Mountain Sage
Thanks Bee!
We don't want someone to come take the bees. It is a very busy tree. Unfortunately the tree is dying and we don't want to see them move on. We have been told that they can't be moved from the tree to a hive. You know me, if I am told it can't be done I will find a way to do it.
Good for you! We share that trait. And they were dead wrong.
Are you going to get yourself a hive and start keeping them? I'd suggest it, as these bees are feral and doing very well without meds, extra feeding, etc., which means they can continue to do so without too much intervention on your part. I've been wanting such a swarm or hive for so very long and even have a hybrid Lang/top bar hive built, just ready to receive them.
I will say this...when you move bees successfully it either has to be right next to the hive~as in apiaries when they split a hive into another box, or a mile away, as they will return to the original hive site if not. When you remove this hive, I'd cut the tree down. Then I'd leave them right where it used to stand~you could even keep your stump higher to set your hive on.