Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
I had an extremely productive day!!!! :weee I LOVE working with R! We got the compost all dug out and hauled into the greenhouse to begin mixing and planting. We got the front yard cleaned. Moved the dozen pallets over behind the garage where they will be stored till we need them. We got all the yogurt up away from stupid dog who keeps dragging it out. Got the rain barrels filled with the bins I had been using to catch rain, and got those bins moved to plant taters in this year. We gathered up all the limbs in the yard and burned them, along with a lot of boxes from the yogurt, soda boxes, etc. and last but not least we took down a tree in the front yard. THAT was hillarious! :lol: I broke the ax head off on the second swing. Well that poor tree was so dead, I hit it again, and noticed it broke out a sizeable chunk where the head originally landed. So I was teasing R about just chopping it down with the handle. He laughed at me and said go ahead then, so I proceeded to whack it a few more times just to be silly...it was actually working :ep So, we literally finished cutting the tree down with nothing but the handle! :lol: DD has it on video. We got it down about halfway, and just pushed the thing over :gig That should have came down a long time ago :p I was going to get it several months ago, but for some reason woodpeckers had decided to build their nest there, so I left it for the time being. I had no clue it was THAT far gone though.

we got several more things done around here, but I couldn't tell you now what they were :hu We just worked all day in the yard and actually worked well together and got a pile of chores knocked off the to do list for the Spring. I also did a little cleaning and a LOT of cooking. We were working so well we didn't realize it was almost 2, so I came in and fried us a hamburger for lunch. I made spaghetti for dinner with some frozen tomatoes from last year :drool I needed to make bread, but I will do that in the morning. Today was such a gorgeous day i hated to waste it inside!!

We may be the ones cleaning the neighboring property :D The job is supposed to pay pretty good, and we already said we'd help. The guy will let us know when they are going to get started. I gave him a business card this morning. I think he finally rolled out of there around 5. He changed all the locks and put a lock on the gate. I CAN'T WAIT TILL THAT PLACE IS CLEAN!!! Pinkfox has seen it, it is BAD! I'm glad we were able to get everything out, but it really is messed up. We have already cleaned a good bit of it, simply because stupid dog has dragged a bunch of it over to our yard :p

Anyway, that was my day :) Hope everyone else had a blessed day too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Maybe you should send that video into AFV! Maybe you could get $10,000 for it. :cool:


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Denim Deb said:
Maybe you should send that video into AFV! Maybe you could get $10,000 for it. :cool:
Yeah, what made it so funny was DD's banter in the background about we were crazy and it'd never work and then when it went down OMG IT WORKED! :lol:


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Forgot to mention DH officially begins his new job Monday. We're so broke right now :lol: He hasn't worked to speak of in almost a month :hide

So, I think tomorrow we will have to haul a couple loads of steel, and see what we can sell. It'll likely be two weeks till he gets his first check, and the house payment is due tomorrow....ermmmm...not happening :p The day he should get his first check is also the day we should get the tax refund...AFTER we really need it, but at least it'll be there then :lol:


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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We got utterly drenched last night, so no hauling steel today. When it's THIS wet, we can't get the cart back to haul it out, and if we get it back there we just get marred up in the mud coming out with it :/ School is out today it got so bad here. A smaller town, in this county, had damage to the elementary school, and we have several backroads flooded out, especially up Pinky's way. DD is mad they called school off...dunno what makes it anger worthy, but she'll be on the warpath all day unless I threaten bodily harm when I get enough of it :p I think I'm gonna get one of those stupid payday loan thingies to get us through, I hate those loan shark places with a fiery passion, but....I'll pay more out letting the house payment be late than I will in interest on the scammer loan, and at the moment I see no other way. :hu Still haven't made up our minds how to best utilize the refund, so it's getting banked until we decide for certain. May just sit there. There is only a few things we actually NEED right now anyway. I hate money :p It drives me nuts!

We plan on getting the back yard cleaned up a bit today. Time to break out the muck boots, and hit it soon. I also need to build a bigger brooder for my little monsters out there. They are RAPIDLY outgrowing the one they are in right now! I have a few options, and will get started when we get back from town. Still trying to call some of these places and find out whose blood samples and DNA they'll require for a loan :lol: Must. get. moving.... :p

Hope everyone has a blessed day! :frow


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Well so much for THAT idea. Nobody does tax anticipation loans anymore :lol: We all seem to have such faith in our gooberment these days, I'm not really suprised...

Oh well...I guess they can wait :p

Gonna TRY to pull out some steel...maybe we won't get stuck too bad :hu