Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Oh man my back hurts! :lol: I have half the truck left :/ Watermelons. And not just any watermelons...usually the pallets hold 35 per box, these are so big the melon count is only 28. HUGE and HEAVY! We got a few odds and ends as well, but mostly melons. I had to haul the trailer this time, so I got more than usual, and nobody wants watermelons right now :/ Go figure :p

PIIIIIINKKKYYYYYYY.... :D I need to give you some of these monstrosities! ;)


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
People here are just ending the watermelon season and are burnt out on them for a while. I did get rid of most of them. The rest of them are nasty anyway, and a bunch of the tomatoes are nasty....they came off the truck that way. I teased my Amish buddies and told them I was gonna market them as Amish tomatoes and try to sell them to stores. They asked me why they had to be Amish tomatoes and I told them go look at them, they're all growing beards, they MUST be Amish :p I had some of those guys rolling. They're so much fun :)

Bestest most precious part of the day today? Meeting hubs at the door after work :love :love And second only to that, I got to hold a sweet sweet newborn Amish baby boy :love Nothing in this world is sweeter than a baby kiss!!! He was soooooo adorable! And get this...his sister would NOT take a watermelon for him. I offered. I offered a whole box. She drives a hard bargain :lol:

Today started school again for the older Amish kiddos. I got there just as they were heading off to school, and B's kids wound up nearly being late picking at me ;)

The biggest disappointment was a road crew blocked my way down my regular road to one of my stops....twin girls born last night to my other Amish friends. BOTH girls weighed in at over 7 pounds! :th Never heard of such BIG twins! Bless their mommas heart, they were her first pregnancy too UGH! She had them at home, but then had to go to the hospital to get checked over and didn't get home till late last night. I'm planning a special trip to see them tomorrow and check on mom though and congratulate the family that I didn't get to see today. I did get to talk to her mom and brother :)

Oh, and I stuck my hand through a watermelon :lol: It's a good thing I carry wipes with me everywhere :sick

Tomorrow is twins visit, picking the garden down the street, hog feeding down the street, tossing watermelon remnants over the fence to the cows, and tomato remnants to the chickens, and I have to get bread made, along with ranch and mayo, and need to try to do some canning and house cleaning. I have company coming next month, and a loooooooong way to go to get this place halfway presentable. It seems like every time a mess gets cleaned another 15 gets made....never. ending! I also have to get okra put away since we haven't sold it, and tomatoes, and I need to pick the gardens here. I'll have peppers to put up next week again, and.....I dunno what all else I will have going tomorrow. I thank God he didn't give me any more produce this time!!!!!!!! I would have died! :p OH, yeah, and I have shopping to do tomorrow as well. I'm planning a mad crazy coupon run with a bunch of freebies on my list.

I got orders today for produce and chickens too that I need to be looking at trying to fill, and I have turkeys hatching and 500 quail eggs set. And quail eggs are all over the place. Those birds spit out more dang eggs than anything I have ever seen in my life! Need to be pickling some more of them SOON! So, I can add that to my lengthy to do list too. I might get half of it done ;)


Jun 27, 2011
Reaction score
I get tired just reading about your days!!! I hope you take a little time to rest this weekend!!!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Whew....weekend is over. We had market this weekend, still haven't broke even, but we're getting close to the mark! This weekend was slow, we got soaked midway into it yesterday with sideways rain that blew in under and all the way across the section we were in :/ That was a little frustrating, but we stayed, and beat out all the quitters on sales since we were some of the last to leave :D The afternoon cookout went pretty well, it was mostly dry :lol: We had a bunch of family over, and ate like we never seen food before :p

Today was fun, we took the kids swimming. we were going to go fishing, but eh...rain again and the pool is closer. It lasted 2 hours before the rain hit, so since we had to cut it short we took the kiddos for milkshakes and came home. They were tired anyway...and so am I.

Tomorrow...more house cleaning, canning, laundry, cooking, and general kitchen prep and such. I plan on drying some tomatoes and stuff and I have to make bread again.

Happy Monday folks! :frow I hope everyone had a terrific and safe holiday weekend!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Sounds like a good weekend - except for all the rain. Good plan to stick it out at the market. Hopefully soon you'll be seeing a profit!

We got rain and my goodness, the things that grow best after rain in my part of the country are.... mosquitos...ARGH.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score

I picked ten gallons of okra 15 gallons of tomatoes and a gallon or so of peppers :th I'm beat!

I don't even know nor will I pretend to have a clue as to how many I have cooked down for sauce. I lost count at ugh I still have to go pick okra :p I have a few gallons of sauce though and more tomatoes waiting for the pot tomorrow.

It looks like our unemployment will come through in the next few days so I can get the bills caught up FINALLY! Thanks to our state rep and the governors office who got on it and got the ball rolling AS SOON AS THEY RECEIVED MY COMPLAINT! At least part of the government still works :lol:

DD bought her a car!!!!!!!!!!! :weee :weee I'm a proud momma! She paid cash, that SHE earned, for her new ride :D I found her a GREAT deal! We went and picked it up this afternoon. It's a 1998 Ford Taurus, clean, no dents, no torn interior, nada. Supposedly there was a huge issue with the tranny, but it seems pretty minor, and should be not too expensive to get fixed, even if another has to be put in. The guy wanted $600, I talked him down, and she got it for $450. IF the tranny has to be replaced, it's still only about a $1300 vehicle. It did fine on the way home today, 35 miles, only hesitated/slipped when starting out. So first gear is the issue, the other gears were fine. Reverse is perfect. I don't see it being a huge issue myself. Rides like a dream, will get decent gas mileage, and is not a tiny little crackerbox death trap should she hit a deer or something out here in the boonies coming home from work at night. V-6 won't get as good mpg, but she will be safer in a slightly larger vehicle. I am SO PROUD of my lil mean teen!!!! :D :D :D :D She is a little bit happy too ;) but just a little lol!

And with that quick fast and in a hurry update I am off to bed....and may sleep in till about oh...next month :p

Later folks! :frow