm food.

i have another bag of beans to sort too that have a lot more color and interest to me so those will be fun - i've held off even looking at them because i have the other project i need to get done first. hmm... so twofertomorrow. i should be able to get a lot done in a few hours if i have the space. :)


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
reclaimed more space today by taking a few items to the metal recycle place. the biggest item taking up space in my room was an old cheap paper shredder that broke after a few years. i did get my money's worth out of it. i just didn't want to put it in recycling (they don't want certain things anyways) and i didn't want to put it in the trash either. there's enough metal in it to make it worth it to someone to recycle. same for the other item which was a shop light which should have lasted longer, but didn't. LED only about 5yrs old. it flickered, probably not really the best thing to have it out in the garage with how cold it gets. anyways, a lot of metal in that too. so glad to have them go to the metal place and he said he could do something with them. the cords were copper too, that's always good to recycle.

the light went out just last month but the paper shredder i'd had sitting there for a few years collecting dust and taking up room. a few cubic feet of space that is good to have freed up, plus now i can dust under there easier (heh, like that's going to happen soon...)


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
i wasn't thinking anyone would be there but people did show up and we talked gardens and i gave away some beans, onions, garlic, cosmos, peas. by far the most popular item (has always been for every event i go to) was garlic. out of season people are still willing to give it a try.

i took a bunch of beans with me just in case i was sitting by myself i could get some work done on sorting things out and reorganizing. i didn't get any of that done at all.