This will scare you.


Sustainable Newbie
Mar 4, 2011
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The most under utilized, and abundant, fuel source available, and we have it right here in the U.S., is natural gas. NG heats homes, cooks food, and fuels automobiles; drives power plants; does eveything liquid gas can. And, it's cleaner burning. Unfortunately, mentality (and I won't say which kind) is on the side of oil.


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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Why don't folks just stand in front of all the "XYZ" gas stations on one day and not buy gas from them for say a week? What do you think would happen to the supply system and thus, the price?
I would imagine that the oil companies have people on staff who are smart enough to realize that what "we, the people" do not buy today, we will, perforce, buy tomorrow.
A better plan, though maybe harder to implement, would be for many people to boycott one particular company, but with consistency. This was done in the 1970's, in Germany at any rate - I was living there then, and am not sure if the boycott happened in the US at the same time. People boycotted Shell stations, and that quickly made Shell feel the pinch. They brought their prices down, and the other companies did too, so as not to be undersold.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Problem w/that is not all places have the same gas stations. I try and plan my trips as much as possible so that I don't have to go out of my way. Of course, at times it does backfire.


Power Conserver
Apr 12, 2011
Reaction score
West Coast
FarmerChick said:
90% of the world are sheeple

too bad we vote in people to save us and it sure doesn't seem to help one bit lol
The Sheeple do what the media tells them to do. I was so disturbed, I finally unplugged the tv! Whew! happiness and peace of mind again!


On vacation
Apr 24, 2010
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I still boycott Ex_on for what they did to the people of Alaska. The Valdez spill, they destroyed the lives of many fisherman.After yrs of court battling, they walked away smelling like a rose.BP is on my list as well.Might as well pick one to boycott that really screwed people..!


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 18, 2009
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Northern Frontline
:cool: I'm still waiting for A Real American President who would step up and say to the American people. "I am hitting the reset button is everyone ready?"

Then pulls all our forces home around the world, kicks out the UN, tells China we are not paying you the debt keep our factories instead, cut all foreign aid, rebuilds our infrustruture and schools back up, Tells Mexico either you take care of the drug problem or we will since it is right on our border, and tells everyone the Easter Bunny is real.

Because we all know this is crazy talk. :) :old

We Americans really do need to wake up real quick now or the pain is going to be felt for genertaions to come. :he

I think people need to focus on real issues in there lives. PAY OFF YOUR DEBT!!! Cheap credit and oil is what got us here and it is now over.

I do feel we have all been hoodwinked. I was born into this system too. I didn't choose to be but I did have a chose to get out of it.

The American Empire is in decline for sure but it's the people who are suffering not the politicians, elites or corps. It's u and I who will pay.

Roman is burning son!! Wake up before it consumes you too!!!



Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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Surprising that no one has mentioned Wall Street. Gasoline futures are traded there- that is why the price of gas is not directly linked to oil. That's why gas is so high right now; last time it spiked oil was $140 a barrel. Its less than $120 a barrel now, yet gasoline prices are the same now as they were when it was $140 a barrel. Demand is about half of what it was two years ago- Americans are using that much less gas. So demand is down, supply is up, therefore the price of gas should be down. That's supply side economics 101.

But throw Wall Street speculation into the mix: Mississippi is flooding, refineries may close, so buy futures. Oil suppliers don't like us, so buy futures. All of a sudden supply demand have nothing to do with the price; fears about possible calamities in the future are what "fuels" the prices. So our politicians beat the drum of anger at "big oil," so we take away their leases, don't let them drill in the US, put millions of jobs they provided onto the public dole, and see energy, food, and commodity prices skyrocketing while at the same time the US dollar becomes weaker and weaker.

We depend on oil and gasoline to function as a society. We can wean ourselves in part, but the low cost alternatives are not there yet. So instead of devoting so much energy to cursing the oil and gasoline producers, lets encourage our lawmakers and the SEC to criminalize speculation on gas and oil. Instead, let market forces control the price. Allow and encourage drilling for oil in the US, so we don't have to pay terrorist sponsors for as much of their oil. Embrace oil and what it has done for this nation and world, while at the same time trying to find better ways to conserve it and move forward from it. Your politicians are playing you like marionnettes when they beat up on "Big Oil." By deflecting attention away from their own ineptitude, they can get re-elected and continue to push this country over the cliff.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 18, 2010
Reaction score
THEFAN - While I agree 100% with most of your post, I'm sitting here in total amazement that someone from Maine would say those things. Over the past 30 years I have spent a lot of time (way too much) in Maine on lengthy business trips and projects. I was soooooo happy to get away from that area of the country every time I came home to the mid-west. Your post gives me some encouragement that there really are a couple good conservatives in New England. Thanks.


