Ugh... Broke and struggling... Ideas anyone?


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 19, 2010
Reaction score
This is not huge, but a few years ago when things were tight, I signed up for all the online survey sites that paid. I only made a few dollars a week, but it helped - and I could do it at home on my own schedule. If you decide to try that, set up a separate email account just for your surveys, because they generate a ton of spam.


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 24, 2009
Reaction score
Central Pennsyltucky
SKR8PN said:
Bettacreek said:
He's the kind of person who'd rather sit in jail than pay child support. :rolleyes:
Then by God I'd do everything in my power to see him sit in jail!! :somad
Contact the local child support office and see to it they do SOMETHING to help you out. At least maybe they could hook you up with a free lawyer to get his arse to court. The judges around here don't take to kindly to worthless bums that refuse to support their children. THAT is one of MY pet peeves! :somad
There isn't anything that I can actually do about it. The child support office here handles all of that. They can court order all kinds of things, but if he doesn't pay, he doesn't pay. If he goes to jail, I still won't get the support. It just sucks. I've been providing everything for the boys since they were born. He never helped watch them, was more worried about buying dvd's and video games than paying bills, and now hasn't paid a lick of support in a year and a half. Hasn't bought a box of diapers, hasn't taken them to any doctor's appointments, nothing. He's had them for about 7 days out of the past year and a half. But, that's a whole 'nother rant that could go on for days, lol.


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
pine county, mn
ok, I'm relieved - it sounds more like a temporary cash crisis than necessarily long term. and I'm one to talk about planning, I just "accidentally" took in two stray kittens that will be rather expensive in the long run with neutering.

two more thoughts: are father's parents around at all? any chance they would kick in support? (guessing not likely as perhaps his parents taught him to evade responsibility)

and, if you are near an urban area, you might watch craigs list - sometimes there are marketing groups looking for folks to render opinions on stuff - and sometimes there are odd jobs that might work out.
(exercising all caution of course).

are you in an area where you can hold a garage sale? for things your boys have outgrown?

think about calling comcast yourself - you would have to pose as your mom, but she would probably help you do that. Comcast is a major pain the rear, but you are at home and can put up with the hassle. plus, my parents usually get a fairly decent credit on the bill each time comcast has to come out (ask for it). Maybe your parents would let you keep the cash you generate from that, and you would still be able to give up the phone ( I know, awful to do without it).

make a game out of penny pinching -

good luck!


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 22, 2009
Reaction score
New Brunswick, Canada
I'm another vote for the cloth diapers... if you can sew, you can turn your old receiving blankets into super cute flannel diapers. Google 'Rita's Rump Pocket' for a free pattern.

I bought 7 waterproof covers, and 28 liners on ebay for about $30 (they came from china, and are adjustable from newborn to toddler size)... that's enough to last the baby we're expecting until she's a toddler and potty trained. I'm making wipes out of receiving blankets by cutting them into squares and serger the edges.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 19, 2008
Reaction score
Campton, Kentucky
I really feel bad for you.. I know what it's like to be a single Mom and trying to make it on your own. Have you ever tried selling stuff on ebay? I sometimes sell my kids clothes that they outgrow and get pretty good money for them. Babysitting is another good thing to get into. I has a certified in home daycare and I ran day shift and night shift and even did weekends and sometimes I would have just after school kids in between shifts too. You could have 6 kids and 4 of your own kids if you had that many. I made around $5,000.00 per month plus I got a food check from the state for about 1,200.00 per month to buy food for the children. They also paid me to feed my own children. It was really good money. After I got on my feet really well and save a lot of money I went down to only have dayshift and after school children and no weekends. This might be something you could do.


