Mountain Sage
THAT is a cool tip!
I'll try that! How bout salt water in the meantime? Like a spray bottle with concentrated brine, then a rinse with clear water to get the brine off, if you haven't the time for a full bath?
call your vet about grooming. I had a young kitten that I had to take to the groomer at the vet to have a flea bath because she was so bad. I bombed the house and they were nice enough to keep her all day. Fleas can kill a young kitten.farm_mom said:Someone dropped a small kitten off at our place a couple of weeks ago. She's crawling with fleas, but she's too young (I'd guess she's maybe 6-7 weeks now) for anything I could find at the store. Been bathing and flea combing her, but I never get them all. I have food grade DE that I keep on hand for the chickens, do you think I could use it on her? I would imagine it had to be kept away from the face?punkin said:Don't forget about food grade DE. We use it on our outside dogs and their bedding.
Our inside dogs are confined to their own yard, so we don't have a problem much with fleas or ticks.
I just joined this forum (I've been a member at BYC for awhile now) and I'm late chiming in and not wanting to really argue on my first post, lol but I have to agree - water does not kill the flea eggs thus the cycle just continues once the eggs hatch. It does kill the fleas given enough time, but the fleas lay eggs everywhere and they will hatch, some quickly, some not so quickly. I think eggs can hatch up to 6 months after being laid. I learned this and a lot about fleas while working at my vet's office for a year.Beekissed said:I use regular bathing with Dawn and Lime or lavender EO, flea collars. Seems to do the trick. The whole drowning the flea thing may work, but I doubt it kills the eggs, so within 2 wks you may have just as many fleas that you had before. I've used it for animals that are crawling, or severely infested, that I have rescued. It does take care of the majority of the fleas, but not all.
I've tried using cloth collars soaked in a mixture of essential oils that repel ticks and fleas, but the dogs literally HATED these and would do anything to get them off, or cover the scent, by saturating them with dead animal juice!Nothing like washing an 80 lb white dog until she sparkles, just to have her roll in a dead skunk to "smell better"!
The old fashioned flea and tick collars work fine here, but we may not have the problem as bad as others. I always make sure bedding has cedar chips included and this seems to discourage fleas.