Almost Self-Reliant
I totally agree with you. The plants that are "blue" are more purpleish...or even a bit pink to me.patandchickens said:Gee, everything I have read says that blue potatoes DO stay blue after cooking (insofar as you want to call it blue in the first place... what I've seen is more like what people describing flowers would call blue, i.e. really rather purplish, rather than what *I* would call blue)
Perhaps you are thinking of purple beans, which indeed do not stay purple thru cooking but turn dark green instead?
I have walking (Egyptian) onions. I am frankly not that impressed, as the bulblets are teeny (good for throwing in jars of mixed pickled veggies but that's about it) adn the taste is rather crude and strong, ok if you are totally out of any other oniony green but I never seem to use them if ANY alternative exists (chives, onion tops, scallions, garlic tops, etc)
Very interesting about the Walking Onions. Honestly, I don't really care all that much for onion, though I've taken a small liking to it over the years. I have chives growing in a pot on the deck - they are doing fabulously well - but DH gets this look of shock and revulsion everytime I suggest using them instead of a good ol' fashioned onion. LOL
Maybe someday he will come around.
Edited to clarify.