City Biddy
I am VERY sure there will be! 
I've been waiting for a month to add to this list! We were gone for 5 weeks visiting my parents on their 2 acres. (We have a 5000 square foot lot in the burbs.) They live in orchard country, so I love visiting them in the summer. I made apricot and cherry jam, about 24 pints total, and made tons of apricot and cherry fruit leather. My kids inhale that stuff. I did pay full price for a 30lb bucket of cherries (pitted!!!) and for 20lbs of first quality apricots, but got about 30lbs of second quality apricots for free, then a few weeks later picked about 50 lbs of apricots off a neighbors tree for free. We ran out of time before the end of our vacation to make more leather, so I just brought home gallon bags of frozen puree. I hope my dehydrator has fruit leather trays, I've never used my own dehydrator for leather.tamlynn said:Ok, found a real squirrel challenge deal today.
At Walmart, there was a cart filled to overflowing with one pound boxes of elbow macaroni. A sign taped to the cart said they were 25 cents each! My dh started putting a few in our cart, but I grabbed that entire cart and pushed it to the checkout line!
So I got 102 pounds of elbow macaroni for $25.50!
I handed a sack of boxes (about 6) to a lady outside the store who was collecting for a homeless shelter. Afterwards I felt bad I didn't give her more, I'd only given her $1.50 worth of pasta. Another guy appoached us in the parking lot with a big old story about how he was on America's Most Wanted as a victim. He showed us his scars and his poster with pics of his little girls as we were loading our pasta into the car. I gave him a bag of pasta, but he handed it back and walked away.![]()
Since then--about 10# of corn, and 50 chickens in the freezer.miss_thenorth said:Well, no canning jars lining my shelves yet, but tomatoes haven't started yet.
So far since this spring--
~20# asparagus (wild)
~8 # green and yellow beans (more to come)
~20# strawberries,
~15# raspberries
~14# blueberries (more to come)
~8# corn, (more to come)
All in the freezer.
7 rabbits in the freezer(more to come--22 waiting for the deed--2 this week (unfortunate litter), 9 due in two weeks, 10 due in 4 weeks, then of course more litters, but I will sell them.)
Sold 30 chickens, have 50 due in 6 weeks (some to be sold)
40# lake trout cut into steaks, in freezer(possibly more to come)
All I have in canning jars are the batches of strawberry jam I made, and they are disapperaing quickly, so I won't even count them.