in the middle of getting the pictures off my camera my USB cable decided to give up again, i'd already pulled it apart and fixed it a few times, but this time when i pulled it out of the computer a part of the plug remained in the computer and the rest of the wires pulled out. i tried again to get it put back together and to work but that didn't.
so using the now shorter keyboard cord i looked up a few things on USB cables and just decided to do surgery. i got my small solder iron out (i used it as a teenager working on putting together some small circuit boards for my model railroad engine controls, this was very advanced back then as you could control up to 64 engines at once running on the same power rails so you didn't have to isolate each section - i got two of them working and it was fun times. alas, i had to go away to college before i finished the railroad in the basement.) and soldered a new part of another cable on the end of the one that broke. taped it all back together and we're all set with even a longer cord (another good thing ).
i don't put links to the full size images that i post to the website, but you can get at them without going to my website by changing the name. i always post most things to my website first and then i can link to those images from here or on TEG so i don't have to go through the hassle of reuploading them.
shovelling snow this morning, but not too bad, i just like the exercise and fresh air plus i had to take out the trash and then pick up the recycling bins when they came by right when i was at the end of the driveway. it's not too often when this gets timed well.
ice under snow so it is a little slippery out there. i hope enough of what is left on the driveway can get melted/burned off today if we have a bit of sunshine even through the clouds it can be enough.
I like the speckled beans but most lose the "pretty" when cooked
Bought seed for Christmas, a pole lima that can also be used fresh. Many, many yrs ago a neighbor had them and I was so impressed with color & taste. So, maybe 50 yrs later I'm gonna grow some. . Baby green ones. I like limas.