

Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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I've actually been doing some research of vaccinations this past month for my book.... so I will give you some of what I have found.

Basically, I do believe that vaccinations do cause autism. Being deficiEnt in vitamin D can make everything worse but people have been deficint in vitamin D for a very long time and autism is new, over the last 20 years. Now understand that autism is at rates of 1 in 75 males in some states. 1 in 150 in others... This is a new disease

In my pediatric nursing work.... I have encountered a number of cases of autism and seizure disorder that the families believe were caused by vaccine, mostly because the onset of the condition was within days of the vaccine that caused unsual fever and lethargy, if not outright seizure. Statistically, if the stats are right maybe I should have seen one case, but I saw several that caused dibilitating and life threatening effects. I saw one young man die from a polio vaccine from gualliane barre syndrome and the docs talked about the vaccine causing it. They had no doubt and on his file it was written as such.


Some of the following is not my own words, and you will not be able to tell because when I write on my mac I use a color coding system to point out to me when I am quoting other authors or where a reference is needed etc, It is a work in progress and in incomplete...


For the fourm


To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate

Vaccination is a drug therapy that tries to control contageous disease. Since all families are required to if not actually receive the vaccine, they must make a determination on its value and necessity. It has become a formidable and important tactical approach to dealing with disease. The question is, is it the right choice for you and your family, and are the companies that provide the vaccines providing safe products that are well tested.

Throughout history humanity has suffered, endured and survived plagues, often with great cost to individuals, families, nations and cultural development. In the 18th century western culture discovered that smallpox plagues could be mitigated through building immunity by exposure to the smallpox plague toxin, which initiated the dawn of inoculation in the west.

Smallpox was the first serious disease to be controlled and eventually eliminated by the method of inoculation. The origin of this immunity enhancement technique is uncertain but it was brought to Europe, and hence the United States, from the Muslim world, out of Constantinople, though the observations and courageous experimentation of several European individuals. It is not known for how long the Muslims of the Orient knew and used this procedure but it was a common procedure and well received in the Middle East by the time Europeans observed the work in the Mid Nineteenth century. These pioneering individuals, and I will mention that one was a woman, Lady., after close observation, dared to cross the conventional medical thinking of their time. They risked their own lives and that of their families as well as public ostracation and condemnation sometimes to the point of physical attack, to move forward the art and science of inoculation.

Originally the smallpox vaccine required in incision on the arm or thigh with the puss from a small pox lesion rubbed into it. A smallpox wound would fester, sometimes to two-inches or more in diameter resulting in a mild case of the disease with hopefully less than 50 poxes. These pox did not tend to scar badly and the whole ordeal would be over in about 14 days. The inoculants would then have lifetime immunity. Most, but not all people survived inoculation.

Smallpox has now been eradicated world wide and the last recorded case was in 197. This inoculation has saved humanity from 12-year cyclic smallpox plagues that brought death and devastation to almost all households for as long as man has memory. Although vaccination with the small pox was not successful for all, to most people it brought a rapid course of the disease with few pox and a satisfactory recovery. With a death rate from the disease at about 25 percent most people were willing to take the risk of the approximately 2 percent death rate from the inoculation. Populations increased and communities prospered after the vaccine found favor. Pox scarred faces were common from both the disease and the vaccine in the late 1800s and a blessed sign that you were a survivor and henceforth immune and would have to fear for your own safety no longer. The 20th century brought modified inoculations that had fewer side and effects and death with a shorter and vastly milder case of the disease. People who were born before 197 will carry the single smallpox vaccine scar on their shoulder, usually smaller than a dime.

Today our pharmaceutical companies have spent countless millions and many years trying to quell the other lesser devastating diseases and they are getting close with polio. Right now the only polio cases reported in the United States are caused by the polio vaccination itself. Mexico still has occasional localized epidemics as it has been much harder for their public health services to provide vaccine to everyone in rural areas and areas stricken with poverty and overpopulation. Due to the massive immigration of Mexicans into this country it is still a significant concern to the Centers for Disease Control in the United States.

