WA HOO FarmerChick


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Tony off to the feed store with Nicole to get anitbiotics/wormer. Then off to Verizon. He wants to upgrade his phone.
then home to work the goats

I have to clean the pool
already finished a huge batch of soaps
doing the laundry from camping
unloading fridge from camper
mow to the max everywhere
etc etc etc

ahh, quiet house, yes I can get alot done now! :)

Hubby is foaming at the mouth to upgrade the camper. Ugh. I like this camper but he keeps chatting about 'what is next to buy' and that could mean trouble LOL---but have to save to buy a big old new truck first. truck getting old so that comes first. I told Tony to stay the heck out of any rv sales center when he went out today! :p

beautiful and HOT day...gonna hit 100. the usual. goats look hot too, well heck everyone is hot LOL

good thing is Tony has only 1 day of work tomorrow then off his 4 usual days...so he can help get alot of the camper organized again for my next trip in a few weeks to the beach. Can't wait for this beach trip. Have to get out my metal detector because I feel a big diamond ring is waiting for me lol

so off to get stuff done
hope everyone is enjoying the hot hot summer!
I have a few left over brews from camping...hmmm..getting close to lunch, might be time to crack one open HA HA....ugh, gotta get out of vacation mode now darn it! :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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kinda cloudy out but hot

gave the goat a big old injection of anibiotics and she seems to be better. the sore under her tail is drying up and not as swelled so I think I got it fast enough....she is eating fine etc so I think we are on the mend. I hate when I have a sick animal ugh lol

nothing much doing. some light yardwork, mowing, work on a few other things, chores

Nicole is bored! :) OMG that drives me nutso haha...but in a bit we will swim and play. right now I have to get some stuff done....so off to get it done!

everyone enjoy their day!


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Hey karen. More camping?? Wow, I am so jealous. A diamond ring huh?? I'll take one of those.

You need to have Tony wait until the end of the season he will find a much better deal on the RV.

Have a great day.



Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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oh yea Gina I am reining him back from buying for sure...now isn't the time. I need those RV centers to be darn near in bankruptcy before I make a deal :lol:

yea I am so going to try for diamond ring #2 with the metal detector. My little goal on vacation. Tony's is to catch that whale of a fish, mine is to hit a great find detecting....Nicole, well, she wants to play as hard as she can only HA HA


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Good day

cleaned pool
going swimming in just a bit
got some extra camping laundry done

Tony off work today and needs to mow in a bit but he says he feels cruddy...hmmm...he has literally been in bed all day....hmmm...I am on the fence to tick him off to get the heck up and do something, but then again, I know a day of rest won't kill anyone so I could just leave him alone...hmmm....:p

should have gone grocery shopping but not in the mood....no good coupons, nothing on sale I really need but they have great fruit deals and I need fruit so tomorrow I guess....ugh--the mundane of shopping gets old ya know.

needed to hit the bank and deposit but not in the mood to drive.....haha...I think the vacation caught up with me...in that blah blah, don't wanna move mood today! :)

other than that, not much doing. so hot outside, doing any projects just don't seem worth the heat.
oh well it can all be done another day right?

off to ramble around and do whatever and have some fun.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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off early and running :)

Grandma took Nicole to breakfast, I threw her a $20 to buy a toy. She needs a new toy for her friend sleeping over Fri. night, and since I haven't bought her anything in a long time I caved. (usually now I say, Santa will get that, so close to the holidays!) works still LOL

hit the post office
hit the bank
hit the dollar store
hit the grocery (where I did not do well on savings this time, no coupons to match much but shopped sales only so....bleck)
store took forever it seemed, in no mood to shop lol---home to unload which took forever it seems

went thru freezer and threw some stuff and defrosting some stuff for dogs and cats.
(note, must use stuff faster and not freeze so much lol)

laundry and soap batch time coming

other than that swim time. SO HOT outside it is scary hot ya know

everyone have fun today!


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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easy day

going out to breakfast in a few. we eat late lol
can't eat early ever.

then off to walmart to return a table and chairs Tony bought for Nicole. I wanted a square table, he bought a round one.
hmm...when someone says pick up a square, and they get a circle, is there somethign wrong with them???? :lol:

Nicole's friend Emily coming around 2pm for a sleepover tonight. usually girly stuff but I will have them swimming mostly and poop them out and lay them down with a movie and they should be out like a light pretty early, even tho Nicole is saying she wants to stay up til 12...yea right, not after all the swimming I am going to have them do HA HA

so off to hit the road.

everyone have fun today! :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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well hit the stores yesterday and Nicole's back to school is almost complete. Just basic new clothes and all that list of crappola but I kept it under $250 so I was happy with that....come closer to winter I will get her some new pants etc cause wow she has long legs and will need new stuff...the kid grew LOL

sleepover last night.

we went swimming at about 9 pm and the girls had a blast for "swimming in the dead of night"---BOooooooo lol

but at 9:30 the chicken houses a road over decided tonight was cleaning the chicken houses after the load was removed earlier.
OH MY GOsh the stench....floated over the pool and we gagged and had to run into the house LOL

truly I am never used to the clean out stench. it is foul, or fowl, or huh? HA HA
it is such a concentrated stench I always must leave the outdoors and head inside. good thing the smell clears fast etc so....but the kids never experienced it to that level...lol

then into the house and I bought 2 craft kids for making sticky moasic art. oh man it kept them busy, a quiet, working busy....WEEeeee

they kicked off around 1AM, I didn't get to sleep til about 2.........yup, super tired and have that DUH factor happening today.

I think hubby and I are going to load them up and we are going to check out a toyhauler camper that caught are eye at an RV center in the area...only about a 45 min. drive to it. should entertain the kids at least running around checking out campers. Will get breakfast or lunch out somewhere.---then back home to have the kids swim for a while...seems like a nice hot day again!

other than a few chores, I am going to move very slow this morning LOL

off to stumble around and get things moving. ugh, gonna be a long day I think and a late afternoon nap, heck, 4 hr. sleep is in my picture today

everyone have a great day!!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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hit the camper store. the one they had didn't thrill me. too basic. Only one model on the lot so it sure didn't help me get too many info on toyhaulers. So am going to slowly start checking into models etc that might suit us. I want a toyhauler definitely but they start so basic, no frills kinds, and I want frills LOL

RVOutlet in Danville Virginia has TONS of toyhaulers, one of those superstores for rvs. After back to school is settled and our next beach trip over Labor Day is finished, we will take a weekend camping trip up to Virginia just to check out this store and see what is on the lot.

Emily left about 4....boy those girls were tired. We swam a bit, but they barely wanted to swim...lol..everyone's eyes were closing.

Off to Mom and Dads at the lake today. Just to goof off.

Cloudy outside with some rain last night....want that rain to stop and the grass to die! :) Mowing so much and usually by now the grass is brown and not growing and no mowing...this summer I have mowed and mowed and that stinks LOL

nothing much doing. off in a bit and hope everyone has a good day!


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
easy breezy day for me

dropping Nicole off at her friends house for most of the day

then I hit the road and have 2 retail stores to deliver soap orders and I love these sales, big checks, never can go wrong with big checks LOL

then home to make soaps and usual chores...other than that, not much.

goat is well improved, she is back to her old self again beating up everyone in the herd....that pencillian perked her right back up.

off and running in a bit

everyone have fun today

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