Late For Supper
Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
Bettacreek said:
SKR8PN said:
Bettacreek said:
He's the kind of person who'd rather sit in jail than pay child support. :rolleyes:
Then by God I'd do everything in my power to see him sit in jail!! :somad
Contact the local child support office and see to it they do SOMETHING to help you out. At least maybe they could hook you up with a free lawyer to get his arse to court. The judges around here don't take to kindly to worthless bums that refuse to support their children. THAT is one of MY pet peeves! :somad
There isn't anything that I can actually do about it. The child support office here handles all of that. They can court order all kinds of things, but if he doesn't pay, he doesn't pay. If he goes to jail, I still won't get the support. It just sucks. I've been providing everything for the boys since they were born. He never helped watch them, was more worried about buying dvd's and video games than paying bills, and now hasn't paid a lick of support in a year and a half. Hasn't bought a box of diapers, hasn't taken them to any doctor's appointments, nothing. He's had them for about 7 days out of the past year and a half. But, that's a whole 'nother rant that could go on for days, lol.
If the court orders him to pay, and he doesn't, then he is in contempt and needs to sit his arse in jail for awhile. Here in Ohio, I can PROMISE you he would either pay voluntarily, or the court will find a way to get the money out of him for you. It all depends on the attorney and the judge...
Arseholes like that need to be de-nutted..........


Almost Self-Reliant
May 24, 2010
Reaction score
NW Florida
You don't mention what kind of phone you have, but if your contract allows you need to drop the current phone and get a pay as you go..... $10 a month gives you enough "minutes" for emergencies and the 50% of the time the landline doesn't work.

You just have to make up your mind that you are going to make some sacrifices in comfort / convenience if you want to get above this (speaking from $40k in credit card debt experience!! ).


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
I have not read through all the suggestions so I am not sure if this has been mentioned. If you could get a reliable phone line and you already have the computer, what about working from home as a phone representative? There are many legit companies like Convergys (I used to work for them in college and they paid decent, money towards college semesters and books etc, not at home though I was at a call center) so if your kids are quiet while you were working 4-6 hours a day (work a late night shift) I am sure you could manage something like that.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
SKR8PN said:
Bettacreek said:
SKR8PN said:
Then by God I'd do everything in my power to see him sit in jail!! :somad
Contact the local child support office and see to it they do SOMETHING to help you out. At least maybe they could hook you up with a free lawyer to get his arse to court. The judges around here don't take to kindly to worthless bums that refuse to support their children. THAT is one of MY pet peeves! :somad
There isn't anything that I can actually do about it. The child support office here handles all of that. They can court order all kinds of things, but if he doesn't pay, he doesn't pay. If he goes to jail, I still won't get the support. It just sucks. I've been providing everything for the boys since they were born. He never helped watch them, was more worried about buying dvd's and video games than paying bills, and now hasn't paid a lick of support in a year and a half. Hasn't bought a box of diapers, hasn't taken them to any doctor's appointments, nothing. He's had them for about 7 days out of the past year and a half. But, that's a whole 'nother rant that could go on for days, lol.
If the court orders him to pay, and he doesn't, then he is in contempt and needs to sit his arse in jail for awhile. Here in Ohio, I can PROMISE you he would either pay voluntarily, or the court will find a way to get the money out of him for you. It all depends on the attorney and the judge...
Arseholes like that need to be de-nutted..........
Same here SKR
you do land in jail eventually if you don't pay your child support
and by gosh if it was me, I would do everything in my power and contact everyone in the system constantly and find the right path to either make him pay or put his azz in jail. There is no way I would allow him not to support his children. A pet peeve of mine also LOL


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
I've never gotten child support...even when I lived in OH. Basically, what they tell you is this~"if we put him in jail, how can he work and pay child support?"

My repy was this~"put him jail anyway, as he rarely works and never pays the child support."

Their reply? "It's a waste of the state's time and money to put him in jail."

Lesson learned. Men can basically breed like dogs wherever they please and never have to support the pups.

Don't wait around for this to happen, 'cause it just ain't gonna. :rant

With your income you will be eligible for all kinds of student grants and aids at your local community college. Start taking night classes now if your parents will watch the kids. If they won't, take day classes, as most of these colleges have daycare that will be free for you if you are low income. They also have work study jobs.

Call your local college and see how you can improve your situation, not only temporarily but for the next several years you will be supporting your children by yourself.

I moved home to live with my parents while I attended nursing was the only way I could do this and pull myself up from the young and dumb expectation that a man would be a real man in this world. Its an urban myth and not to be trusted.... ;)

You can do it! :thumbsup

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