Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Good grief, the pool would sit there until next season if that's what happened to me! LOL More power to ya!!
YAY for winning in court and getting stuff paid off! That feels SO good!!

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
Reaction score
Hellooooo.... Again.... Where are you? Hope you're busy in the garden and with your niece and all is well!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Man it has been a busy busy few weeks and not showing signs of slowing down any time soon. My life will get saner in September. I've sealed the deal on a job, back to construction, and I can not wait!!!! But I have to lol! At least I won't be throwing myself back into the worst heat of the summer. Anyway, my business is picking up, entertaining guests, social activities have picked up dramatically, work has picked up with my regular 9-5 job, garden goodies are pouring in, and upkeep has gotten to be a bigger chore fighting aphids and squash bugs....whew...I need a vacation! Speaking of, my guy is planning us a getaway soon so I will have one before I go stark raving mad maybe. Life is whizzing at warp speed right now and I'm just trying to hold on to the merry go round so I don't go flying off face first. I finally went to my first NASCAR race...took my brother and my niece last weekend...seems like it was last month..anyway, we had a good time and did some sight seeing along the way at a winery where I got a nice bottle of local wine I have yet to pop the cork on because I can't handle life with a buzz right now. My stress level is still through the roof, but I'm managing it fairly well kinda sorta not really but that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Anyway, that's where I've been...neck deep in a million projects and problems and blessings and everything in between. Thanks to those of you who've sent me messages along the way, I miss y'all too!!! Maybe...MAYBE prayerfully hopefully possibly God will see fit to help me with some of these loose ends flying in the wind that I can't seem to latch onto to tie up and I'll get a break sometime soon. But for now, I'm riding the tsunami just trying to stay on my board and avoid any debris!! I'm wobbly but I haven't fell yet=BIGGEST BLESSING...and honestly I'm grateful for the action. Y'all know if you've followed my journal that my life is either mountain or valley....I'm not even sure which I'm on at the moment because I haven't really had time or the inclination to look up from where I am to assess my location...I rather think maybe it's a mixture of both lol...so anyway before I ramble any more than I already have...welcome to my chaos and I'll catch up with everyone when I can! Meanwhile, hug someone, crack a joke, but someone coffee, mow someone's yard, something, anything, everything, to make someone smile because smiles make the world a sweeter place to live!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
*deeeeep breath* ahhhh, off for the weekend. I'm going to plant my hiney in a spot and sit in super glue for the day and read a book! I'm tired. My alarm woke me even though I didn't need to get up this morning...forgot to shut it down...but I'll take this opportunity to start my book since it's quiet and it's never quiet here! Niece wakes up and the loud will begin. I may go to the park and walk today too, but mostly I'm gonna practice my slug impression lol


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
That is wonderful idea - wish I could do the same! Gotta figure out how to get a visit in to my dad this weekend. Gotta do that 'fathers day' thing while he's still around. Soooo - read a chapter in that book for me!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
I'm exhausted. I can't keep up with the garden. Community garden has turned into "I'm done you can have it all" garden and I can't waste food y'all....I just can't. Up to 80 something pints of green beans, 30ish pints of tomatoes, not sure how much squash, Shelly beans coming out my ears, and speaking of ears...corn will be a nightmare next week, okra is overly abundant this week, and peas will be in in two weeks, which I will be GONE all that week on vacation and get to come home to it lol.....I'm gonna kill myself trying to just pick it, much less all the processing and my job too...at least the Shelly beans are dead after this picking. I have a few dozen pints of those canned. Peas will likely be the end of me though. THIS is why I have been nonexistent around here. I JUST learned to can...and I kinda want to unlearn it at the moment :th:thI'm NOT complaining per se....but I AM overwhelmed. And I have beans, Shelly beans, okra, tomatoes, and corn to pick today to can/freeze tomorrow. I can't eat/freeze/can it or give it away fast enough to catch a break :lol:

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