Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks ladies <3 Ya'll have no idea. RARELY do I ever lose it, but today, as soon as hubs walked in, I teared up. It has been a miserable day, and I was SO glad when he got home!! I crumbled as soon as the pressure was off just "me" this afternoon. I wanted to crawl in bed and toss the covers over my head and disappear, but I cooked that sweet man some dinner instead :lol: Tonight has been better, thankfully. Maybe some rest will take the edge off as well. I hate losing animals. I try to not let it show so much, but some days just hit like a ton of bricks. Today was one of those days. Poor bully boy :( He was a sweetie right up till the end, nuzzling my hand when he wouldn't even eat anything...he loved to be petted. He had the perfect temperament for a bull. *sigh* Now there is just "burger" and "roast beef" left out there....I wonder what giant dumb oaf with no personality will taste like :rolleyes:


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Ahhhhhh, so sorry.:hugs No matter how long you've been doing this and no matter how much death you see - some of them little critters just worm their way into your heart. Rest, my friend - you deserve it!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Something woke me up at 3 a.m. I have no idea what, but I got up and piddled for a few hours, did some bible study, and went back to bed about 6. I got back up around 8 and fixed me and hubs some bacon and pancakes, and now he is asleep again :lol: It's raining here, I have a headache, and he is having allergy issues sneezing and feeling poor. Bless his heart, he can't get a peaceful simple lazy day off lately....I hate it for him :( At least I got a good breakfast in him. Probably skipping lunch though. It's already kinda late for that anyway. Leftovers are for dinner, the fridge is getting packed like it was when Jamie was here :p I didn't think we'd ever get through all of that, but we finally did!!

Not doing anything today. I did notice at the house next door, they brought out a dumpster to start cleanup...I hope they have a couple more of those dumpsters on reserve...that place is totally trashed inside and out. The real estate agent dropped me a card while Jamie was here and was ranting about it :hide He exaggerated a bit, but it was mostly true. I could use a dumpster here too sometimes.....but not quite like that :p I can't wait till they get it cleaned up and the grass cut!!! It's actually a decent looking place, but the inlaws never kept it up or gave it much effort. They rarely even cut the grass. It'd be well over knee high before they'd consider cranking the mower and then they just cut paths through for the kids to not get snake bit :rolleyes: Maybe we'll get nice neighbors this time :) If not, I'm moving :p I've quit being civil with people who aren't nice to me, and I'd rather have no neighbors than snotty troublemaking gossipers(which I am gossiping right now actually...:p ) like we have had in the past. Yeah, i'm a bit judgemental, but it happens sometimes when you breathe air and have a pulse. I don't have time for that mess anymore. So I hope NICE people who mind their own business come along or it stays vacant!!

Anyway, nothing going on here. Just sitting listening to the rain and thinking about stuff....

I hope everyone is having a good day! :hugs


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Been a weird weekend so far. Worried about a friend. Trying to get things done. General maintenance, blahblah...crap weather. I did get to talk to my Kentucky kiddos today :D They're so silly, wish I could squeeze them!!!!!! Gotta get the kiddo from work shortly. She'll be happy, her new clothes came in the mail today :) Maybe tomorrow will be better. Today has just been kinda funky, not particularly bad, just odd. Everything feels kinda off balance between the highlights if that makes any sense :hu

I hope everyone else has had a good Saturday :)


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
I hope today starts a better week for you! I hate those kind of days where you just seem a little unbalanced - no wait - I'm always unbalanced! :lol:

But seriously, hope you have a wonderful Monday!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
The general unbalance was apparently a cold coming on. I physically felt fine for the most part up until about 11:30 Sunday morning at church. I got light headed and weak all of a sudden and had to sit down. I sure hope I didn't share this mess, because I am STILL sick, and we have a lot of elderly, babies, and pregnant moms at church. I am slowly getting over it, but this has been the worst cold I have ever had in my life. Lots of congestion, chest and nasal, and lots of achy weak stuffiness. It has felt much like allergies, but has really kicked my hiney. I ran a low grade temp for two days...think I was working on a sinus infection at that point..but it disappeared as quick as it appeared both days. Only ran a temp for a couple hours each day. I never took anything for it.

The kiddo has been on Fall break this week, and has been VERY helpful!! Once I got past the contagious stage of this crap, we let her boyfriend and niecey come over. There was so much I wanted to do with them this week too :/ I have barely poked my head out of the house all week. We went to the store yesterday to get a couple things, and that wore me out. Something about not being able to breathe taps your energy :lol: Anyway, I think the kids have had a pretty good break anyway :) We have done movies and junk food smorgasborg the past couple nights and they all seemed to enjoy it. I think DD and Spiderman(the boyfriend)had as much fun doing dishes together as they do watching movies :lol: I love to hear them two nuts in there messing with each other, and cutting up, and laughing :) I'm SO thankful for them doing the dishes too!! They have even cooked a couple nights! DD is supposed to go out with a girl friend to a movie today, and then Spiderman is coming over before he has to go to work. I got a house full of kids :) Niecey has been engrossed in Spyro games most of today. I usually don't allow her to play this long, but...she's being good, and having fun, and taking breaks from it to do other things so....I'm letting her go with it. We're just having a laid back kind of week here :cool:

MIL called DD the other day, first time in forever. She was supposed to go visit her sometime this week, but I don't know when she is going to try to, or if....I guess I should remind her to at least pop in and say Hi or call her. I had to remind her to call her back the other day :rolleyes: Their relationship has been kinda weird lately with DD not wanting to encourage much interaction. I think MIL thinks we are keeping her away, but...it's DD's decision. MIL still thinks we wouldn't allow her to go on vacation this year with them, but the truth is, DD didn't want to go. Older DD and her DH were going, and DD doesn't get along with them, so she wanted to stay home. Family....can't live with them...can't kill them. What do ya do? I know what I'm gonna do....let it ride :p

In other news.....it has gotten COLD. No more Fall weather, we seem to be skipping headlong into winter and I still have not gotten my greenhouse fixed *sigh* I had planned to have DD help with that this week, but the poor kid has been taking my slack instead since I got sick. I'm gonna have to figure a way to make that up to her....maybe send her out to the movies with a friend, my treat, or buy her something she has been wanting...something. I dunno, but she has been a little angel as far as it goes, not fussed about helping or anything. She has been feeding the animals, cooking, cleaning, everything for several days now....so, yeah...she needs some recognition. I love that we have a good relationship now. She's STILL a teenager, don't get me wrong, but I just never thought we could be HERE...and I'm grateful for it :)

Anyway...I seem to be rambling now...delirious from lack of oxygen perhaps :p Hope everyone has had a good week!!! I'll catch ya later :frow

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