Almost Self-Reliant
Nope, FOX News, so does that automatically make it wrongk15n1 said:I wish you would post this alleged report so we can all come to our own conclusions. Was it a post on a blog or something?SSDreamin said:I just saw a report that said the electric production for hybrids is producing more carbon than if they'd just stuck to driving a gas vehicle - not so warm, not so fuzzy for the environment, after all :/hqueen13 said:Sunny, it doesn't matter if you can or can't afford a hybrid, when you do the math most people BARELY break even on the cost. There just isn't much of a return in terms of $$ when you look at the cost of the vehicle and gas savings versus the cost of a "regular" vehicle and gas expenses. So really, the only reason to buy one is to get warm fuzzy feelings for the environment. Cause there sure aren't going to be any warm fuzzies on the bottom line!
This is of course not to mention the issue of dealing with the massive battery which there are currently very few places that will accept them and regulations to deal with them (sorta like those pesky CFL's and all that mercury!!)