you have it? Do you watch it?


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
lol funny

some info-mercials caught my eye also. never did buy anything tho but they are 'almost' like a show, funny to watch


Lovin' The Homestead
May 19, 2011
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As a single young adult, I never had a TV and didn't miss it. For awhile, I lived with a boyfriend who had a small TV hooked up to a PS2, which also played DVDs. His behavior with it drove me completely bonkers. We split up within six months of that thing showing up. (My previous serious boyfriend in high school was huge sports fan, especially college basketball. IT WAS SO BORING.)

My rule, after those experiences, was that to get to a third interlude with me, a guy could neither a) own a video game console or "gaming" computer, and b) could not be a fan of televised sports. This was on top of the "must be employed" rule.

Good rules, these. The next man I dated met all three of them, and I married him.

Neither of us had a TV when we married and moved into our first apartment together. My ILs got us a television for our first Christmas as a married couple. We had it for, I think, three months, before we realized that we had free cable with our apartment. DSS didn't have TV at his mom's house (they had one, but no service- it functioned as a monitor for VHS/DVD), and I quickly realized that the real trouble with kids' television isn't the content, but the ads. They are reprehensible.

When we moved up here, we went without a TV again until a year ago. We had been using Netflix on our desktop, but were horrified to discover how much our clunky old desktop was costing us in electricity. So we got rid of it, and replaced it with a laptop, a new television, and a Roku. (Our very young children would have destroyed a laptop within days.) I admit, it was nice watching movies all snuggled up on the couch rather than huddling around the computer. What was really funny was that these purchases totaled $760 altogether, and our desktop cost us $660 when we bought it in 2004.

What I like about this system is that it is cheap and there are no contracts. Right now, we have Netflix ($8/mo), Hulu+ ($8/mo) and HBO GO (which is $16/mo, and we only got if for the three months that DH is recovering from his hip replacement). We only have this stuff from November through May. We are too busy and outside too much during the summer. (I'd drop it in April, but those May sweeps! We always want to see the season's resolution of 30 Rock and Parks and Rec.) During the warm months, if there is something we really want to see, we get it off of Amazon VOD, which is all a la carte- you pay $1 for most shows, and about $3 for each movie. There are a bunch of free channels that we can use in the summer, too, if we get exceptionally bored. My favorite channel is actually a free one- Pandora. I have discovered that I love streaming music. I can't remember the last time I fussed with CDs.

We don't go to the video store (even new releases are on Amazon VOD), we never have to mail discs back or clean out a DVD cabinet, the only equipment we have to mess with is the Roku itself and it's little 8-button remote. I would guess that what we annually spend on TV/movie watching now is equal to or even less than what we spent when we were renting movies every week (not counting the cost of gas), and it's much more convenient.

I probably watch the least TV of anyone in the house, and I certainly could live without it. That said, I'm a big fan of Mad Men and Breaking Bad, and I would not have gotten into these brilliant shows if not for the Roku.


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
We definitey have a TV...big, black, good for nothing but noise and violence, is how I see it. DH and son watch it every night, I can't stand it. I used to watch the home decor shows alot, but even they got a little too liberal for my I avoid the whole thing as much as possible and bury myself in the sewing room when the TV is on:)


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
My rule, after those experiences, was that to get to a third interlude with me, a guy could neither a) own a video game console or "gaming" computer, and b) could not be a fan of televised sports. This was on top of the "must be employed" rule.

Good rules, these. The next man I dated met all three of them, and I married him.
This should be tattooed on the back of every teenage girl's hand for quick reference! :clap

Morel, I guess that was the issue for me as well...if the good shows outnumbered all the bad, I'd probably rethink TV. Finding a "good" show was the problem.

The least offensive I found was the style shows, but then I got to thinking about the incredible waste of someone spending 5K on two little racks of clothing so they could know What Not to Wear, or the sad fact that there are people~apparently thousands~who spend $1500~$35,000 on a wedding dress when so many people could be fed, clothed and sheltered with that money. I guess that is just the frugal in me.

Or the Dog Whisperer, which is mighty interesting to watch as the little guy calms the nutty dogs and owners. But then you face the depressing fact that there are THAT many nutty dog owners who cannot control their dogs and treat them like children. THIS I already knew but it still makes one frustrated to watch.