This is all the good news about vaccination. Now we will get into some of the bad, and highly controversial issues regarding the 17 vaccinations that children are required to receive in order to attend school in most states.

When a baby is born its immune system is not fully developed. It is susceptible to many of the diseases that an adult just passes off with little consequence when exposed to them. In order for a childs immunity to be optimum it is in the best interest of children to be breast fed, as this is the best way that natural immunological factors are transferred from the mother to the child to protect it from illness until the child develops all its own immune potential. In our hurried modern culture this is even more important because babies are now often exposed to a multitude of people and their diseases through daycare at a very early age. Mothers should do all they can to provide breast milk to their developing babies up to at least one year even if they must pump their breasts and freeze the milk for them when they are working. If you can manage up to one and a half years of breast feeding that is all the better but any length of time breastfeeding will provide benefit for the child. It is just a matter of how much benefit and for how long. Primitive cultures, from which we have evolved from and only recently in the measures of time have recently deviated from, most often breast fed their children up to about three years old, providing that child the greatest insurance, even if unknowingly, of a healthy and strong start. To deprive your child of breast milk is borline abuse, although not done intentionally to harm, the consequences can be severe especially considering how poor the alternatives are for a developing body. Soy formulas and cows milk are notorious for causing allergy and they provide absolutely no immune defense. Babies were not meant to drink these substances, as they are too foreign in nature and many dairly products are fortifited with female hormones of unknown and possibly ill effect on a growing child.
So most times a breast fed baby will be a healthier baby and this is a good defense against infection in the early years. Although it may not prevent all infection it provided the child with a healthy and stronger immune system at an early age that will help the childhood diseases result in a more positive outcome with life long immunity afforded.

But our culture insists that we try to do more and more we have been doing for quite some time. Pharmaceutical companies produce a wide variety of vaccines that are given to our tender young children that are untested and long-term effects are unknown. Often these vaccines are for diseases that are not in our environment or are so common and inconsequential, such as chicken pox you just have to wonder what the motivation is.

Regarding the chicken pox vaccine first. This vaccine (varicella) is one of the newer ones available. For a long time it was only available to immunocompromised children. Children who if they were exposed to the full force of chicken pox just might die from it. In my opinion all is well and good with vaccinating children of this sort. They very well may need the extra protection. But when it comes to vaccinating the whole population for chicken pox you just have to ask why? Most children get the chicken pox and have for time immemorial. It has never been a feared or dreaded disease. Few require medical care when they go through it. Having the pox gives a lifetime of immunity. You will never get the chicken pox again, guaranteed. Out of those children who do get the vaccine about 8 to 9 out of 10 receive a good immunity, yet some will still get chicken pox when it comes around, although their cases may be lighter and they say the children will get less than 50 pox.

Both of my children had naturally acquired chicken pox and neither of them had anywhere near fifty pox, and it was the same for myself when I was a child and for my husband also.

Now that the chicken pox vaccine has been on the market for a while studies have shown that the protection that the vaccine offers is short lived resulting in people getting chicken pox later in life. Teenage or adult onset chicken pox can be severe, even life threatening. Many adults who get chicken pox end up in the hospital. So now the medical authorities want you to get a booster at around age 6, as a teenager and then again as an adult. How long into adulthood? No one has answered that question that I can find. But I suspect that if you never had naturally acquired chicken pox and only the vaccine you better keep at it your whole life and hope it works well for you. Remember, some of those who have been vaccinated still get the pox. This is a very serious disease for older people. Studies indicate that vaccinated children who do get the pox are usually older and have a more serious case.

Remember, chicken pox can cause sterility in older people and even death(UNJSURE. (REFERENCE NEEDED)There is absolutely no indication that having the chicken pox vaccine will protect you from shingles later in life. In fact repeated exposures through booster shots may make that possibility even worse. The verdict is out. No one knows what will happen but we do have millions of test subjects now, some of which might be your child.

