through heavy wind and hard rains yesterday (for a few minutes) and no leaks. overnight windy and cold and snowy so there is some small amount of snow on the ground again, but most of it is gone. very windy this morning.
i'm not shovelling any snow today, supposed to get above freezing this afternoon and into the weekend back to warmer and even up to 60F in the forecast for this coming week.
i did shovel today after all because i had 15 minutes to wait for something else to finish and i wanted the driveway to be melted clear before the washing machine repair person gets here.
book is done. back to work. today hope to get Mom's tax stuff done. of course a few moments in i decide to distract myself with TEG and SS to procrastinate.
dang printer doesn't work great because it doesn't get used very often so i spent way too long getting it to print decently again. my brother came over for lunch and so we talked and listened and there goes most of the afternoon and still not any further on the tax stuff. finally back at it. not sure i'm going to get it done tonight but we'll give it a try.
finally, got a bit too much run around and wanted this taken care of before any beehives are placed back there and decided to call the bee keeper directly and had a nice conversation with the owner (who's now taken over the business from his grandfather).
his main keeper who deals with siting is in TX right now so when he gets back to MI we'll set up a time to go back there and deal with the issues i'm concerned about.
i did tell the owner about all the past history here with the bees, that i am glad to provide them with plenty of safe flowers to feed upon and that i'm not at all opposed to them being there, i just need access to our property. he understands.
i'm hopeful we will get the issues resolved. that is all i need to know for now.
sadly our neighbor to the north of us passed away. he was a good guy, but with what happened to him recently it was a blessing that he could go quickly. RIP friend. i spent quite a few hours sitting and talking with him.