Lovin' The Homestead
Good books to read that could help you identify current events that are helping with the inevitable callapse. IMHO.
Dark Ages of America by Morris Berman
Out of Control by Zbigniew Brezezinski
Are We Rome? Cullen Murphy
This is a couple I have been reading
Please read and understand the Bretton Woods Agreement.
Was the ramping up of globilization done when we lost the Bretton Agreement after Nixon dumped the gold standard???
To truelly understand what is happening one must understand the history of it.
I am seeing our community groups starting to disband or on the verg. Not good. I believe America needs to hurt hard inorder for the masses to wake up and see the problem with the path we are on. We need to come back to our roots.
I agree with Glenn Beck when he said "students should be protesting the collages not just Wall St" 10x higher tuition since the 1970's is outrageous. Especailly for loans you can't default on. Where do those loans come from ??? hmmm banks!! Don't get me wrong I believe in higher education but not early slavery. So don't just protest those evil corps, evil bankerster, corrupt politicians, add some greedy collages in there aswell.
I beg those that want to protest. Please don't ask to collapse the system. The ride would and will suck. Let's tear down walls one by one and rebuild them better. I say we start with the FED but would really shake this's up a bit to fast too.
I digress
payed off 2 more bills today. woohooo 1 more to go. FFRRREEEDDOOOOMMMM !!!!
Dark Ages of America by Morris Berman
Out of Control by Zbigniew Brezezinski
Are We Rome? Cullen Murphy
This is a couple I have been reading
Please read and understand the Bretton Woods Agreement.
Was the ramping up of globilization done when we lost the Bretton Agreement after Nixon dumped the gold standard???
To truelly understand what is happening one must understand the history of it.
I am seeing our community groups starting to disband or on the verg. Not good. I believe America needs to hurt hard inorder for the masses to wake up and see the problem with the path we are on. We need to come back to our roots.
I agree with Glenn Beck when he said "students should be protesting the collages not just Wall St" 10x higher tuition since the 1970's is outrageous. Especailly for loans you can't default on. Where do those loans come from ??? hmmm banks!! Don't get me wrong I believe in higher education but not early slavery. So don't just protest those evil corps, evil bankerster, corrupt politicians, add some greedy collages in there aswell.
I beg those that want to protest. Please don't ask to collapse the system. The ride would and will suck. Let's tear down walls one by one and rebuild them better. I say we start with the FED but would really shake this's up a bit to fast too.
I digress
payed off 2 more bills today. woohooo 1 more to go. FFRRREEEDDOOOOMMMM !!!!