- Thread starter
- #261
Sustainability Master
making progress, finished up planting the North Garden and all watered, then finished planting two other gardens inside the fence so now i just have one garden in there to finish planting and another big garden outside the fence to plant and that will be it for planting.
flowers, bees, birdies all happening out there, some harvesting of green onions, strawberries, dill is good (i use it for anything that takes parsely)...
i'm going to take a bit more of a break and then try to see what pictures i can get. trying to capture a birdie in the potbelly stove, think it is a tufted titmouse. nice birdies.
i have a pic already that will work if i can't get something better, but i can take some time today and see if it will let me get a better one. 
flowers, bees, birdies all happening out there, some harvesting of green onions, strawberries, dill is good (i use it for anything that takes parsely)...
i'm going to take a bit more of a break and then try to see what pictures i can get. trying to capture a birdie in the potbelly stove, think it is a tufted titmouse. nice birdies.