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
Reaction score
THEFAN said:
:cool: I'm still waiting for A Real American President who would step up and say to the American people. "I am hitting the reset button is everyone ready?"

Then pulls all our forces home around the world, kicks out the UN, tells China we are not paying you the debt keep our factories instead, cut all foreign aid, rebuilds our infrustruture and schools back up, Tells Mexico either you take care of the drug problem or we will since it is right on our border, and tells everyone the Easter Bunny is real.

Because we all know this is crazy talk. :) :old
O REALLY? IS this all that crazy?

THEFAN said:
: We Americans really do need to wake up real quick now or the pain is going to be felt for genertaions to come. :he

I think people need to focus on real issues in there lives. PAY OFF YOUR DEBT!!! Cheap credit and oil is what got us here and it is now over.

I do feel we have all been hoodwinked. I was born into this system too. I didn't choose to be but I did have a chose to get out of it.

The American Empire is in decline for sure but it's the people who are suffering not the politicians, elites or corps. It's u and I who will pay.

Roman is burning son!! Wake up before it consumes you too!!!

This needs to be drilled into the heads of our children and our grandchildren *(because many of us already have them)

This is also caused by the influx of folks who came here from other places and decided that they could "get rich quick" in the USA instead of working hard like our ancestors had to do.

Now we, the SS'er (who have always thought this way) are seeing the decline of our beautiful republic because of the now enlarging masses who believe that the US Gov't should pay for their existence without doing any work or contributing to the common good/US Treasury in order to preserve this.

Here in SDAK a guy named T. Denny Sanford who has made obscene amounts of money in the credit card business is trying to "buy back his soul" by giving many millions of dollars to health care industry in a bid to completely take over the entire health care industry in this state. The cost of "credit" is so enormous that this guy can give away $400M at a time without blinking an eye. Does that sound like the credit industry is failing? I don't think so.

We, the SS'ers in the country are the only ones who will preserve our union in the event of catastrophic failure. The rest of the "entitlement" population will be out walking around with firearms looking for our gardens and food storage closets.

Yes, this IS serious. Google Nicola Tesla in another string addresses their concern over this and implores everyone to have their systems working by the completion of this year.
Google Nicola Tesla said:
i got a nice < 1/2 acre of corn, wheat, and oats growing as a large reduction in the prices of these 3 commodities when they start really rising as it said on the news today. its very exciting seeing the first sprouts comming up! never did this stuff before, but because of the internet i quickly realized what i have to do.i hope everyone else is preparing as well, this spring seems to be a very important one on getting a heads up to the comming years of uncertainty!!
-make sure to get organic heirloom seed
-sustainable fruit trees and bushes
-get water storage or a well
-learn how to harvest and store seed for the next year
-make sure to be energy independent, like solar or geothermal
-get ham radio equipment if the internet is censored, which is comming soon(they dont want people to prepare!)

good luck everyone! i hope ur getting ready!this is a very important year, the internet predicted this atleast 3 yrs ago!
I agree. It is paramount that we be strong now because as it says in the book of Matthew "you won't know the time or day..." Tesla was a brilliant scientist who was way ahead of his time and we still don't understand all the things he had figured out!!!

There is an interesting book called "Mary's Message to the World". In this book the coming catastrophe is explained and the important information that we should all learn is that we will NOT be sent back to the stone age, but will be able to keep the technological changes and lessons we can remember and make for our selves.
If you think about this, it makes a great deal of sense to those of us who can cut metal, weld, work with wood, wrap copper wire around magnets and do the things that we know about which have been done by factories for us in the past. Get busy and get books to learn these skills or be able to learn them and/or teach them to the young. It is they who will benefit from the preservation of our technological advancements. The ones we can do for ourselves will be the ones that we get to have after it happens.
This is not meant to flame. This is meant to encourage all of us to as W.D Boyce taught me as a young boy to "BE PREPARED". He just never told me what to be prepared for...Now I think I know.
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