Lovin' The Homestead
I think an incubator is more convenient and at times, more reliable. For me, I have had good hatches in the incubator most of the time, depending on the eggs. My broody hens,..not so much. I have one gal that goes broody very often and she has always been a good momma,..but this year she just got up and walked off and never looked back. The eggs were fine, the chicks were developing,..I guess she just changed her mind. I have had ducks do the same thing. The hatch rate has been better using my incubator too, and yes it is just a cheap styrofoam bater. I honestly think,..some people just have the "knack" for it,..while others don't. I have a friend who has hatched eggs out in a bucket setting beside a fireplace,...now SHE has a "knack" for hatching,..lol! I would never have any luck doing such thing. Oh, and I also found the less you fuss and worry over them,...the better hatch you will get.