

Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
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SW Ontario, CANADA
Totaly not trying to hijack, but when we lived up north, there was a guy who made trips to the east coast. Before he went, through word of mouth, he would take orders for lobster. IF you wanted some, you called him with how many, and your addres. When he came back, (in his refrigerated truck) he would stop by before he even went home to unpack, to drop off your lobster. We did like meat off that truck :drool


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 22, 2009
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New Brunswick, Canada
miss_thenorth said:
Totaly not trying to hijack, but when we lived up north, there was a guy who made trips to the east coast. Before he went, through word of mouth, he would take orders for lobster. IF you wanted some, you called him with how many, and your addres. When he came back, (in his refrigerated truck) he would stop by before he even went home to unpack, to drop off your lobster. We did like meat off that truck :drool
That's one thing I like about living near the coast... we can get lobster from the dock as the boats come back in during lobster season, it doesn't get much fresher than that :)

I had a guy show up with a van full of freezers of meat... it was all seasoned, processed crap that he was charging more than the grocery store for... if I wanted to eat that stuff, I'd buy a box of meat from the grocery store... blech...


Our Frustrated Curmudgeon
Jul 25, 2008
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Urban Idaho.
modern_pioneer said:
. . . Its always about who has the biggest gun, or rifle, depends if your Marines/Army. . .
I think it's the Navy. Those 16" guns are pretty big.

Now if you're talking about small arms.


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 23, 2010
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I know that this is an older thread but I just read the whole thing and I just have to add my story too!

I know most of the kids in our small neighborhood and they know that I am home all the time and that if they need anything or are afraid of anything to just come to me and all the parents know it too. They know the rules of feeding the chickens and of being in the yards and not the gardens! So having the stray child in the yard doesn't bother me a bit.
But the long dressed, hair in the bun "Have ya heard the good news" gals drive me bonkers... I figured that telling them I am a Wiccan would have been enuf, but no, not enuf... Greeting them at the door in my "special occasion religious sky clothing" :ep would have been enuf, but no.... Now they send the children to the back yard to find me thinking that will help... I am polite and try to tell them that I am pretty set in my Wiccan ways and happy to be such, but alas... no.. I think that I have become their mission in life. at least they are not rude. :) Just persistent..

Now the jerks who think that since there is a foot of snow on the ground gives them the right to run all over my yard and right up next to the house...:barnie Them- I wanna choke! I think that they got the hint that when I came out of the house with the shovel and came close to whacking one of them on the head that I didn't care much for their antics... I have a feeling that the same jerk who ran his quad thru my yard with his little 8 year old on another right behind him may be the same "jerk".. I waited while they got ice cream down at the store and stood there with my big walking staff while they came back by.. and yes I gave them the big stink eye all the time..
You would think that since I live in town(a four way stop town with a store and a bar and a hair salon ;)) on only two acres that I wouldn't have this problem! ARGH!!
I guess that since I live next to the local township office and their yard is twice the size of mine and it is public property they think that I have to share my yard with them. The township guy in charge(a friend of mine) told me to either fence it (which needs a permit) or get sneaky and plant the whole property line with wild black raspberries.. He found that they are the only things the snowmobile and quad riders hate to go thru, at least on his property. :lol:

Don't get me started on the meat guys.. I just tell them I am a vegan(for fun ya know) when I know that I am a meatasaur..
But the worst of the lot is the vacuum sales guy who pushed his way into the house thinking I was home alone after 9 at night no less! He and his buddy both came into the house by pushing me aside and saying that I just had to see their vacuum... Lucky for me the Hubs was home as was my over 6 foot tall son I just hollered for them and they put them out and just tossed their vacuum parts out.. We did call the sheriff that time to find that they had been strong arming tons of folks in the area.. They didn't get arrested but they did get the boot out of the area with threats of arrest if they were seen again.
Ahhh such drama in such a quiet little town..


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
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Hot Springs, Arkansas
Sorry you've been having to deal with pushy rude people. That raspberry patch sounds like a great idea. Home protection, yummy fruit and herbal medicine too. :)
I don't have the nerve to celebrate outside in my " special occasion religious sky clothing " but they better not surprise me once I can live in the countryside again. Hope you had a great Beltane.
Blessings, DL

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
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I came home one day to a strange man with a sack picking up pecans in my front yard. At first he ignored me, but I insisted he speak to me and he said, "you don't mind if I take these, do you?". Something about him creeped me out, and I was really taken aback by the whole incident but I told him he could take SOME.

I actually HAD wanted them myself, and watered the pecan trees all summer to be sure they would produce. But I lived alone with my child and no dog or anything then and didn't really know how to tell him no, I'd counted on them and please leave!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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We don't have many problems w/people trespassing where we live, but my church, that's a whole nudder story! The church sits on about 2 acres, next to a trailer park. And the church doesn't take up much of the room. We had to put up a fence because the trailer park kept encroaching on the church property. They put up sheds! And, one trailer was put up too close to the property line. (They didn't even get the permits they needed for most of this stuff.) We did sell them some of the land so they wouldn't need to move the trailer, then used the money to put up the fence, and pave the parking lot.

Since most of the property is an empty field, we honestly do not mind if the kids come over and play ball, etc. After all, there is not really much room around the trailers, I think there's about 10, 20 feet around each trailer on all sides, if that and that's it. But, we don't like it when we get there and find that stuff has been destroyed. Someone purchased a swing set for the younger kids, put stuff under it for in case they fell, or whatever. They've broken the swing set and put the stuff all around the church. We have a car port for having picnics under, using for VBS or whatever. Someone was throwing rocks on top of it. Needless to say, we're not really happy about it. All we ask is that they respect the property and not damage anything. You'd think that wouldn't be too much to ask.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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We had a meat guy stop by the shop yesterday. He sure had a good line but my BS detector is excellent and hubby and I had to try to not laugh at him.

Being in a military town, he said "the guy who was supposed to get this meat order is getting deployed and can't take it so I have a deal for you!"

I played along and asked him how much per pound the meat was. Having dealt with these guys before I knew exactly what he would say. "Ummm....we don't sell by the pound, we sell by the package."

Excuse me? You don't know how much your packages weigh? What is the per unit cost? You know, the method that all smart shoppers use to know if they are getting a good deal? I have a scale right here and I understand basic math....

He wondered off muttering :D

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