He was so funny...he had to cross the road to get a running go and fly up to roost on the house...he missed by a mile this time He used to hit the corner of the roof, and has hit the window too..I think he was special. I'm just glad he never broke the window, he was a BIG Muscovy...BIG! Whoever hit him was speeding, there are feathers for about 30 feet, but his body was pretty intact. He must have just been grazed by a vehicle
Cab service is up and running again Anyone need a ride?
I got DH to work, DD to school, got the animals fed, and pulled some weeds. It's short break time, then working in the house for a while. THEN gotta round up the family later and go get okra and tomatoes IF this rain holds off....we shall see I suppose.
I wish my Ebay auction would hurry up and get over so I can wrap things up and go to bed. I just need to know if I won the item or not so I can pay and they'll have no excuse to not ship it tomorrow. *sigh* I'm tired