the little wild kingdom


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
i have turned being sick into a time of going back and finding things to fix and improve in my records and that at least keeps me out of trouble. :) progress of any kind is helpful so i'll take it.

a few nights ago i was pretty much constantly uncomfortable and near delirious and fixated on some stupid thing that would not get out of my head so the next morning i put on music for several hours and caught a few winks. the next night i wasn't able to sleep very much either but at least i could coherently think and that time was not wasted as i tracked down some mistakes and i did some more of that last night too until i could finally go to sleep.

gladly i don't seem to be getting worse and i'm improving now - so over the hump. :)

not much else going on. i'd like to be outside today but that is not happening. there's sunshine and it might get up to nearly 60F.

as far as mundania goes Mom just told me that she ate the rest of the ham off the bone and there wasn't enough ham or juice to really worry about, plus the freezer is full so we're not making ham and bean soup. we have some containers of it already in the freezer from the last go-rounds.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
finally got enough sleep last night and this morning that i woke up from a dream (about a bunch of big butt spiders along the stairway down into the basement at my Dad's old place on Sanford Lake (which is currently no longer there after the three dams got washed out some years ago)). he's not lived there in about 20 years and i can't even remember the last year i was there. they are doing some work to restore the dams, but i'm not sure when it will be done and i do know the courts are involved...

so why would i dream about spiders again? i haven't seen too many in the house here for a while since i went around and tried to get them all removed.

the rest of this perhaps you don't want to read as it describes my crud and lungs and stuff...

i was sleeping like crazy this morning with the sun on me from the patio doors. Mom said i was actually snoring and loud, when you wake up with your mouth all dried out and crackly you know you've sawed some serious logs.

then a bit later i coughed up some softballs of different colors. rainbow sherberts... i made hot chocolate and toast with tons of butter. i could not taste much of it but that's ok it was what i wanted. now i have to do rotational therapy to make sure my lungs get gravity applied to them from different angles to help break the crud up and so i can cough it out some more.

beautiful day outside. :) this world is so beautiful. :)


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
well ok, so perhaps this will be fun or not, we'll see how it goes.

the past several weeks we took a bunch of dug up and chopped off daffodil bulbs to the greenhouse and they've been giving them away. which is great as it gives them some traffic they'd probably not normally get but also it takes care of getting rid of them.

the problems are that i'm sick and not able to dig up any more for at least a week or more and on top of that it would be really nice if people could see what they are getting in flower types and when they flower, etc. plus they can have the whole plant with the leaves so the bulbs will have a chance of blooming again next season instead of what we did to them before.

on top of this i also have tulips in spots i'd be happy for people to take, hyacynths, crocuses, etc.

so today i called the greenhouse and thanked them for what they've done already and then asked them to include my e-mail address and that if anyone would like to come dig them and see what they are as they flower i'd be happy for them to do that, plus if we coordinate by e-mail this removes Mom from having to deal with it at all any more.

then of course i can also talk about the bean collection... and peas... and the garden group... and ...

so we'll see what kind of response this gets...


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
no response on the daffodils plus pushback from Mom and the others so i guess we're not doing any more until fall with those.

in other news did boneheaded thing the other day (not giving details :) ), but the end result was that the glass shower door which was hanging on by a thread got pushed out and the hinge isn't going to be replaceable again. i was hoping my previous fix (from 2007) would still work, but the metal all crumbled when i went to clean it up to see if i could epoxy glue the hinge back on. nope. :(

so we'll get a floaty plastic curtain to hang across there until we get the whole thing replaced. it's been due for replacement for years. plastic stuff. blehhh...

looks like a nice day outside. :)


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
frosts the past few nights, sunshine today, rains in the forecast for the next few days starting tomorrow morning. we can use a good soaker.

not much gardening happening. mowing was enough and wow do i have no lung capacity. still recovering from being sick. anything i'm trying to do is taking a lot longer but i'm really glad that the gardens are mostly in reasonable condition.

we had to get a replacement for the tv tuner (for digital channels) as maybe the old one had too many lightning strikes... which mean moving the stereo and tv console out and then cleaning all the dust bunnies and spider webs (and spider poo). i found one of the common house spiders back there and another cellar spider (wispy), but not really too bad considering. i've hardly found any spiders anyplace in the house in the past month. cleaning up the spider poo was not too hard - i used vinegar and water, sprayed on, let it sit a bit and then wiped up with TP, repeat twice. once every ten years is about how often we move that. i had a new power surge strip to put back there so i was able to get that done too.

2nd groundhog did show up but i warned it away (which means i tried to shoot it but missed or maybe not - it is hard to know for sure sometimes) with the air rifle and i've not seen it back since then. i have a funny picture of a squirrel on top of Igor (one of the cement blob decorations with the mirrors on it) looking off to the north with it's tail hanging down. rabbits were not around too much during the winter but they've come back for the spring. semi-feral kitty is not around much. only seen one chipmunk (so far, i'm sure there will be more).

my amaryllis plants are just now finally starting to show some signs of growing. it's two months later than normal and i don't know why they decided to wait so long.

that's about it for the news. :)