My recommendation is to allow your child to have naturally acquired chicken pox. In the old days when the chicken pox came around that was pajama party time. Families wanted to have it and be done with it all at once if possible. They did not have an artificial fear of the disease created by media and drug companies. They were more in tune with reality.

Now on to pertussis, more commonly known as whooping cough. Pertussis is a bacterial infection affecting the respiratory tract. It can be severe and even life threatening for children under three. The younger the child the more serious it can get. The older the child the better the outcome. It has been common knowledge in the medical profession that there is a slight risk that the pertussis vaccine will cause seizures. It is advised that if you child ever had a seizure that they should not have this vaccine. As a nurse I have met several children who have developed severe and life threatening seizure disorder and resultant mental incapacities from the relentless seizures. Statistically, and if the statistics were true, it would have been unlikely that I even met one, but I met three. In all three cases the family reported that seizures came about within just a few days of vaccination. All three children became part of the vaccination compensation program, that in recent years has been greatly reduce. In other words if your child is damaged from a vaccine its tough luck for you. There will be no money to help with the debilitating results and the costs of medication and therapy and anything else you may need to try to correct or restore balance.

There is now a new pertussis vaccine that according to the Utah State Department of Health causes fewer side effects. It is called the acellular vaccine. Of course we would all be interested in a safer vaccine now that they have ruined thousands of children with the old one. I say the verdict is still out. This vaccine requires 4 doses starting at two months old though 15 months then a repeat when school starts. 3 to 4 doses are required to protect the child so with this schedule your child is essentially not well protected during its most vulnerable time, in the first year of life.

My son had a febrile seizure when about 4.5 years old. I chose to vaccinate late and he had not yet had any vaccines. At this point he was also well out of the danger zone for whooping cough. When I figured out that it was not recommended to have the pertussis vaccine if a history of seizure had occurred I opted out of the pertussis vaccine due to the febrile seizure he had had. Then when it came to my second son I lied (a fine white lie) and said he had had a febrile seizure also. There was no way in hell I was going to put that stuff in my kids after what I had seen. I only wish I had been more proactive and educated at that time because there was more that I could have done to protect them from vaccines.

Much later there was a small pertussis outbreak in Salt Lake City where we were living when the boys were in high school. It was the first time I had ever heard of one but it turns out that whooping cough has about 3,000 reported cases a year nationally, at least back in 2003. I chose to give them several doses of the homeopathic pertussin preparation over the course of several months. We did not see or hear anything further about the outbreak.

Because the pertussis vaccine comes with diphtheria and tetanus in the same shot they never got those vaccines either. The risk of getting diphtheria and tetanus is just about nonexistent. I didnt feel it was justified to place foreign adjuvants cultured in animal tissues along with toxic heavy metals for a disease that there was close to 0 possibilities of them acquiring.

If you do not have pertussis vaccinated children and you have a very small child it is advised that the mother get the Tdap vaccine, as 50% children seem to catch whooping cough from their mother. For a long time adults could not receive pertussis vaccine due to the serious complications it may cause. I guess this new Tdap is their answer. If I was concerned I get this vaccination and keep my infant and all the other children away from daycare centers if an epidemic were happening. Pertussis can be a serious disease for small babies and hospitalization may be required. For children three and up most kids pull though at home just fine. But you do have to think strategically. What would happen if an older child brought the disease home? Each family dynamic has to be weighed carefully. Of course if the child has a history of asthma or other significant disease the weight in favor of vaccination increases. In adults pertussis may appear just like a bad cough that takes a little longer to go away than other coughs. Average amount of cases reported in 1998 are three cases per month for the state of Utah with Idaho having a somewhat higher rate. You need to weigh the risks in your community and family and decide what is the best choice for your children. Again, boosters for this disease may be required when older but whooping cough for older people is not a significant disease. The risk lies in passing the disease on to an infant.
Death may occur in one in 200 children under the age of one year.

