Vitamin B-12 Injection or a Shock, Anyone?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
My mother went many months before she was properly diagnosed. She had multiple things wrong with her. I wish I had kept a journal at that time because it was extremely interesting.
It is highly possible that she might have benefitted with a transfusion also.
When I was giving her weekly injections, she was in a terrible condition. We did that for months, until we decreased.
It only costed her 13 dollars for 2 oz of the serum, which lasted forever if you only taking it once a month, but I must admit that her first year, went fast, due to the frequency of administration. When Momma told me about how often she would need the injections, I was glad she asked the doctor to give her a prescription for the serum......she would have had to drive 45 minutes to get to the hospital to receive a shot I could give her in a minute, while we drank coffee.
Daddy told me to take all Momma's meds away, so he doesn't get it mixed up with his. She had some Bcomplex tabs. She had spoken to me about the SL tabs, but she didn't feel they worked very well. Fortunately I'm a bit healthier than her.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Attention origional poster: I appreciate your approval of your vitamin B12 injection. In fact, it was consuming my mind, so I decided to communicate with my medical people and get a little one time dose of B12 myself. Its now been over 24 hours. Okay, my feet are not happy with you at all, but the rest of me can keep going for a while. Unfortunately my yard is flooded and continues to take on water, but I have gone out in the slicker suit and feed everything and checked on all my projects. Ducks and geese don't mind the weather at all. Well, I spent most of the day inside, filing papers galore that had stockpiled on top of my filing cabinet and thining out the files. I have about 15 Lbs of paper to shread and put in the nesting boxes from previous years and I've done away with 18 files that are no longer relevant, just from my top drawer. DD 6 has been my little helper and has been feeding the shreader. I have also, as a result come across paid bills that are due back to me because of DH qualifying for medicaid, following his heart attack, so thanks to my increased energy, I am looking at getting a really nice check in a few weeks. It was getting really late but I felt the neighborhood kids won't be showing up today, so I made my DD 9 start her school day. About to get DD 6 to get started too (thats my wild child).
Next time you feeling awesome, please come back and visit us and let us know why you think you feel awesome and what you took, so we can decide if we want to give it any consideration.

so lucky

Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 30, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri
:lol: OK Rhoda, now is when we need to have some valerian tea.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
I'll be growing that eventually, if its possible to grow in bayou lands. I bought for $143 in seeds this year, most of which were herbals. Don't think valerian was on that shipment though. Have some tablets though. I'm still feeling more alive than usual....I assume you are also getting the job done. I swear, if I can take 3 or 4 of these injections in a years time, I might actually have a homestead running like clockwork. But I don't guess I can hope for that. Maybe I'll just take Momma's Bcomplex tablets when this stuff wears out.

so lucky

Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 30, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri
You can buy sublingual b-complex that comes with a dropper at big-mart. Might be more effective than tabs? I still have energy, but the weather lately has joints protesting loudly.
I was reading up on shingles, cause the chiro mentioned that the pain in my shoulder and neck sounded kinda like shingles, but no rash. The article said that b-12 injections are used for shingles. Supposed to help the sheath around the nerve shaft to repair/grow. That's probably why he gave me mine. My neck has been so sensitive I have had to stop wearing the little necklace/chain I have been wearing daily for two years. (sentimental-from a friend)Also, my bra strap feels like it is made of thumb tacks.
I must say, tho, that the pain is a little less intense for the past 3-4 days.
Glad you have energy, Rhoda. :woot I don't see why a doc wouldn't give you an injection a few times a year. You may have to go to one who practices some aternative med stuff.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Yep.....still at it. What a day, what a day, what a day. Tried taking a nap, but I knew my kids were playing with the neighborhood kids and they are the smaller ones, so just couldn't sleep, cuz of my over active imagination. Rescued my araucana projects from the mud with newspaper and shreaded paper and then picked blackberries and in comes the little boy a few doors down with an injury to his toe......all the kids were saying,"Here is the nurse!" So I called his mom b4 taking care of the problem to make sure she had no objections. Multitasking in the kitchen right now. Got a few hours before I have to go to work, so maybe that B12 will pull me thru until my off time.