Out to pasture
I have noticed shortages in stores also. I think they are just not placing the order until tehy are actually out of the item and then it takes a long time to get it. Everyone is watching the bottom line.
I feel the better prepared we are do fend for ourselves the better. I just worry what will happen if things really get bad and everyone in the neighborhood knows we grow and preserve our own food. We might just have to get some dobermans and pitbulls and bullets for the guns.
Thank goodness our neighbors are in the recycling business, we barter all the time. So we could probably get some good fortification going using their stuff.
Our friend came up for a surprise visit this weekend and he helped himself to and used our stuff like there was no tomorrow. I had bought a bag of pistachios for our snack and a good 1/2lb went missing. He ate 1/2 the ice cream. ate all the salami and SO's bread and used sheets and sheet of paper towels. He also poured the bacon grease down the drain, when he washed the frying pan.
It's no big deal to him. He thinks we can just go to the store and buy more. I had made a nice zucchini egg bake for everyone for lunch, but he didn't want that. He had to have the stuff that was harder for us to replace, like the storebought salami and bread. That was a treat for SO and stepson, because we don't usually buy that kind of stuff.
I know he'll be the first person up here with his family, if TSHTF. Expecting free handouts.
I feel the better prepared we are do fend for ourselves the better. I just worry what will happen if things really get bad and everyone in the neighborhood knows we grow and preserve our own food. We might just have to get some dobermans and pitbulls and bullets for the guns.
Thank goodness our neighbors are in the recycling business, we barter all the time. So we could probably get some good fortification going using their stuff.
Our friend came up for a surprise visit this weekend and he helped himself to and used our stuff like there was no tomorrow. I had bought a bag of pistachios for our snack and a good 1/2lb went missing. He ate 1/2 the ice cream. ate all the salami and SO's bread and used sheets and sheet of paper towels. He also poured the bacon grease down the drain, when he washed the frying pan.

It's no big deal to him. He thinks we can just go to the store and buy more. I had made a nice zucchini egg bake for everyone for lunch, but he didn't want that. He had to have the stuff that was harder for us to replace, like the storebought salami and bread. That was a treat for SO and stepson, because we don't usually buy that kind of stuff.
I know he'll be the first person up here with his family, if TSHTF. Expecting free handouts.