Salt Lake County Health Department had very little statistics recorded in their searchable data on whooping cough/pertussis data only 1998 and 2005 and the 2005 report only offered that a small epidemic was still occurring. It seems that record keeping is not their thing or they dont want to share it with the public.

I have talked already about the polio vaccine debacle concerning the SV40 monkey virus, the cover up and the shipping and distribution of contaminated vaccine among children of to third world countries and the continued administration of contaminated vaccine in the US even after it was ordered to be destroyed. The pharmaceutical company was. With this kind of track record how could anyone trust them to inject anything into their children?
Provide reference

Trivalent Vaccine MMR

German Measles (rubella) is a mild disease that generally causes no significant problems in children. It can cause birth defects in unborn children whose mothers become infected. The best defense it to have this disease as a child as it offers lifetime immunity.

Measles (rubeola), also called the 7 day measles is a serious disease for the very young and for older children and adults. It may bring about ear infection or pneumonia. In teenage males and adults it can cause sterility. Those who do best with this disease are between the ages of 5 and 10. Again, having the disease provides a lifetime immunity.

Mumps, a viral disease, is most common in ages 5 to 14. It causes swelling of the salivary glands and parotid gland, fever and headache. One third of those infected will have no symptoms. It can cause hearing loss, meningitis and swollen testicles in pubescent males and older. The vast majority of children who have this disease weather it well. It was common when I was a child.

The MMR vaccine (Trivalent MMR) is given at one year and 6 years of age and some communities upon entering junior or senior high school require boosters.

When I lived in Dallas, Texas in about 1996 there was a small 7 day measles epidemic in Duncanville amongst high school students. It was pretty bad and about 100 students got it even though they had been vaccinated against the measles. Some children ended up in the hospital and had a rough time. No one died or became blind to my knowledge. From this epidemic came a local panic. It now became clear that the MMR vaccine did not afford immunity to get a child through school never mind a lifetime. Upon entering Junior high school, which was 7th grade, the school wanted us to have a booster so we did as requested. This booster was just for the 7-day measles. My sons, now age 22 and 25 are likely now vulnerable to the measles again. I do think the pharmaceutical company has us just where they want us, needing a booster every 8 to 10 years.

When I was a child my girlfriend got the measles, I do not recall what kind but I was sent to her house to spend the weekend. I never did get the measles but I did have a titer done at around age 32, and it seems that I am immune, either naturally or from my contact with the disease that weekend so long ago.

When I finally did get my children vaccinated they were about the ages of 2.5 and 5 years old. I decided to do it in preparation for a long trip into Mexico that would take us into likely some very unhealthy places. Neither of the boys had ever had a vaccination or any kind of shot. I knew that I was immune to measles. I decided, foolishly at the time that I would get the vaccine also, only to show them that they could be brave and do it to. I got the vaccine and then the boys and we headed to the car. But the time I arrived at the car I had pain coursing all through my hands and legs. The pain continued for over a month and was much like what arthritis sounds like in the literature. I had to take daily does of Ibuprofen for 6 weeks before it went away, or should I say before it faded. I have had problems with arthritis ever since that day, on occasion so severe that I wondered if I could continue my active work as a nurse. It was crippling to my knees. My husband had to make dinner because I could not stand for more than 10 minutes. I went to an orthopedic physician who advised me to see a rhumetoidologist. Fortunately I soon after found natural products that returned my mobility but periodically I still have to take that same product as it tends to reoccur. Vaccines do damage to your immune system, either overtly as I experienced, or covertly, presenting in a vast array of immunological disorders, those diseases that really have no etiology.

