I don't know what part of Tennessee you are in, but I seen it was pretty bad down that way last night. I really hope you and your family is fine ,..and will be praying for everyone. Hopefully your power is just out.
We are fine, others are not. There is damage to the north of me, and a persons home burned down last night thanks to the lightning. It's still raining and tornado warnings coming and going. It will likely last all day. My yard is flooded about a foot deep at the moment in the back. :/ Hope it ends soon.
Glad to hear you are aOK for the most part. Be safe with the flooding....I think our rain MIGHT be over...shhhhh...dont let mother nature know I said that! LOL
The winds are terrible here today...hang on...its coming through!
Still getting pounded with rain :/ My garden beds are flooded at the moment. I sunk down a foot in water and mud at the fence where it washed debris down and plugged it up. I had to go out and fix that this morning so it would drain. What a nasty day!! The goat shed is leaky, and never has leaked before. Heavy heavy rain last night and this morning!
I sure hope everyone else is okay. 11 deaths due to this system thus far being reported. 10 in Arkansas yesterday and one in Mississippi. Schools closed all around due to bridges being flooded here. I can't go any direction more than 5 miles right now
Was that tornado preceeded by hail? I was once told that hail stones are associated with tornado activity in the same general area. Not sure if I understood why though.
Glad you are OK. I was living in Wichita Falls, Texas on APRIL 10, 1979 when 5 tornados ate a huge swath through the town 1 mile wide and 5 miles long. Happened around 2:30 PM. Just missed school having let out at 2 PM. Destroyed the school and its contents. Sure glad those kids were home by then.
Sorry for your strife in this situation. HOpe your animals did OK.
Trim sends
No hail so far, though the neighbors down the road got it. yes it does precede a tornado a lot of times, but not always. I think it is due to the different pressure systems colliding to creat tornadic activity. Here's a couple of quick pics between the giant raindrops.
These are all from my ONE ACRE backyard. Lotta water on a small acre!!!
Chickens are soaked, because they were playing in it Turkey looks to be a bit depressed..goats won't come out of the shed since I tossed dry hay down for them, and the ducks...are out there lovin it!
ETA: Forgot this one...this is where I had to unclog debris to let the water flow to a lower spot.The water is actually about 15 inches deep there at the fence...notice my posts are crooked now too :/ I stepped in it and the water went almost to the top of my rubber boots.