Or the SuperNanny who drives up to these palatial mansions wherein people live with horrible, screaming, cursing, disrespectful monsters...and you can't help but wonder, "If they were smart enough to earn the money for that home, why in the world can't they control or train a child?"

Just a few observations..... :p


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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I could care less about the gaming video things---but give me televised sports. Many a great party while watching football games. Ah, wouldn't trade those days for anything.

I want a man who loves me that is very manly. I like that and require that in a guy. Plus I love the fact my man can kill things. Truly. It is so important to be able to have someone who can pull the trigger on livestock when absolutely necessary. Big toys are a must also!

just things I sure look for in a guy :lol:

I never saw supernanny but the commercials are horrifying. some parents are just incredible. never understood that a parent would ever let a kid run the house. strange

the funny farm6

Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
Funniest yet is when- as a family on a Saturday morning get up and turn on those info-mercils and turn off the sound and make up your oun! We did this before they thought of posting it on u-tube. We do miss that though. If you haveing tried it please do....soooo much fun.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
rural Abilene, KS, 67410 USA
MorelCabin said:
We definitey have a TV...big, black, good for nothing but noise and violence, is how I see it. DH and son watch it every night, I can't stand it. I used to watch the home decor shows alot, but even they got a little too liberal for my I avoid the whole thing as much as possible and bury myself in the sewing room when the TV is on:)
I'm sorry, what was too liberal in a home decor show? (I'm not trying to be snotty or rude here, I'm just curious)


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
Reaction score
Northern Ontario Canada
Marianne said:
MorelCabin said:
We definitey have a TV...big, black, good for nothing but noise and violence, is how I see it. DH and son watch it every night, I can't stand it. I used to watch the home decor shows alot, but even they got a little too liberal for my I avoid the whole thing as much as possible and bury myself in the sewing room when the TV is on:)
I'm sorry, what was too liberal in a home decor show? (I'm not trying to be snotty or rude here, I'm just curious)
Not sure how to respond with 'politically correct' lets just say it is my home, and what goes on in my home I have control of...what goes on in the outside world I tolerate or avoid :) Always with a big smile and an easygoing attitude...but my home is my refuge, and I try to keep it that way.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
Interesting. I watch alot of home decor shows for the great ideas. I haven't seen one yet I would turn off for the reason other than I am sick of them, same old remodels, and that kinda thing.

too liberal? I can't see that one tho but anyone can turn off anything they sure don't enjoy

what kills me are the reality shows. holy cow have they gone viral. don't watch many but I love Gold Rush only because I would love to be the one in alaska searching for gold, but won't happen :lol:


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 22, 2011
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We got a TV. We got satellite TV, for that matter. Millions of channels. We got channels for hockey, baseball, tennis, golf, style, DIY, football, nascar, movies, all that. Got a few "kids" channels that seem specifically designed to tap into that potty humor lowest common denominator to actually make them even stupider.
We watch nearly none of it.
The problem is, to get the 1-2% of the programming we actually want to watch, we have to get that whole package of sports or other uselessness we never watch. I am looking for an alternative. A friend recomended hulu, so I will eventually get around to checking it out.

When we do watch, we always pre-record on the DVR. That way I can ffw thru commercials.

Evening ritual, or at least a few nights per week: I scan thru the channels on the guide and see what I want to record. Maybe a good nature or science show, maybe there is the occasional history or such documentary, or maybe a good old fashioned western (the kind where Lee Van Cleef, Lee Marvin, John Wayne or Clint Eastwood shoots a whole bunch of people that really need killing and some that don't, none of that Glen Ford sensitive crap!) or at least one reall awful one DW and I can screen talk and get a good laugh.
Set it up to record and watch tomorrow, then see what I recorded last night.

Big gripe with the "science" channels. First they are overrun with bikers and midgets with tattoos and pitbulls, or maybe some useless drivel glamorising some family's irresponsible breeding habits - then the Hitler rotation with a generous helping of UFOs, and then a spate of RELIGIOUS programs. Really? On the SCIENCE chanels?

Used to watch the news channels. Too biased and unbelievable. All of them. CNBC, Fox, whatever, all of em.

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