Before the MMR vaccination the frequency of adverse reactions to vaccination were much lower. Also before the MMR there were actually fewer other vaccines available. When you look at the vaccination schedule for a young child it is clear to see that they could possibly be overwhelmed by foreign materials in such a short time. Their immune systems are undeveloped. They are young and new to the world and if they are more susceptible to diseases why would they not be more susceptible to all the additives in these vaccines?

There is a relatively new vaccine out called the PEDIARIX which combines 5 vaccines in one shot. It has diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B and polio. Then there is also the D-T-aP, which combines 3 separate vaccines, and the polio vaccine, which is composed of 3 different viruses so that one is really 3 vaccines, rolled into one. A baby can receive 5 to 7 different vaccines at the 2, 4 an 6 months of age. The pharmaceutical companies have been combining shots so the families will not have to whiteness so many shots given and to reduce the number of office visits. Instead if eliminating shots that are not needed a deception is perpetrated that creates the illusion that real protection is provided.

Dr Sherry Tenpenny, who reviewed the reports on the studies made on the PEDIATRIX vaccine that came out as a result of a study on children at the UCLA Center for Vaccine Research said the following:

Various combinations of vaccines were given to 400 children who had been divided into four groups:
Group A received 3 doses of Pediarix + the HiB (H.flu) vaccine
Group B received 2 doses of Pediarix + HiB;
The third vaccine was [DTaP + HepB] + oral polio
Group C received 3 doses each of [DTaP + HepB], IPV (injectable polio), and HiB
Group D received 3 doses each of DTaP, HepB, HiB and oral polio
The conclusion? The researchers found that the antibody levels of each of the vaccines were nearly the same in all groups, therefore, the use of the pentavalent combination vaccine will greatly reduce the number of required injections during the first 2 years of life, thereby simplifying the immunization schedule, enhancing compliance and facilitating acceptance of additional injections engendered by introduction of newer vaccines.[3]
That sounds like proving convenience, but not proving safety.
If the [DTaP + HepB] vaccine looks unfamiliar to you, it is because it is. In this study, five licensed vaccines and two investigational combination vaccines (also manufactured by GSK) were evaluated simultaneously.[4] The FDA appears to be granting permission to compare one experimental vaccine to another. I wonder if the parents knew that their children were being used as truly experimental subjects? This type of research goes far beyond what can possibly be defended on scientific grounds and borders on being criminal.
The same study further concluded that there were no vaccine-related serious adverse events in any group after any vaccine dose. But if the study is read carefully, evidence to the contrary exists:
Two subjects withdrew from the study because of serious adverse events that were determined by the safety monitor to be unrelated to vaccination. One subject in Group A was diagnosed with a seizure disorder 14 days after the first immunization. Another subject in Group B had a neuroblastoma detected 6 weeks after the first immunization. Six other reported serious adverse events involved hospitalizations for bronchiolitis/pneumonia (4), meningitis (1) and apnea (1) and were also determined to be unrelated to vaccination.[5]
Why is it that whenever an adverse event occurs during the course of a vaccine clinical trail, that event is never related to vaccination?
Every consumer should ask to read the package insert on every vaccine, but be sure to read this one carefully.[6] Here is a partial list of the additives, adjuvants and contaminants:
VERO (monkey) cells -- potentially containing the SV40 virus incriminated in several different cancers, including leukemia.
Bovine extract, bovine casein and calf (bovine) sera -- It is common knowledge that bovine blood products can be contaminated with viruses, and bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is the one most often contaminating fetal bovine serum.[7]
Formaldehyde -- a chemical that has caused cancer in laboratory animals and may cause cancer in humans. There is no known threshold level below which cancer risk does not exist. The World Health Organization recommends that exposure should not exceed 0.05 ppm (parts per million).[8]
Glutaraldehyde -- a toxic chemical that is used for cold sterilization of medical and dental equipment. There is no Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) permissible exposure limit. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommends that exposure to glutaraldehyde be under 0.2 ppm.[9] (TOM: reference)
2-Phenoxyethanol -- the chemical name for antifreeze, the vaccine contains 2.5 mg of this compound.
Thimerosal -- this mercury compound is used in the production of Energix, the hepatitis B fraction of the vaccine. It is used during the initial manufacturing process and then removed by a process using cystiene. However, up to 12.5ng (nanograms) remain.
The vaccine also contains these substances: neomycin, polymyxin B, polysorbate 80 and less than five percent yeast protein. The instructions on the package insert caution to shake well before administering and describe the vaccine as a turbid white suspension consisting of the many particles in the solution.
Is this something that you would want to have injected into your arm? Into your babys arm? Dont bet on it. The long-term studies on combination vaccines will most likely prove that the biological warfare coming through a needle is just that: war -- on the immune system.

