The xXx Gloom & Doom Report


Power Conserver
Dec 1, 2011
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I think this for this reason, people will lose the basic core of who they are b/c of fear and desperation. We will lose people of all backgrounds, that could have been very valuable to us as a whole.the doctors aren't going to just all die, they will just be in a bad situation for a lot of them. I would like to use hurricane Katrina as an example- now mind you all those who were there had hope. The military, redcross, and the American people were there helping all they could and then some. We won't have that, if we are lucky, the good people of this nation will do it anyway, but many will abandon the law, and their posts b/c their family is more important. At least for a while, we will reorganize, but its going to take a while-first must establish food water and basic security. Back to Katrina, there were shootings in the stadium, people even with these basic needs, still killed each other, they looted almost every standing building, so even knowing there was hope of help and evidence of help all around, they reverted to what can only be an animalistic behavior pattern. In the hope of advancing themselves, after the order was truly reestablished. So, the doctors that can hold it together through this unbelievable stress, and manage to survive the looters and the killing, those we will have, but keep in mind, the major cities will be taken over by the gangs already there, with the new gangs that will arise out of need to survive. While I think a lot of smaller towns medical people will probably make it. But when you live in town, you have few means to survive a situation like this, you dont practice survival daily-gardening, livestock, water purification, working the land. While their first idea will be to get out, I would think, is going to be more difficult than you would think- book of Eli. Walking will be your best bet, and taking back roads and then least known path, people who are willing to kill won't care if your a doctor or what you do, and will be killed with what I expect around half the population of most cities. Once medical care is gone or inaccessible, where are you going to go? You will die if you are in need of medical care that can't be accessed. The stress alone will take many, b/c realistically how many Americans are dependant on piles daily to live? Heart problems, high blood pressure, breathing problems, and other stress related illnesses. We won't have access to these things regardless of where you live. Not to mention injuries sustained during the initial breakout. People will kill themselves b/c they can't handle it. Now how many are in prisons? And mental facilties? Those people will get out as soon as the guards leave, so now we have all those who have killed, raped, and have been deemed not ok to live with us, running rampant- they will do a lot of damage, b/c they are more desperate than you. They have no where to go, no established home, or any resource to survive. So they will take yours! The first homes to be looted will be the nice big homes, people will want what we have given value to, gold, jewelry and such. While this is not important, people will do their best to stock up, in the hope that they will be better off when order is reestablished. And many doctors live in big pretty houses. And have many valuable items, from being sucked into the keeping up with the Jones' mentality. I'm not singling out doctors to all die, just that there will be few left. Those in smaller towns will have a higher survival rate, as in my town there are 3, and I would like to think the people of my town will see the value of their skills- it is most definitely a necessity. Pharmacies will be looted, so there won't be medicine available. But I do expect half the population of big cities to be wiped out, not all at once but in 6 months or so. That includes people of all professions. Doctors are just one of most neccesity-after farmers in my book. Only because we need food before medical. People will lose their humanity for a time, and others for good. That will be one of our biggest problems.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
Before you say the whole world will end up like Katrina or Chile, take some time to read about what happened in Japan earlier this year. No looting, people helping each other. Even the Yakuza sent truckloads of goods north to help the refugees and such- and they were delivering stuff without wearing any protective gear! I think we will more likely end up with something in between the two extremes.

A lot depends on just what, exactly, you think is going to cause TEOTWAWKI.

A financial collapse appears to be most likely, that could cause a world wide Depression, but the rich will still be there, and you can bet your last bullet that they will demand all their creature comforts.
Cities will be dangerous, there will always be people that are desperate, or too lazy to work and would rather take what YOU have, but as long as there is any kind of government at all, the cities will be where the food, water, electricity, and police will be concentrated- to help the maximum number of people. Homes in rural areas may be the target of less crime overall, but the crimes will be more violent because the Bad Guys will know that you are isolated and they won't be interrupted; so they can take their time torturing, raping, etc. Also, money will still be important; barter will be used, but it's much too complicated to be used for everything- that's why we came up with currency in the first place. Again, as long as there is any kind of government at all, there will be taxes and bills to pay, and I seriously doubt that the Tax Collector will accept a heap of meat rabbits and eggs for my property tax. So jobs will still be necessary, and if you live far out in the country, how will you get to your job if gas is costing 10 or 20 dollars a gallon? I'm not saying you shouldn't live in the country, but think about "What if" and come up with a few backup plans.

