

<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
rd200 said:
Do you have any health insurance??? when my wisdom teeth were causing problems, my health insurance covered them to be taken out because they were still in there. If they are all the way out it goes on dental insurance, but if they are in, i would check with the doctor if you have health insurance.

I have had multiple teeth problems and i feel your pain. There is nothing that hurts more than a tooth ache. rated right up there with child birth. What works well, my dentist told me once was to take 2 Ibuprofen, then 2 hrs later take 2 extra strengh tylenol. And just keep going back and forth every 2-3 hours depending on your pain tolerance, etc with the Ibuprofen and Tylenol. DONT WAIT UNTIL IT HURTS AGAIN. then its too late. ITs way better to keep your pain under control rather than letting it get bad. Dentist said that its equal to Prescription strength pain killers without the narcotic affects of pain killers. It works. I had the same problem except taht i was waiting until my insurance cycled again in january cuz i didnt have 3ooo for a root canal and crown. It was infected again, and that is the worst pain ever. It was terrible. I didnt want to pay the $120 for a visit for them to tell me it was infected cuz i already knew it was.... so i just ordered some Zithromycin off the internet and took that. Now, i wouldnt recommend self-treatment but this was the 2nd time it was infected and i did the exact same thing my dentist did the first time. In a week it cleared up good as new. I have my appt scheduled for next week and finally came up with the money i need to get it taken care of.
Good luck to you....
Just be careful with dosing up on drugs that much. Ibuprofen needs to be taken with food. I would recommend against doing this for more than a day at a time or so as it could result in other problems that might be more unpleasant.

If there is an infection you might want to try swishing your mouth really good with a solution of good pure honey and water mixed together. Honey is naturally antibacterial and antifungal, adding a little lemon juice to it would probably be good as well. It might not help the pain, but it will at least help the infection.

Staying away from sugar in your diet (all sugars, including the fake sweenters) can help, as well as adding in a good fish oil or krill oil, plus raw dairy or raw butter. These things can actually help heal your teeth. You might want to check out the book Cure Tooth Decay, I actually found it at my local library and am working on getting rid of some cavities without the nasty fillings.

Best of luck to you! Feel better soon!

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