Please read the package insert for PEDIATRIX

I suggest that you visit this site to answer questions that I may not have addressed. Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education:

If you decide that you or your family are too vulnerable to go with out vaccine for the measles I suggest that you spend a little extra money and actually get tested to see if you already have immunity. There is the possibility that you already do and you therefore could bypass the vaccine and all its untoward potential negative effects.

I also suggest that you get not the MMR, but find a doctor who will assist you in obtaining the vaccinations separately. If it were me I would skip the mumps vaccine entirely. Separate each vaccination injection by at least 3 to 4 months. That will give the body time to deal with the immune system shock and hopefully also the toxic adjuvants. These two approaches, although they take more time and more money should eliminate most possibilities of a severe reaction.

And all this does not include my notes on the hep B vaccine. This one is really really scary and it is a long story that I will have to save for another day. Absolutely do not get the hep B vaccine

3. To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate
a. Considerations to base your decision
b. the increase of autism
c. other damages to the immune system
d. The polio SV40 virus
e. adjuvants. What are they and why you need to know.


Jul 12, 2008
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Nebraska Sandhills
Mackay - well written! :thumbsup

I have two wonderfully un-vaccinated kids, neither of them have allergies, no asthma even though it runs in the family on my hubby's side, no learning or developmental delays.....

(got to run - one of those kids just hit his head bouncing on his bed!)

I personally think there are a lot of parents out there who have had their kids vaccinated, before looking into it, and now when they start to think, they steadfastly refuse to believe the vaccines could be dangerous, and they perhaps did something that could or did cause harm.
I know it woul dbe hard for me to admit I was wrong or I didn't do my homework before going ahead with something like that, even though we're trained and fed into the system from little kids ourselves.

We then have the pressures of school and society to get up to date on vaccines, and see everyone else doing it! Nobody stops to questions what doctors do or what they suggest we do to ourselves and our children.
Doctors and pharm companies are not looking to cure anything, that wouldn't be good on the bank account. Imagine if they really tried - really to cure cancer, or asthma or whatever - thats MILLIONS they would lose out on. MILLIONS! They don't want to cure or prevent anything, they want to keep you coming back again and again.
They never ask "why did this happen" "How did this person get Cancer? WHy?" they don't collect money to find that out. The collect money to find a "cure" or "treatment" nobody wants to know WHY. . .. (well only a few)


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Yep,, I'm one of those people. I was told that my ks had to have their vaccinations. My son had his scheduled vaccines until he was 3 and my daughter had her last ones at 17months. I am pretty sure that I won't be getting any more.

Thanks for all the info.....Mackay, I didn't know you were writing a book?


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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In about 18 states you can opt out of vaccines. Texas, being the most recent, after a long hard fought battle.

This site will tell you where you stand in your state.

Many schools do not have staff that are educated on the opt out options. When I put my kids in school in Utah we had to get cranky with the school as they were demanding vacccine records. They were not open to even being re-educated on what the state law was..... well I tell you, they know now, at least in the schools my kids went to.

So you have to watch out as they will try to intimiate you regardless of the law.

Then when my son went into the state university we had to get pushy again as they were demanding documentation.

