Vote to stop NAIS


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
:lol: Are you serious it got locked? I have been out of town all day. (Went to have Christmas at my mom's.) I haven't even seen it. I'm sure it's absurd.

There is so much of this "I think this way and you must be stupid if you think something else" over there. It's like third grade all over again! :old

This is something that is very important to me. I don't like the idea of government intrusion. The only purpose it serves is to make us more dependent on them and make them more capable of taking and monitoring everything we have and do. And when that is the case, I am always against it. period.

On the other hand, I do have a reason to be paranoid lately. :hide I've had two instances in the last month when an "official" vehicle drove through my circle drive (at the end of a long private lane) very slowly and deliberately. One time, it was a sherrif and one time and unmarked car. John said he knew it was law enforcement because of the nine antenae sticking to the trunk.

I can't image what they are looking for. I figure, either one of my neighbors is running a meth lab or they found out about that mattress tag I pulled off. (It's not what it looks like, I swear!)

So, 'scuse me for being a little jumpy! :ya



Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
I will tell you this....the first time I researched NAIS on the USDA site, it was very extensive and told about all the regulations, the tagging, the tracing....even fish!

I just looked at it again, a year later, and it is very brief and does not expound on anything! No real details about the paperwork proposed for taking animals off registered premises or about what animals would be required to be tagged.

The first time it had a whole list of it shows little thumbnails of cattle, pigs, horses, sheep, goats, no waterfowl, no exotic animals, no fish....where did all the juicey details go? :rolleyes:

In other words, the public is on a need to know basis...the Too Much Information Act rears its ugly head! :/ :p

Folks on the BYC, who are just now hearing about it ~how in the world that happens, I don't know..visiting other planets, were we?~were wanting some facts to support the proposed directives. Well, we can't provide these facts anymore because, apparently, they are not on the site for public viewing anymore. :)