A Pandemic is overdue, and it could cause something like what you have described. But I think it would be temporary. Things will be difficult. Our way of life will change, but we would need to lose a lot more than half the world population to be thrown back to the "stone age"- there's plenty of reference material available on how our technology works (and by the way, there was one building that was never touched by the looters during Katrina--- The public library!)


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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FarmerChick said:
and there are probably more people with 'outdoor skills' that would 'seem' not too.

Just because someone is, say a hairstylist or Dr., don't think they aren't skilled in other areas. Both could be deadly shots and more prepared than one would think. :p
Yep, I can attest to that because I AM a doctor! I've been "around the world" a bit and while I may not be an expert on ALL of the SS skills, I think I have a handle on many of them. But I'd be willing to go "head to head" with you on what I have done thus far in terms of being ready to deal with a major catastrophe, even one that would be like Katrina but all over the nation. In the event of something like that, there won't be all that many "organizations" out helping folks because they will be the folks needing help. You will want to be able to do things for yourself for quite a while till things settle down a bit. Since you don''t know exactly what kind of event will occur but have several options from which to choose, Thermonuclear disaster/EMP etc. is the most likely. The whole country isn't going to have a hurricane and nothing else would be severe enough to include the entire country (IMHO)

Most of us Docs generally have a rather good education and despite the fact that many of us do NOT spend a lot of time learning all the SS skills, we certainly have the brains to as ~gd say, "read books" since that what most of us spent most of our lives doing. Docs from other countries may not have a lot of "skills" outisde the medical setting but they are still very smart folks.

Don't write us off just yet, bubba! Some of us just might fool ya!
I'd think any doc who has been in the military service might just surprise you in terms of what we "know".
By the way, I know a guy in Toronto who has 13 of those busses buried a lot deeper and encased in Concrete to withstand TN war!
This is NOT new information but it is good information.
Trim sends


Enjoys Recycling
Dec 5, 2011
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Icu4dzs said:
FarmerChick said:
and there are probably more people with 'outdoor skills' that would 'seem' not too.

Just because someone is, say a hairstylist or Dr., don't think they aren't skilled in other areas. Both could be deadly shots and more prepared than one would think. :p
Yep, I can attest to that because I AM a doctor! I've been "around the world" a bit and while I may not be an expert on ALL of the SS skills, I think I have a handle on many of them. But I'd be willing to go "head to head" with you on what I have done thus far in terms of being ready to deal with a major catastrophe, even one that would be like Katrina but all over the nation. In the event of something like that, there won't be all that many "organizations" out helping folks because they will be the folks needing help. You will want to be able to do things for yourself for quite a while till things settle down a bit. Since you don''t know exactly what kind of event will occur but have several options from which to choose, Thermonuclear disaster/EMP etc. is the most likely. The whole country isn't going to have a hurricane and nothing else would be severe enough to include the entire country (IMHO)

Most of us Docs generally have a rather good education and despite the fact that many of us do NOT spend a lot of time learning all the SS skills, we certainly have the brains to as ~gd say, "read books" since that what most of us spent most of our lives doing. Docs from other countries may not have a lot of "skills" outisde the medical setting but they are still very smart folks.

Don't write us off just yet, bubba! Some of us just might fool ya!
I'd think any doc who has been in the military service might just surprise you in terms of what we "know".
By the way, I know a guy in Toronto who has 13 of those busses buried a lot deeper and encased in Concrete to withstand TN war!
This is NOT new information but it is good information.
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Well, said...both of you!! Don't assume that just because we've had our head in books or peoples abdomens that we can't take care of ourselves. There are several dead animals on my walls to show the kind of shot I am! I have been really enjoying this thread. I don't consider myself a doom and gloomer, but I am a realist and prepared! The doom and gloom is coming, I believe!

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