They have no motivation to teach the law because they are pressured and brainwashed to move vaccines.

Oh btw, Lori, I never took my kids to well baby checkups. They never went once. If you are intelligent and observant any mom will know when there is a problem that needs checking into. That being said, as a pediatric nurse, I have promoted well kid checkups for some families. :/

I didn't really get around to addressing adjuvants in the above ... although mercury has been removed from most all child vaccines it still remains in the flu vaccine and one other that I don't recall right now.

What does remain of considerable concern is aluminum.

I am not of the belief that mercury is the cause of the autism problem. It is not the heavy metals in the vaccine causing the neuro damage. It is the assault to the immune system by the injection of a multitude of live and dead virus, and unknown virus found in the animal serums that the vaccines are cultured in. This assault damages the whole immune system in some people. Lessor effects are likely occuring that may not be dectectable in other people yet affect their overall intelligence and capacity for leaning and social skills. These people will appear normal but are not meeting the capacity or potential they were born with because of these damages. Remember, these are called spectrum disorders as there is a wide variablility of severity. The least severe is not measurable, yet the individual will not meet thier god given biological potiential.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Basically, I do believe that vaccinations do cause autism. Being deficiEnt in vitamin D can make everything worse but people have been deficint in vitamin D for a very long time and autism is new
My son showed signs of autism BEFORE he was vaccinated and sun screen and staying out of the sun is VERY as in the last 20 years. Sorry. I disagree with this completely.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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Millions of kids barely saw the light of day in the 70's and 80's. Not much different than today.

Many things could cause autism as there is plenty of toxic stuff around to do it. Vaccinations is only one.

BTW, if any choose not to get the measles or mumps vaccine and then end up getting the disease, the disease is easily cured with injections either IV or intramuscular with vitamin C. Because this has always been so easy for naturopathic doctors to contend with these diseases it would be wise to have a connection with one.

what vitamin c can do for measles and post mealses complications.

For my self, knowig how to use vitamin C to bowel tolerace is really all that is needed. Now there is the new Lipsomal form of Vitamin C which can bring on very high blood levels of vitamin c (equal to IV administration) with an oral pill. It should be part and parcel of every home emergency kit. for vitamin c

There is no better immunity to these diseases than having had them. You will not need a lifetime of drug therapy to keep them at bay


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Millions of kids barely saw the light of day in the 70's and 80's. Not much different than today. We were outside ALL of the time. Back in the 70's and 80's your parents would pack you a sack lunch and kick you out the door telling you not to come inside until diner!


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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Maybe in your neck of the woods but not mine. New York City, 9 million people, spend little time outside.

Ditto for Dallas, they are so paranoid there no one lets their kids out, and so it was in the early 80's when I did midwifery work there. You could go up an down suburban streets all day long and not see one kid. To dam hot in the summer and too cold in the winter, and god knows, the kidnappers and rapests were everywhere... and to some degree that was true.


Power Conserver
Apr 29, 2010
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I had to weigh in on this, as I have spent a lot of time over the last three or four years researching vaccines. The most important thing for the OP, and anyone else to do is find out as much information as you possibly can, from as many sources as possible. Find out what your rights are, and don't give them up. Whichever way you decide, you probably won't ever be completely at ease with your decision(if you are anything like me, ;) )

It is purely anecdotal, but in my own experience; I was diagnosed hypothyroid within a year of receiving my hepB series. When I went into nursing school, I didn't have a record of my childhood vaccinations, which I had taken, some more than required because of lost records :/ . So instead of tracking records down, I got them all again. (Yes, I was pretty stupid then). Now(10 years or so later), I have a connective tissue disorder, they are not sure which one, so they are calling it undifferentiated. This is another autoimmune disease. I just wonder how much of my trouble is because of the vaccinations.

When I found out I was pregnant in March of 07. I started researching vaccines, as my brother nearly died from a vaccine reaction as a baby, and had long lasting problems because of it. He would just stop breathing while he slept, my parents would have to jostle him to get him to start breathing again. I think that lasted until he was 7 or so. Needless to say I wanted to be very careful to do the right thing when my baby was born, thankfully my husband agrees with my choices. That has made things easier. Our daughter is 2 1/2, and she has never had a vaccine. I let them give her the vitamin K after she was born, but not the hepB. She has been sick three times. When she was a 1 1/2, she got an ear infection that was discovered at the dr. That was the first time she ever got sick. Since then she has had a stomach bug, and a cold. She is very healthy, and very smart(of course I am not biased, lol).

The main things to research and consider are: human fetal tissue used in developing and/or producing vaccines; National vaccine injury compensation program(sounds like a joke, right? unfortunately it is real, find out how much they pay out each year!!); disease occurence in countries that did not vaccinate(mirrors decline in countries that did vaccinate, suggesting that it may not have been the vaccine that caused the reduction of those diseases. Just read read read, all you can get your hands on; then make the choice that you can live with.
I still question my choice at times; but my doubts are ones that I (and my daughter) can live with.

Sorry for such a long post, but hope that helps someone.



Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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I'm sorry to hear that you had a problem with hep B vaccine but you are not alone. Many many people have had problems with this vaccine.

A number of years ago while I was researching vaccines I came across a document on the internet from Claussen Labs which is an independent research lab. They had determined that the Hep B vaccine would lead to diabetes in children if given to infants. They were very upset about it and they were trying to educted the government, pharmacies and doctors about their findings, imploring that if the vaccine were held until the child was older,, and I do not recall their recommendation but 6 or 7 seems to enter my mind, that the risk would be avoided. Currently and at that time babies are receiving hep B vaccine before discharge from the hospital at birth.

If you do not want your baby to have it it you better keep screaming it loud and clear when you are there in hospital. It is so routine that errors have been made and kids have gotten it when they were not suppose to.

So I wonder about this new diabetes epidemic we currently have. I see no reason that the nutrition of kids in the 80's was any better than now. Having raised my kids in the 80's I can clearly testify that the food was just as crapy as it it now. Many of my kids friends never saw home prepared meals. Yet over the last 10 years we are seeing more and more diabetes in youth. Could Claussen Labs been right?

I have tried and tried to relocate that document and it seems to just have disappeared, I know I didn't dream it because I read it several times and had it stored on my old computer that is now gone to a virus.

I am a nurse and I have been lied to so many times I just get spittin mad. Hep B is a serious disease but not the killer they make it out to be. More nurses need to read up on exactly what it is all about. I have refused the hep B vaccine more times than I can remember. Risk for getting it as a nurse is very low if you follow your precautions. Basically you would need an injection of the blood into you, that would mean a surgical slip up or needle accident.

I came acorss a nurses testimonial on her hep B vaccine and I have it somewhere. Will look for it and post it for you.

I do think that the vaccine compensation program is either now closed or will close soon. They are on a huge campaign to get off the hook from poisoning people and the government does not want to pay anymore. I feel very bad for DR Wakefeild. He is being burned at the stake.

Another place to watch out for vaccine problems is if you are in the military. My neighbor got very very sick from vaccines she received in boot camp as did the other women who received them with her. It damaged her kidneys in some way and since the age of 20 she has been on blood pressure medications that a 60 year old would take, very high dosages. Her blood pressure was fine before this vaccine. Now at her age of 50 I read all the cardiac damage that is written into her physiology from this. She comes from a family with no cardiac issues.
Of course many many military personel have died from the vaccine experimentation placed upon them, much of it happened in the gulf war.

How can anyone trust an industry to put drugs into their children that would manufacture for and participate in such evil doings? How can a corporation draw ethical lines when they have no ethics at all?
Merck is the epitome of evil in my book, and they are equal to Bayer.

Just a reminder, as I already posted this, current vacccine count for kids up to age 3 is 17.

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